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  1. Beef + Lamb NZ - EiC - A N Burtt - Economic (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 327 KB]

    2 IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the...

  2. ENVC Hearing 27Jul15 WML suppl evidence John Leman [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    G://Projects/4208/Reports/4208R08A.doc Before the Environment Court at Auckland ENV-2013-AKL-000174 In the Matter of the Resource Management Act 1991 And In the Matter of Notice of Motion under Section 87G requesting the granting of resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Limited to establish a marina at Matiatia Bay, Waiheke Island, in the Hauraki Gulf. Supp...

  3. Ward v Maccol Developments Ltd [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...are these: [8] Maccol settled the purchase of the property at 12 Ngataringa Road, Devonport, in or about November 1995. [9] The Council approved the subdivision of the property at 12 Ngataringa Road, Devonport, under section 223 of the Resource management Act 1991, on 14 February 1996. [10] On 25 March 1996 the Council issued a building consent to David McKenzie for the construction of the Owners’ dwelling. Work on the Owners’ dwellinghouse commenced on or about tha...

  4. Proactive release - Electoral Amendment Bill and Referendums Framework Bill [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Source: Electoral Commission 16. To support the Commission to manage enrolments on election day, as well as the delivery of multiple referendums, additional funding will be needed. This funding will allow the Commission to increase its resourcing to manage the risk of queues and delays in voting places on election day. The concern about delay is because electors who apply to enrol on election day will need to complete an application to enrol form with their personal and co...

  5. Houlbrooke (2011) Categorising the environmental risk from land application of liquid wastes based on soil properties [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...holding capacity, structural vulnerability, soil structure and water logging vulnerability. The relevant information required to categorise each soil type into the FDE risk framework on the Wairau Plain was obtained from the Landcare Research SMap Resource, as mapped by Lynn (2004). Further information was also derived from Land Resource Inventory and the National Soils Database (both databases maintained by Landcare Research Ltd) and mapped by Newsome et al. (2000) as part of the F...

  6. Recommendations Recap Issue 15 [pdf, 453 KB]

    ...that alcohol is a depressant and anxiety can be made worse by heavy or frequent drinking and can contribute to depression. For that reason, getting help with one will often help the other. IV. The Ministry of Health website has a number of resources and suggestions of ways people can seek help for their alcohol and/or drug dependence issues. Note: An order under section 74 of the Coroners Act 2006 prohibits the publication of any photographs taken of the deceased in the inte...

  7. Director of Proceedings v Oceania Care Company Ltd [2022] NZHRRT 8 [pdf, 923 KB]

    ...residents, to consult Oceania’s Clinical and Quality Team about whether to admit Mr A. However, they did not. Oceania further stated that had the Team been consulted, it would have asked the facility either to decline admission or state the additional resources it would require to care for Mr A appropriately. 24. RN B explained that the DHB’s Older Persons’ Mental Health team often considered that it was more suitable to transfer a person with dementia from a home-based care situati...

  8. Regulatory impact statement: Review of family violence legislation [pdf, 300 KB]

    ...government agency can adequately respond to the wide range of inter-connected and concurrent issues it raises for individuals and families. A key challenge for government is ensuring that the responses of multiple agencies are well coordinated and resources are used efficiently and effectively. 11. The Ministerial Group has found that ad-hoc decision making and investment has resulted in a disjointed and fragmented approach to service delivery, with little evidence of successful impact...

  9. OIA-101880.pdf [pdf, 9.7 MB]

    ...spread of hate speech. Clearer and more accessible information on the complaints process would help complainants to navigate the system. 14. The proposals for strengthening the statutory protections against hate speech are likely to have cost and resource implications for the HRC, the Police, the Tribunal and the courts. We will work with these agencies to identify the potential impacts of the proposals before proposals are taken to Cabinet. Background 15. In June 2019, you informed...

  10. RIA: AML/CFT Expiring Regulations [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...ML/TF risk and only provide services intra-group are inadvertently left out by this exemption. These reporting entities have turned to Ministerial exemption application for regulatory relief from the Act. This has resulted in a substantial amount of resource-intensive Ministerial exemption applications. To date, we have received 7 individual Ministerial exemption applications from 5 reporting entities. All but one has been granted a Ministerial exemption.13 These applications sought f...