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  1. Legal-Aid-lawyer-Provider-Manual-updated.pdf [pdf, 302 KB]

    ...( 8 Providing legal aid Grants Handbook The Grants Handbook is a useful resource that sets out our policies relating to legal aid in detail. Use the grants handbook to learn more about legal aid applications, eligibility, assignment, reassignments, fees, payments and more. We encourage you to r...

  2. Cooper v Hamilton Pharmacy 2011 Ltd (Strike-Out Application) [2017] NZHRRT 38 [pdf, 439 KB]

    ...much the same circumstances. [58] It is submitted there is every opportunity for the different courts and tribunals to pronounce differently on the facts and on the same or similar issues. [59] The defendants also refer to the substantial judicial resources which will be occupied as well as the significant consequences for the parties. Those consequences include the fact that witnesses will be required for each proceeding, despite not being directly involved in the dispute. There wil...

  3. Provider Manual for legal aid providers - DELETE [pdf, 415 KB]

    ...( 8 Providing legal aid Grants Handbook The Grants Handbook is a useful resource that sets out our policies relating to legal aid in detail. Use the grants handbook to learn more about legal aid applications, eligibility, assignment, reassignments, fees, payments and more. We encourage y...

  4. Gisborne District Council v Hautapu – Tātarahake No 1 (2013) 27 Tairawhiti MB 295 (27 TRW 295) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...that the report presented to this Court by Ms Girling- Butcher written by Mr Tony Wazel for the Waitangi Tribunal did not refer to the area as wāhi tapū. [38] He then considered cases where the Environment Court, acting under s 6(e) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (“the RMA”) has had to consider wāhi tapū issues. That Court’s approach is to (a) determine the meaning of the term in the context of the case, (b) assess the evidence, and (c) if it exists determine how to...

  5. [2011] NZEmpC 157 Heritage Expeditions Ltd v Fraser [pdf, 158 KB]

    ...judgment is being delivered long after the hearing. That delay, and the resulting inconvenience to the parties, is regrettable. The principal reason for that delay is the Christchurch earthquakes, which have impacted heavily on the Court’s resources and my availability to devote the time required not only to complete this judgment but also to complete judgments in other matters heard before this case. Costs [92] As Mr Fraser appeared in person, he is not entitled to an award of...

  6. Eppanapally v Zhou [2014] NZIACDT 118 (28 November 2014) [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...person’s control does not trigger professional disciplinary consequences is self-evident. The usual point of difficulty is what is controllable. Proper control often requires that a professional person maintain effective control over employees and resources within a practice. Regardless, there are occasions when professional persons are blameless victims of deception, or other circumstances, and that does not trigger professional disciplinary consequences. The grounds of complaint...

  7. Transcript of speeches KG Smith [doc, 91 KB]

    ...including misconduct, restraint of trade, industrial action, mergers, vicarious liability and workplace health and safety. So, obviously employment law is your principal area of practice but you also have experience in civil and criminal litigation and resource management law. Your Honour has many many years of court experience and you have appeared in a variety of courts and tribunals including the Fisheries Quota Appeal Authority, the full Court of the Employment Court and the Court of Appea...

  8. Phillips - Ahipara A4 (2021) 438 Aotea MB 10 (438 AOT 10) [pdf, 333 KB]

    ...meetings of trustees and no accounts. It appears no demands were ever made for Lorraine to pay rent although she has made offers to do so more recently as issues have arisen about her occupation. (j) Lorraine has relatively limited financial resources and has carried out modest repairs and maintenance on the home as she has been able. All parties agree that the homestead is now in need of significant work including repiling. In the more recent period Lorraine’s daughter and mok...

  9. Legal Services Agency closure & annual report 2011 [pdf, 976 KB]

    ...Activities during the year have focused on: • developing and starting to promote and distribute information about the Legal Services Act 2011 to specific audiences. For example, pamphlets for people with needs for legal services, an online resource for community law centres, and information presentations for providers of community advice • attending the Porirua Court Open Day, Te Matatini and the Pasifika Festival to provide information directly to the individuals, iwi and comm...

  10. 2017 NZSSAA 052 (15 September 2017) [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...for themselves.”6 [71] In proceedings before this Authority, the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development is the formal respondent in all appeals. Given that the other party is often a person who is vulnerable and likely to lack resources, the Chief Executive is given exceptional responsibilities to provide the information this Authority needs to make fair and correct decisions.7 In Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development v Genet Williams J said, at [...