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  1. 2020-09-18-EPA-PC1-PC8-Summary-of-Submissions-Report-UPDATED.pdf [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...September 2020 │ Status: Final │ Project No.: 310003192 │ Our ref: rOmnibusPlanChangeSumm_Fnl v2.docx Page 1 1. Introduction On 8 April 2020, the Minister for the Environment issued a direction under section 142(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) to call in the Otago Regional Council’s Omnibus Plan Change and refer it to the Environment Court for decision. The Omnibus Plan Change, also known as the Water Quality Plan Change, comprises: Plan Change...

  2. Sargent - Ngatekawa Block (2008) 126 Whangarei MB 134 (126 WH 134) [pdf, 658 KB]

    ...owners and holding the land for the hapu. I questioned them closely on this (27 Kaitaia MB 44): "Collrt: Yes but, having a block of land for the benefit of a hapu is different to what we have here. Now, it may be that you can use some of the resources for the benefit of the hapu by reason of what's known as the Maori Comnnmity Pwposes provision but what you can't do is tU/'l1 this tll/st in to a de facto tll/st for the hapu only and not to benefit the owners. Do you...

  3. Searancke - Part Pouawa 1 Subdivision 3 of Lot 2 Section 7 and Section 2-3 (2006) 164 Gisborne MB 247 (164 GIS 247) [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...did acknowledge that she had explored the option of subdividing the land. (161 Gis 160) She was also interested in exploring the option of establishing a fish farm (a non-permitted use) on the land. Mr Barber subtnitted that due to the zoning and resource management restrictions, the land could not be subdivided and therefore it was unlikely that much could be done with the land. The fish fatm idea would require consents and there was no guarantee they ,vould be granted. The alienatio...

  4. Heta - Taiharuru 4C3B (2010) 13 Taitokerau MB 203 (13 TTK 203) [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...owners’ aspirations. [30] As I say, I consider a hybrid partition to be a reasonable alternative to Mr Heta’s proposal. It is therefore open to me to dismiss the application. Ordinarily, the owners might then be expected to apply under the Resource Management Act 1991 (“1991 Act”) for a subdivision outside the purview of the Court. That would be expensive and time-consuming and invites some uncertainty as separate titles may not be approved. Given this Court’s responsi...

  5. Complaints Assessment Committee 414 v Deepak Goyal [2017] NZREADT 58 [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...cross-examination that he had a more active involvement in the development. He and Mr Goyal attended meetings with Mr Ragunathan, and he frequently telephoned Mr Ragunathan to discuss the development. Further, he signed the applications for resource consent. [17] Nor do we accept Mr Goyal’s evidence that he had no interest in the development until shortly before the sale of Number 11 was about to be settled. He lent money to Mr Grewal so that he could pay the deposits on th...

  6. KL v WS LCRO 160/2013 (15 June 2016) [pdf, 89 KB]

    ...substantial fees. However, taking the matters outlined in rule 9.1 into account I do not consider the fees charged were unfair or unreasonable overall. [77] The proceeding was complex and involved multiple defendants. A significant amount of time and resources were required to ensure Ms WS fulfilled her professional obligations to Mr KL. The matter was important to Mr KL. His freedom was at stake, and his financial position in jeopardy. [78] Ms WS advised Mr KL of her best guess...

  7. [2016] NZEmpC 175 Wikaira v The Chief Executive of Department of Corrections [pdf, 767 KB]

    ...Identify any other matters and information relevant to the allegation. [63] Ms Jones’s attention was drawn to the relevant parts of the Department’s “Responding to Employee Conduct and Behaviour Policy” and she was told that its Senior Human Resources Advisor, Sara Crabbe, would provide HR advice throughout the investigation. [64] The first meeting with the investigator (Ms Jones) was held on 17 June 2015. In attendance were Ms Wikaira’s lawyer (a specialist employment la...

  8. [2008] NZEmpC AC 9/08 Hardie (practicing as J D Hardie & Co) v Round [pdf, 63 KB]

    ...conduct of patent attorneys are effectively the same as for barristers and solicitors as indeed Dr Round was one. Although not attributable to his employer, Dr Round had previously suffered illness for some time that had strained his financial resources so that his position, known to Mr Hardie, was exacerbated by the summary dismissal. Dr Round felt compelled to register for an unemployment benefit and dreaded being seen to do so. Work and Income New Zealand required a full expla...

  9. Justice Sector forecast 2010 to 2020 update fiscal year ending 2011 June [pdf, 906 KB] be settling at around 400 per month. The Justice Sector Forecast for 2010/11 is that CPS will need to provide a total of approximately 32,500 reports (27,800 full reports and 4,700 short reports). To absorb the increase in volumes under current resourcing levels, CPS has undertaken to identify areas where information can be gained more efficiently without impacting on the quality of advice provided to the court. As a result of this work, from August 2010 CPS changed the way it com...

  10. [2013] NZEmpC 145 AARTS v Barnardos NZ and Ors [pdf, 185 KB] itself as if it were a separate client entity. This approach provides no difficulty as far as out of pocket disbursements are concerned. I accept, also, that to the extent that the tenth defendant has had to deploy its professional in-house resources to defend its own position, it has been unable to take on and deal with other fee paying work and so has incurred a loss of income. Is such a loss in these particular circumstances a “cost” covered by cl 19 of Schedule 3 to the...