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  1. LCRO 138/2015 AZ, VY and CX v DW and EV [pdf, 260 KB]

    ...existing relation between Mr BY and Mr EV who was Mr BY’s accountant. 17 [79] Ms CX advised the respondents by email on 7 November 2013, that an intense phase of preparation was about to commence and the firm could not “commit significant resources” to the file. That did not result in fees being brought up to date. [80] Instead, extensive discussions between Mr BY and Mr EV ensued, culminating in the Deed relating to payment of fees being signed on 21 November 2013....

  2. Juror Satisfaction Survey 2023 Results Report [pdf, 539 KB]

    ...(CAPI). Survey participants make a much greater commitment to participate with face-to-face interviews and the data is recorded directly from the mobile device (preventing double- handling of the data). Secondly, combining the two surveys would enable resources to be used more efficiently. This is because the data derived from the Juror Satisfaction Survey is not worth the yearly FTE it takes to produce. Merging the Court User Survey with the Juror Satisfaction Survey would free up m...

  3. [2008] NZEmpC CC 8/08 Butcher V OCS Ltd [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...plaintiff who: -has habit of taking chances & trying a smoke in out of the way areas -does not guarantee he will not be caught again. [13] At the conclusion of the meeting Mr Miller and Clive Menkin, the defendant’s general manager of human resources, agreed that the decision to dismiss the plaintiff would be suspended to enable Mr Miller to present options apparently as an alternative to dismissal. On 4 November 2005 Mr Miller wrote to Mr Menkin expressing the view that...

  4. [2021] NZEmpC 120 Lye v ISO Ltd [pdf, 285 KB]

    ...accept, that the work continues to be organised in the same manner as before. [24] The position reached between MUNZ and ISO was described by Craig Harrison, the national secretary of the union, and Dean Carter, ISO’s General Manager Human Resources. [25] Correspondence between the union and the company was exchanged after the last hearing and before the judgment was issued. In September last year MUNZ wrote to ISO stating a view that it would be inappropriate for th...

  5. Te-Au-Reka-and-Family-Court-Rules-Consultation-Paper-270923-v2.pdf [pdf, 387 KB]

    ...complete, engaging with courts and tribunals will be simpler, faster, and easier. Te Au Reka comprises modern digital capability in four key areas, as follows: • logistics management – supporting rostering, scheduling, and associated staff and resource requirements • content management – supporting the management of court information, including access and privacy settings • procedure management – supporting the application of the procedural process, including judicial...

  6. [2019] NZCAA 2 (26 February 2019) [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...cases. It appears the agent and the customs broker were involved in a number of similar matters, and the investigation is ongoing. I understand false declarations and underpayment of GST and duty occurred in the other cases too. Despite having the resources of Customs available, and being responsible for investigating what appears to be a serious fraud on the Revenue, Mr Muggeridge could not tell me whether there is a genuine group of XXXX companies. Accordingly, whether the agent...

  7. Maori Trustee - Waerenga-a-Hika Māori Cemetery (2017) 73 Tairāwhiti MB 16 (73 TRW 16) [pdf, 445 KB]

    ...formalised to reflect the fact that Wi Pere Trust, Te Whānau ā Taupara and Managtu Incorporation have been de facto trustees for some time; • Mangatu is willing to be responsible trustee, has been a de facto trustee for some time, has the resources to look after the urupā, and so is an appropriate choice for the responsible trustee. 73 Tairawhiti MB 31 [53] Section 222 of the Act sets out the Courts jurisdiction in respect of appointing trustees. That section...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 148 Poutama Kaitiaki Charitable Trust v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga [pdf, 338 KB]

    ...within a further 10 working days.12 Costs in the Environment Court As the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 does not contain any provisions relating to an award of costs, any costs applications are to be determined by s 285 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Under s 285 of the RMA, the Environment Court may order any party to pay any other party the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the other party. Section 285 confers a broad discretion. The Envi...

  9. [2010] NZEmpC 113 Service and Food Workers Union & Ors v OCS Ltd [pdf, 79 KB]

    ...tender process. OCS was announced as the successful tenderer on 28 April 2010. [4] Remarkably, in a commercial sense, the evidence for OCS discloses that it was only after becoming the successful tenderer that OCS first considered what staffing resources it would need to meet the contract specifications it had entered into. The evidence establishes that up to 80 per cent of a cleaning contract price is the cost of labour. It is therefore remarkable that it quoted for the Massey...

  10. [2021] NZEmpC 208 ABC v DEF [pdf, 315 KB] the Employment Relations Bill 2000 said this:35 In terms of problem resolution in employment relationships, a strong emphasis is placed on the prior resolution of problems by the parties themselves, who will have access to a wide range of resources, through information provision, structured or unstructured mediation and other services to voluntarily resolve matters at an early stage. Mediation is the preferred option at all stages, although it is recognised that some problems...