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8520 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 248 Queenstown Airport Corporation Limited [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    BEFORETHEEN~RONMENTCOURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO 0 AOTEAROA IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN Deci!i.ion No. [2018] NZEnvC 248 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an application pursuant to s 149T of the Act QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT CORPORATION LIMITED (ENV-2011-WLG-41 ) Applicant Court: Environment Judge J E Borthwick Environment Commissioner R M Dunlop Environment Commissioner D J Bunting Hearing: at Christchurch on 6 November 2018 Appearances: R J Somerville QC and R S Ward...

  2. Proactive release - Restoration and modernisation of Ministry of Justice properties [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...any change and mana ōrite ways of working should be developed and implemented • The system should focus more on preventing crime and rehabilitating people (and punitive responses should be proportionate and effective) • Communities want to be resourced and empowered to make change RE LE AS ED B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E 5 • The current criminal justice system needs to be improved but, at the same time, system-wide transformation is needed. 32. The physical de...

  3. Song v CAC 20008 & Clement [2014] NZREADT 54 [pdf, 55 KB]

    ...Those clauses are fairly standard but gave ample protection to the Complainant and his wife as purchasers in the context of this case. There were four clauses giving the purchasers 10 working days to have their solicitor approve title, town planning, resource management matters, and a LIM report; arrange finance; obtain “a Building Report/Structural Engineer’s Report”; and obtain satisfactory comprehensive insurance for the dwelling. There was the said further condition that the c...

  4. Richards - Karaka Huarua A and B (2010) 10 Taitokerau MB 94 (10 TTK 94) [pdf, 85 KB] take into account the cultural, historical and spiritual significance of the land. It will also need to take into account the land’s geographic limitations, particularly its steep and erosion- prone terrain, and any restrictions under the Resource Management Act 1991. The land has no road access and the return of Karaka Huarua B to a Maori reservation will mean that road access through that land is not possible – see s 338(11). Even if it were possible, it would likely be e...

  5. CAC20009 v Li [2015] NZREADT 48 [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...transaction. 17 This transaction came to the attention of the Real Estate Agents Authority as a result of a complaint by the vendor, Geraldine James. 9 William Souter Street, Forrest Hill – Purchase of Property by Ms Li 18 On 3 May 2013, resource consent was obtained by Ms Li, allowing the property to be subdivided. 19 On 21 May 2013, Ms Li listed the property for sale with Barfoot & Thompson, and Mr Li was the listing salesperson. 5 20 On 20 June 2013, the pr...

  6. Manning - Kirikiri Pawhaoa B2A1 (2010) 5 Taitokerau MB 234 (5 TTK 234) [pdf, 56 KB]

    ...grandchildren alive at Mrs Manning’s death. (b) The other half share was to pass in equal shares to the children of Daphne (who predeceased Mrs Manning). Again, there was a gift over provision. [12] Mr Manning no longer has the energy or financial resources to undertake the maintenance required to keep the land and improvements in good condition. He has moved to a smaller property in Whangarei but still spends two to three days a week at the land looking after it. Apparently,...

  7. Te Manutukutuku Issue 31 [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Waitangi Tribunal Appointments Editor appointed vironmental Law at Victoria and New Tribunal editor Dominic Hur- aims to bring a Maori perspective to ley (of Irish and English descent) resource management. brings seven years publishing expe­ rience to the Tribunal. He has a BSc in Geology. He will be responsible for managing production and edit­ ing of the Waitangi Tribunal reports, occasional publications and resear...

  8. [2020] NZEmpC 160 Van Kleef v Alliance Group Ltd [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...rounds; (b) Searched through Alliance’s electronic files in relation to the relevant bargaining rounds; (c) Had Alliance’s IT search across Alliance’s systems for search terms “Maria” and “Kleef” including searching across Human Resources documents, the Chief Executive Officer’s documents, and the wider electronic system; (d) Reviewed documents disclosed during the Employment Relations Authority investigation meeting, including those in the bundle of documents...

  9. NZCASS in an international context: comparing the New Zealand Crime & Safety Survey with other international surveys [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...that knowing about more crime was preferable as it is often more difficult to try and address crime issues that remain hidden. Questionnaire design differences As noted above, national-level surveys are developed with specific local needs and resourcing issues in mind. In addition to affecting the mode of the survey and the sample frame, this also impacts on the questionnaire design. Most victimisation surveys include screener questions and victim forms, but there are many differe...

  10. Zhang & Cao v Chen [2019] NZIACDT 11 (1 March 2019) [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...significant instruction in a complex area of immigration law and practice. That instruction had to commence with a serious review of the complainants’ circumstances. It required a significant evaluation of their business skill and experience, financial resources and the various immigration pathways that might have been open. It had to be accompanied by the drafting of an agreement for the provision of services by her which needed to take into account the support that might be req...