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  1. Evidential Overview for Christchurch Masjid attacks [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...public evacuated until this area was cleared by NZ Defence Force staff. Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) were also notified, and attended, as is standard practice when dealing with potential explosive devices. 4.26 This caused several Police resources to be deployed around the city for a significant period. 44 Document 2132. 4.27 By approximately 3.20 pm the individual’s Dunedin address had been identified and confirmed. 4.28 By 4.30 pm Armed Offender...

  2. Regulatory Impact Statement Vulnerable childrens bill child harm prevention orders [pdf, 234 KB]

    ...child or children, it may result in a complaint to the Police, and the Police then investigate the complaint and bring charges if there is sufficient evidence. Investigating this type of criminal offending can involve significant Police time, resources and technical expertise. 19. Once charges are heard by the courts, a person can be convicted and sentenced for the offence. The sentence may involve imprisonment, home detention, a community­ based sanction such as intensive su...

  3. [2016] NZEmpC 123 Henderson v Nelson Marlborough District Health Board [pdf, 229 KB] He did not see this question as inappropriate or intrusive, because it was part of a discussion with a senior manager to enable him to tailor the rest of the performance review. He explained that he asked because the answer would shape the resources the DHB committed to a senior manager. Had Dr Henderson said she intended to seek a job elsewhere after being awarded her degree, Mr Fleming’s attitude was that the status quo could be maintained for a time while she sought...

  4. Milligan v Robert Brown Developments Ltd [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...Claimant entered into a conditional agreement with RBD to purchase the unit that is the subject of this claim. [11] Stewart Ross Architects was retained by RBD on a time reimbursement basis to provide planning information, to assist with the Resource Consent process, and to provide such architectural services as were required to obtain a building consent and to enable the building 5 contractor to carry out the conversion and construction work. Mr Ross has described the serv...

  5. Case study on forestry - Recommendations Recap issue 4 [pdf, 316 KB]

    ...regulator; new workplace health and safety legislation; active engagement between government, employers and workers in developing regulations and codes of practice; strengthening worker participation in health and safety management; and increased resourcing of a new workplace health and safety agency. Working safer: A blueprint for health and safety at work In August 2013 the Government released Working Safer: A blueprint for health and safety at work. The document is the Govern...

  6. [2013] NZEmpC 152 The Salad Bowl Ltd v Howe-Thornley [pdf, 243 KB]

    ...fact Ms Westphal originally thought Ms Howe-Thornley had removed two other items in addition to the money. She now accepts that was not the case yet it was in her mind and influenced the decision when it was made. [22] Despite an absence of “resources” as a small trader, the Authority concluded that this did not excuse the plaintiff’s comprehensive failure to adhere to the basic requirements of natural justice now in the legislation. It could have, but did not, obtain profe...

  7. [2006] NZEmpC AC 51/06 Fuiava v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 118 KB]

    ...had replied that it was not his decision and that the “boss upstairs” had made the decision. [25] Mr Sullivan denied having made this statement and said that the decision was his, although it is clear that he received assistance from human resources and had kept his senior managers fully informed. Mr Sullivan said that one of the senior managers had wanted the dismissal to be summary, but had accepted Mr Sullivan’s decision to give the plaintiff four weeks’ pay in lieu of...

  8. [2007] NZEmpC AC 61/07 Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd v van Heerden [pdf, 76 KB]

    ...point on Ms van Heerden’s current position as panel leader was disestablished. [14] In the meantime, with the pending closure of the laboratories at Te Rapa, Ms Ropata had been identified by Ms Watt and Alle Worner, of Fonterra’s human resources department, as having a similar but somewhat enhanced salaried role to that of Ms van Heerden. Ms Ropata’s role at Te Rapa was disestablished and she was very interested in the new role at Waitoa and applied for it. Ms Watt agreed a...

  9. Kauikia-Stevens v Trustees of the Rangitatau 1D5A1 Block (2014) 318 Aotea MB 217 (318 AOT 217) [pdf, 267 KB]

    ...shed without their permission or the consent of the Wirihana Tawake whānau. They also say that if the Court determines that the applicant and his whānau are entitled to ownership of the dwelling, they should then pay for use of trust land and resources. The trustees assert that they are fulfilling their duties to the beneficiaries to the best of their abilities despite not adhering consistently to the Māori Reservations Regulations 1994 or the marae charter. [5] Clark Tawake Wi...

  10. Regulatory Impact Statement Management of offenders returning to New Zealand [pdf, 287 KB]

    ...approximately 40 percent of returning offenders estimated to fall within the eligibility criteria. However, the option has the highest cost implications – approximately $7.2 million by 2020/21 (see Appendix E) – and would not necessarily target those resources to returning offenders who need it the most. 71. The majority of the costs would fall to Corrections, who would be responsible for supervising the returning offenders throughout the period of their conditions. The estimated co...