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  1. OIA-110232.pdf [pdf, 8.2 MB] the workability of the changes and safety of Police officers. Police will provide you with a detailed briefing seeking policy decisions on the FPO proposals to be considered alongside this briefing. Police expects there will be administrative resource impacts across the various legislative proposals relating to gangs, particularly the Commissioner deciding to issue FPOs and the review and appeal rights against Police decisions. We will provide you with further advice on these proposal...

  2. Hall v Opepe Farm Trust (2010) 19 Waiariki MB 258 (19 WAR 258) [pdf, 442 KB]

    ...integration would maximize commercial profitability in an established and successful industry. 6. The philosophy for Māori business to invest in manage business in unison from diverse tribal links may set a platform for more effective utilization of resources for all like authorities nationally. 7. Future return on investments will be relatively high and stable with limited business risk. The projected company to hold readily tradable assets, farms, factories that have shown capita...

  3. Adoption Law Reform Targeted Engagement Report [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...Seumanutafa, & J. Corrin, “Plural Procedures for Adoption and ‘Vae Tama’ in Samoa” in The Plural Practice of Adoption in Pacific Island States. (Springer, 2019), 87-106. 6 Commercial In Confidence guardianship and protection of family and resources, as well as culture and customs. Samoan leaders, including Matai (chiefs), Faifeau (church ministers), and Samoan adoption-experienced people were included in this research. Qualitative engagement to gather rich insights The...

  4. [2014] NZEmpC 143 O’Connor v Auckland University Students Assoc Inc [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...investigation was conducted by Ms A Williams as President of the Executive and Mr D Haines as Administrative Vice-President; but the ultimate decision-maker was Ms Williams, advised by law firm Chen Palmer and Ms Bull an external Human Resources Advisor. [2] In the course of the investigation, chartered accountants Grant Thornton New Zealand Limited (Grant Thornton) undertook a detailed review of the financial affairs of AUSA and its various affiliates. This review trigge...

  5. Whats New for lawyers providing Legal Aid

    ...allowed the Ministry to implement a 15% increase to the legal aid eligibility thresholds and 16.5% increase to the debt repayment thresholds. These were to be followed by an annual increase of 1.9% to both thresholds for the next three years. Please find a resource with the new eligibility thresholds as of 1 July 2024. (Updated LAS – Eligibility Resource) Legal Aid Services’ policies, including the grants handbook for providers will be updated prior to these changes coming into effect. New...

  6. Regulatory Impact Statement all-of-Government Response to Organised Crime [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...contribute to investigations) 92.5. identify more assets that could be restrained under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 92.6. better facilitate law enforcement agencies’ analysis to inform decisions on the allocation of limited investigative resources 92.7. increase identification of victims of fraud 92.8. be more cost-effective than other investigative techniques, such as surveillance. 93. The potential added value for improved law enforcement intelligence under the A...

  7. [2020] NZSSAA 2 (11 February 2020) [pdf, 217 KB]

    ...receipts from friends and family where XXXX has agreed to make payments on their behalf; [38.2] repayment of a loan by a family member; [38.3] a loan advanced from or liability met by XXXX’s former husband; and [38.4] funds from XXXX’s own resources already accounted for. [39] We accept XXXX understands she has provided an explanation for the unexplained depositions and provided all the evidence she has to support the explanations. On their face the explanations are plausible,...

  8. McAsey and Gill v Wellington 356 Committee APPEAL [2011] NZLCDT 41 [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...inordinate or oppressive delay. [67] It found that the period from the end of November 2009 until July 2010 should not have occurred, and accepted that it had been caused by systemic and prosecutorial delays resulting in part from lack of administrative resources. It did not consider the delay in the charges being set down for hearing as justifying the application for stay being granted, and dismissed the application. [68] Dr Steven QC submitted to this Tribunal that while the nature...

  9. [2012] NZEmpC 179 Drader v Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...not appreciated the significance of her telephone call to client A as she had not told Mr MacPherson about it, and this caused Mr MacPherson to question her judgment as a manager. [20] Mr MacPherson then contacted Clive Kilgour, a Senior Human Resources Consultant and asked how he should proceed. He was advised to tell Ms Drader about the complaint and that a formal process under the Ministry’s Code of Conduct (the Code) would begin immediately. Mr MacPherson returned to the r...

  10. ENVC Hearing 27Jul15 WML suppl rebuttal Maxwell Dunn [pdf, 962 KB]

    1 Before the Environment Court at Auckland ENV-2013-AKL-000174 In the Matter of the Resource Management Act 1991 And In the Matter of a Notice of Motion under Section 87G requesting the granting of resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Limited to establish a Marina at Matiatia Bay, Waiheke Island, in the Hauraki Gulf Supplementary Rebuttal Evidence of Maxwell Joseph Dunn on behalf of Waiheke Marinas Ltd Dated 13 July 2015...