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8530 items matching your search terms

  1. E4 Grant Calder Event Management EIC Applicant [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ENV-2018-AKL-000078 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of the direct referral of applications for resource consents for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority EVIDENCE OF GRANT ROSS CALDER ON...

  2. Moko Sayviah RANGITOHERIRI (CSU-2015-ROT-000302) [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...CYFS had not told the police of the concerns that were expressed to them and some of these concerns did not appear to have been investigated. It was not hard for the Court to conclude that with the lack of support, whanau difficulties and financial resources the mother, Dally-Paki, really had an inability to provide a safe and stable environment for her children. That is a clear red flag fl.-om the time that they were at Starship before they were placed with the caregivers and moved t...

  3. OIA-113021.pdf [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...improvement init iatives and ongoing support to ensure the changes are sustained. • s9(2)(g)(i) to ensure it can be responsive to and meet the needs of Maori. • s9(2)(g)(i) Risks Risk Mitigation s9(2)(g)(i) Better communicate current resources to support qua lity advice, policy and services to respond to Maori needs Utilise current resources to increase cultura l capability across the M inistry over t ime. Page 39 of 102 RE LE AS ED U ND ER T HE O FF IC...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 274 Department of Corrections v New Plymouth District Council [pdf, 734 KB]

    Department of Corrections v New Plymouth District Council IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA KI TĀMAKI MAKAURAU Decision [2024] NZEnvC 274 IN THE MATTER OF an appeal under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 BETWEEN ARA POUTAMA AOTEAROA – DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (ENV-2023-AKL-000085) Appellant AND NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AND KĀINGA ORA - HOMES AND COMMUNITIES Section 274 pa...

  5. Rec-Recap-2023-Q4-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 873 KB]

    ...accommodate changing circumstances and/or medical advancements and technology, and that practitioners are regularly educated about the documents. LVI. Lastly, I acknowledge that medical education suggested in my recommendations requires adequate resourcing. So long as there is consistent and regular training opportunities on these subjects, then in theory that should achieve refreshment for existing personnel and capture of new staff members coming into the hospital setting. Second Wr...

  6. Domestic violence programme evaluation report [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...feelings of safety, having obtained suitable housing, having become financially independent of their abuser, having successfully addressed drug and/or alcohol abuse, improved physical, psychological and emotional health, and feeling more competent and resourced as a parent. Outcomes in terms of whānau relationships were quite diverse, reflecting their diverse situations. Regardless of whether the relationship had ended or had resumed, most of the women felt more comfortable and conf...

  7. MLC - 150 years of the Māori Land Court [pdf, 11 MB] Cambridge that they have had pretty well a monopoly of Native Land Courts for the last three years, and it is high time that the publicans, storekeepers, and camp followers of that inflated wooden hamlet should rely more in future on their own resources than on those of their neighbours’. Many vitally important cases were heard at Cambridge, including those relating to the Patetere and Tokoroa blocks (1880-1881) and the investigation of Ngāti Kauwhata claims to Maungatautari in...

  8. Final-Technical-Assessment-D-Landscape-Visual-and-Natural-Character-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Solicitors Wellington Solicitor Acting: David Allen / Thaddeus Ryan Email: / Tel 64 4 462 0423 Fax 64 4 499 4141 PO Box 2694 DX SP20201 Wellington 6011 IN THE MATTER OF the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER OF applications for resource consents and notices of requirement in relation to the Ōtaki to North of Levin Project BY WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY Applicant ŌTAKI TO N...

  9. Review of community-based sentences in New Zealand [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...The main reasons behind the low usage of the sentence seemed to be directly related to the low number of recommendations for the sentence from probation officers to the judiciary. Factors that may have influenced this low uptake included a lack of resources (including funding); the time involved in organising programmes for offenders; conflicting perceptions of sentence objectives among judges, probation officers and sponsors; and the availability of sponsors.  the controls placed...

  10. OIA-110144.pdf [pdf, 5.5 MB]
