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8519 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-05-12 - ORC - MOC - recall of witness [pdf, 126 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA BETWEEN OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Ap...

  2. John Craig – Rebuttal (dated 12 June 2017) [pdf, 807 KB]

    BI-309448-3-762-V2 BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY ENV-2016-CHC-47 IN THE MATTER of an appeal under Section 120 Resource Management Act 1991 BETWEEN BLUESKIN ENERGY LIMITED Appellant AND DUNEDIN CITY COUNCIL Respondent REBUTTAL BRIEF OF EVIDENCE OF JOHN LAURENCE CRAIG ____________________________________________________________ GALLAWAY COOK ALLAN LAWYERS DUNEDIN Solicitor on r...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - He Whiritaunoka - letter of transmittal [pdf, 491 KB]

    ...over matters that affect them. At a micro level, the ‘local issues’ focus of this report provides the Crown with an avenue to work locally with claimants and local authorities to solve problems that have festered for a long time. It will require resources and dedication, but the relationship-building that would result would be more than worth the effort. ӹ Whanganui Māori have little say in the management of the Whanganui National Park : We have found that the Crown acquired the l...

  4. Wipaki v Apatu - Awarua o Hinemanu Trust (2016) 56 Takitimu MB 54 (56 TKT 54) [pdf, 187 KB]

    ...force in the argument that where there is such commonality of ownership a single governance body is likely to be a more efficient means of managing the land. Economies of scale for example will mean that there can be greater coordination of trust resources for the benefit of the owners and the more efficient use of administrative support. For planning and general meeting purposes, bringing together both blocks of land under one common set of trustees also makes practical sense....

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 106 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...and inspection. It says that the plaintiff’s proposed applications for a further disclosure or particular disclosure are “unnecessary or undesirable or both”. [11] The defendant’s opposition is supported by an affidavit of its Human Resources Manager, Marie Park, sworn on 30 June 2015. Ms Park deposes to the plaintiff failing or refusing to comply with earlier disclosure orders made against her by the Court. In particular, the defendant says that the plaintiff has still...

  6. McCarthy - Utakura 9 (2008) 124 Whangarei MB 84 (124 WH 84) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...Court in favour of the trustees of the Whanau Trust. Margaret's parents live in that house. [3] Margaret seeks an occupation order for an area of 961m2. She submitted a plan with the application depicting that site. She has since obtained resource consent and building consent and in June 2007 her house was built on the land. (Margaret has sought an area of 961m2, but it is unclear whether the Council consent requires and area of 3,000m2. If that becomes an issue, a variation of...

  7. O'Hagan v Police [2020] NZHRRT 22 [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...involved. These factors made retrieval of records and contacting Police officers challenging given there was a need to speak to a number of Police personnel who had been involved in the matters which were the subject of the request. There were also resource limitations. [13] On 16 June 2015 the Police learnt by email from the Office of the Ombudsman that Mr O’Hagan had made a complaint to that Office about Police delay in providing the information requested under the Privacy Act....

  8. Anne-Tooheys-Submission-Zuhair-Darwish.pdf [pdf, 197 KB]

    ...the broader context of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Counsel is aware that the Human Rights Commission is providing submissions to your Honour in this respect. 21. The RCOI’s focus on the State Sector agencies and counter-terrorism resources by such agencies has been an important part of governmental response to the March 15 event, with corresponding recommendations.4 However, those issues are not the focus of the Interested Parties counsel represents. They are concerne...

  9. Guidance For Licensees Notification Cancellation of Notification Display Notice [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...including: o one-way door policies (if applicable) are not in effect one hour before a game starts, during the game, and one hour after you are required to stop selling alcohol, and o any restrictions on operating hours imposed under section 9 of the Resource Management Act 1991 do not apply. A template for display notices can be found on the Ministry’s website.

  10. [2016] NZSSAA 039 (16 May 2016) [pdf, 35 KB]

    ...immediate need for an essential item or service. This includes the effect on the beneficiary if the need is not met, when that effect is likely to have an impact on the beneficiary, and the beneficiary’s ability to meet the need from his or her own resources. [15] Clause 5 of the Direction provides that every advance is to be recovered from the beneficiary at a rate that will ensure that the advance is repaid within 24 months after making the advance. In addition, there are limits...