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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Land Transport Amendment Bill [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...endorsement, be a threat to public safety or security. 8. We consider that this Bill appears to be consistent with the Bill of Rights Act. Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Principal Legal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advice was prepared to assist the Attorney-General to determine whether a report should be made to Parliament...

  2. BORA Depleted Uranium (Prohibition) Bill [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...armour and weapons only, possession of which is made inherently unlawful by the Bill. The scope of the seizure power is therefore closely linked to the stated purpose of the Bill, which is to limit the potential harm caused by depleted uranium to human health and the environment because of its radioactive and toxic qualities. We therefore consider the seizure power to be reasonable for the purpose of s 21 of the Bill of Rights Act. 8. We have concluded that the Bill appears to be consis...

  3. BORA Education (Tertiary Reforms) Amendment Bill [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...expression. 9. We have therefore concluded that the Bill is consistent with the rights and freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights Act. Melanie Webb Manager, Ministerial Advice Office of Legal Counsel Margaret Dugdale Manager, Bill of Rights/Human Rights Public Law Group CC Minister of Justice Minister of Education Footnotes 1 R v Keegstra [1990] 3 SCR 697,729,826 2 RJR MacDonald v Attorney-General of Canada (1995) 127 DLR (4th)1 3 New sections 159P, 159R, 159YC, 15...

  4. Davis v Rogers (Final Non-Publication Orders) [2020] NZHRRT 31 [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...restrictions require this decision to be anonymised by the redaction of the true names of the plaintiffs. In substitution the plaintiffs are to be referred to as "Melanie Davis" and "Geoffrey Rogers" (not their true names).] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2020] NZHRRT 31 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 Background [1] Filed on 2 July 2018, these proceedings were subsequently discontinued by the plaintiff. The settlement was notified to the Tribunal o...

  5. Proactive release – Government response to the Justice Committee report Inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections [pdf, 832 KB]

    ...priorities allow could likely result in major amendments or replacement of Local Electoral Act 2001, subject to Cabinet approval. Impact Analysis 25. The Impact Analysis requirements do not apply to this paper as it does not consider regulatory options. Human Rights 26. There are no human rights implications arising directly from this paper. However, some of the Committee’s recommendations that will be considered as part of future work have human rights implications. The need to acco...

  6. 2023 NZPSPLA 071 [pdf, 86 KB] consultant. [ii] The company license is to be subject to the following conditions: a. That Informa obtains corporate membership with the NZSA. b. That Mr Reardon undertakes an accredited management course that includes study on human resources in large companies. He must provide evidence of his enrolment within the first six months and then completion of the course within two years of the issue of the license. [11] Mr Reardon is to ensure that he is clear on the re...

  7. BORA Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill [pdf, 368 KB]

    ...section 21 of the Bill of Rights Act. CONCLUSION 11. We have concluded that the Bill appears to be consistent with the Bill of Rights Act. Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Margaret Dugdale Policy Manager, Bill of Rights/Human Rights Public Law Group Footnotes 1. New Zealand Stock Exchange v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [1992] 3 NZLR 1 (PC) In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advi...

  8. The Intersecting Lines - Business interests and personal autonomy [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...Law Class University of Waikato, 12 September 2018 by Chief Judge Christina Inglis1 “Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.” Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights2 Article 8, and how it is to be applied in practice, has excited a considerable amount of attention overseas. As a Europe-only convention, it does not apply in New Zealand and we have no legislative equivalent. That is not to...

  9. Zhang v Victoria University of Wellington [2023] NZHRRT 36 [pdf, 124 KB]

    Reference No. HRRT 048/2021 UNDER THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1993 BETWEEN TAIMING ZHANG PLAINTIFF AND VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON DEFENDANT AT WELLINGTON BEFORE: Ms MG Coleman, Deputy Chairperson Dr PJ Davies, Member Ms WV Gilchrist, Member REPRESENTATION: Mr T Zhang in person Ms LS Castle and Ms M Smol for defendant DATE OF HEARING: 26-27 April 2023 DATE OF LAST SUBMISSIONS: 15 May 2023 DATE OF DECISION: 14 November 2023...

  10. Kaupapa-inquiry-programme-App-B-updated-Jan-2024.pdf [pdf, 158 KB]

    ...Regulation of fishing, water quality, pollution; marine reserves, customary fishing, whales, dolphins, impact of pollution and run-off on coastal marine resources, impact of commercial overfishing on customary resources 13 Citizenship rights and equality Human rights, racial discrimination Inquiries under way Inquiries completed