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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEmpC 168 AJY v Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections [pdf, 545 KB]

    ...Officer, [their] rude behaviour towards me when asked questions and mostly [their] behaviour of just not speaking to me and giving me the “cold shoulder” treatment. … [13] Mr Stapleford forwarded the complaint to Ms Goodin, a Senior Human Resources (HR) Advisor, who advised him that Corrections’ bullying policies and procedures needed to be followed (which she provided to him through a link), that a meeting needed to be set up to plan a way forward, and that he n...

  2. 2021-03-24 Transcript up to end of day 10 [pdf, 3.8 MB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only 25 supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be s...

  3. Management Committee of Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporation - Lot 1 DPS 65413 and Part Mangatawa Papamoa SO 452445 (2018) 156 Waikato Maniapoto MB 77 (156 WMN 77) [pdf, 732 KB]

    ...Survey. 156 Waikato Maniapoto MB 93 On most site visits that I undertake I observe that the number of “informal” houses usually matches the number of those which are legally in place. [59] At a broader level, housing is also a basic human right. Judicial notice can be taken of the fact that in recent years New Zealand has experienced a housing crisis with Māori being the ethnic group which experiences the second lowest percentage of housing ownership in New Zealand.13...

  4. [2014] NZEmpC 189 H v A Ltd [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...interviewing them. On the same day, aware that a complaint was being lodged, Mr H prepared a summary of the events which he submitted to management later in the process. [30] Mr Pearce met first with Ms H on 23 August 2013. Ms R Chapman, a Human Resources Consultant, also attended and took a note of the questions asked and answers given. The same process was adopted with regards to all witnesses other than Mr H as will be explained more fully below. [31] On the same day, Mr P...

  5. Hearn v Parklane Investments Limited [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...was referred to the decision of Heath J in Body Corporate No 199348 & Ors v Nielsen [3 December 2008] HC, Auckland CIV 2004-404-3989, particularly paras [71]-[73]. The same case was cited for the proposition that although Mr Debney was the human being through whom Wadestown Developments acted, that fact alone cannot give rise to personal liability on his part. [260] Mr Debney described his involvement as being on site each morning, telling his builders what to do, arranging...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 271 One Tasman Development Limited Partnership [pdf, 412 KB]

    ...Urban Design Advisor or CMO to meet this condition will be considered within scope of the approved resource consent. Construction Management: 26 Accidental Discovery Protocol: 20. If during any site works involving excavation any kōiwi (human skeletal remains), ovenstones, worked stones, middens, charcoal or other Māori cultural material are unearthed, the consent holder must notify Iwi authorities to inspect the site. If as a result of this investigation there is a need for...

  7. [2020] NZEmpC 63 Southern Taxis Ltd v A Labour Inspector [pdf, 518 KB]

    ...[99]. overturned majority judgment of the full Court as just described,30 the statement made by the Authority in Freemind Enterprize cannot be relied on. [159] Ms English went on to submit that it was plain Mr and Mrs Grant were the human actors responsible for running of STL. She argued that they established the rosters, operated the payroll and knew what all drivers were earning and also knew that they were paying those persons less than the minimum wage. It was subm...

  8. BSA Text messages trial Final Report [pdf, 937 KB]

    ...messages, but we varied the time slots when they were sent (see Appendix 3 for the text-message schedule). We decided to not send equal numbers of text messages at each time slot, to make the process less resource intensive and to limit opportunities for human error. However, the batches of each type of text message sent were equal distributed over the course of the trial (see Table 1). Outcome measures We looked at the occurrence of three outcomes (behaviours) (see Table 2 for a d...

  9. Adoption in Aotearoa New Zealand: Summary document - Tongan [pdf, 332 KB]

    ...'aho ní mo e fa'unga 'o e whānau, pe te ne fakatokanga'i 'a e fakakaukau 'o e fakafa'ahinga e tangatá mo e fefiné mo 'ene femaliuliuaki. Ne 'osi fakahā pe kimu'a 'e he fakamaau'anga Human Rights Review Tribunal ko e ngaahi tu'utu'uni ko ení 'oku filifilimanako 'o makatu'unga 'i he tu'unga nofo fakamali, ta'u motu'a pea mo e fakafa'ahinga e tangatá mo e fefine.1 'I he...

  10. Tau v Nga Whanau o Morven and Glenavy - Waihao 903 Section IX Block [2010] 2010 Maori Appellate Court MB 167 (2010 APPEAL 167) [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...when a statute is involved, any change might need to be a legislative one. It can also be inferred from Keith J’s comments that the Court may be more inclined (although still taking a cautious approach) to revisit decisions involving fundamental human rights or changes in economic and social conditions. Adapting the law to take into account changed conditions is consistent with the Court’s role in the development of the common law and with the principle of statutory interpretation whic...