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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-109706-v2.pdf [pdf, 6.4 MB]

    ...with non- discrimination (Article 2), best interests of the child (Article 3), and the right to survival and development (Article 6). The context provided by the general principle articles confirms 54 Aisling Parkes Children and International Human Rights Law the Right of the Child to be Heard (Routledge, London and New York, 2013) at 108. 55 Gerison Lansdown, above n 51, at 10. 47 the basic standards for interpretation within which Article 12 and the remaining article...

  2. AMLCFT Statutory Review Consultation Document [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...and other impacted communities; • ensure the AML/CFT regime produces the necessary type and quality of information to support other frameworks and to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and serious and organised crime; • ensure that human rights and privacy considerations are addressed and that intrusions on personal rights and freedoms are no more than necessary; and • support efficient long-term administration of the regime. Ultimately, we see this review as start...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - Mangatū Remedies Report [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    T H E M A N G A T Ū R E M E D I E S R E P O R T Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 3 W A I 8 1 4 T H E M A N G A T Ū R E M E D I E S R E

  4. 5. Transcript (weeks 9 & 10 Dunedin) [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...when it comes to the historical information that has been put into the database, so there is a risk that you are relying on incomplete or inaccurate information and then there’s me also as well trying to translate it into a schedule, the risk of human error. And when you 30 compare that to the actual deemed permits which – or the mining privileges that often have those priorities listed on them, in the document itself, you probably have better assurances in terms of accuracy an...

  5. 5. Transcript (weeks 9 & 10 Dunedin) [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...ENV-2020-CHC-127 (28 June 2021) information that has been put into the database, so there is a risk that you are relying on incomplete or inaccurate information and then there’s me also as well trying to translate it into a schedule, the risk of human error. And when you compare that to the actual deemed permits which – or the mining privileges that often have those priorities listed on them, in the document itself, you probably 5 have better assurances in terms of accuracy and...

  6. Proactive-release-of-political-donations-consultation-materials-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Proposals 6 & 7: both these proposals will help support compliance by making information available to the public that is not currently available. As much as politicians protest that money doesn't buy influence, there is no doubt that it does - human nature works this way. When this information is publicly available, politicians will find it easier to push back against donors who explicitly or implicitly expect the politicians to make decisions in favour of the donor that are not the be...

  7. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC [pdf, 938 KB]

    ...Policy 6.4.1A(a), (b) and (c)); (b) minimum flows and residual flows for surface water and connected groundwater; and 25 Clause 3.7, NPS-FM 2020. 26 These chapters are Chapter 4 - Kai Tahu ki Otago Water Perspective, Chapter 5: Natural and Human Use Values of Lakes and Rivers, Chapter 6: Water Quantity, Chapter 7: Water Quality, Chapter 8: The Beds and Margins of Lakes and Rivers, Chapter 9: Groundwater and Chapter 10: Wetlands. 27 An overview of the key planning mechanisms fo...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 111 Weston Lea Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...DECISION a. That pursuant to Sections 104, 104B, and 104D of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Hamilton City Operative District Plan and Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011, the Hamilton City Council grants consent to the subdivision and land use consent applications (11.2018.6695.01 & 10.2018.9853.01) of Weston Lea Limited to: (i) Undertake a fee-simple subdivision; and (...

  9. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL NOE [pdf, 6.6 MB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only 25 supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be s...

  10. 2021-03-26 Transcript (up to end of day 11) [pdf, 4.2 MB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only 25 supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be s...