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  1. [2014] NZEmpC 154 Fox v Hereworth School Trust Board [pdf, 200 KB] irrelevant. Decision – Category (a) documents [53] The category (a) documentation sought by the plaintiff is described by the plaintiff as “All emails, notes, records and the decision of the further disciplinary investigation led by the Human Resources Department” into a Ministry employee to whom I will refer as ML. The plaintiff says that this material relates to disciplinary action taken in relation to ML as recommended by the Buchanan Report into ML’s omission to pr...

  2. Te-Manutukutuku-Issue-79.pdf [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...The name Te Manu tuku tuku was chosen as symbolic of the role of a messenger. Wira wrote of his intention for the new publication : We wish to be informative. We wish to be educative and above all we wish to project a professional image with a human face that is indicative of the work of the Waitangi Tribunal. Thirty­three years later, as we put out this issue – our 79th – we trust that we continue to live up to Wira’s ori­ ginal vision. E te Rangatira, haere, haere, haere....

  3. [2007] NZEmpC CC 28/07 B & D Doors Ltd v Hamilton [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...and he appeared to have a clear recollection of the meeting. [45] On the particular issue of whether copies of the written statements made by Mr Fisher and Mr Columb were provided at the meeting, it is also far more consistent with logic and human nature that they were. Mr Foster had gone to the trouble of having the two men prepare the statements and sign them prior to the meeting. The obvious inference is that he did so for the purpose of making them available to Mr Hamilton....

  4. VAN DER PASCH Willem Lambertus (CSU 2011 HAM 000424) [pdf, 215 KB] for the rural sector and communities associated with farming to stand up and take the leadership or ownership of the health and safety issues including quad bikes without the threat of enforcement of the regulators and prosecution. [117] Human nature has shown that proactive leadership will always win the test of longevity in terms of success as opposed to coercion or compulsion. Self initiation has more long-term value in the end. Roll Over Protection Devices [118] The las...

  5. [2006] NZEmpC AC 57/06 Kumar v Icehouse (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 114 KB]

    ...the ground for dismissal. The only definitions of this term, and they are similar, are in the Employment Relations Act in connection with personal grievances based on a claim that the aggrieved employee was the victim of sexual harassment and in the Human Rights Act 1993. Without going at this stage into the full definitions, one of the requirements is that the behaviour complained of must be of a sexual nature. … [26] It is not all such behaviour that amounts to sexual harassment. It...

  6. Geldenhuys v C Yap [2013] NZIACDT 27 (12 April 2013) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...complaint being upheld without necessarily imposing a sanction. It follows that it is not necessary to find that a disciplinary sanction should be imposed to uphold a complaint. It is important to recognise that not every lapse or manifestation of human frailty should result in an adverse professional disciplinary finding. There will be occasions when advisers are responsible for a lapse from acceptable standards, but that still does not justify upholding a disciplinary complaint. [...

  7. [2024] NZIACDT 22 – QN v Nandan (29 August 2024) [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...Conduct amounting to negligence or malpractice is behaviour which falls seriously short of acceptable practice. ... Mere inadvertence, or oversight, even carelessness will not in every context constitute conduct falling “seriously” short. But such human error did not account for Dr Liston's repeated failure... [114] The Court in Liston considered Vatsyayann and stated that it did not take that decision as indicating a requirement for professional misconduct to be serious or at t...

  8. Legal aid grants jun2024 [xlsx, 84 KB]

    ...This includes debt recovery, breaches of contract, defamation, and bankruptcy proceedings. It also includes proceedings before tribunals or specialist courts such as the: • Employment Relations Authority • Employment Court • Environment Court • Human Rights Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal • Māori Land Court • Immigration & Protection Tribunal • Social Security Appeal Authority • Taxation Review Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • Waitangi Tribunal. Civil legal aid is not avai...

  9. Common Bundle Volume 6 [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...of all forms of N and P respectively in a sample. TN and TP are most relevant for assessments in lakes and coastal waters. At sufficiently elevated concentrations, nitrate and ammonia forms of nitrogen have toxic effects on aquatic biota (and on humans in the case of nitrate). This effect is independent of their significance as plant nutrients (Norton, 2012). Visual periphyton cover and biomass estimates (as chlorophyll-a); visual clarity (as black disk sighting distance) and fine depo...

  10. Case studies from evaluation of court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 791 KB]

    Evaluation of the Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Case Studies Prepared by the Crime and Justice Research Centre Victoria University of Wellington May 2005 2 DISCLAIMER This research was commissioned by the former Department for Courts. The report has been prepared by the authors and the views expressed in it are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the