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Search results for human.

3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Child witnesses in the New Zealand criminal courts [pdf, 795 KB]

    ...witnesses: Past and future. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 4(4), 315-322. Carter, C., Bottoms, B. L., & Levine, M. (1996). Linguistic and socioemotional influences on the accuracy of children's reports. Law and Human Behaviour, 20(3), 335-358. Cashmore, J., & Trimboli, L. (2005). An evaluation of the NSW child sexual assault specialist jurisdiction pilot. Retrieved from$fi...

  2. Your guide to legal aid [pdf, 774 KB]

    ...breach of contract (for example, a hire-purchase agreement) – defamation – bankruptcy or insolvency. • matters dealt with by some tribunals and specialist courts, such as: – Employment Relations Authority – Environment Court – Human Rights Review Tribunal – Legal Aid Tribunal – Māori Land Court 10 – Refugee Status Branch – Immigration and Protection Tribunal – Social Security Appeal Authority – Taxation Review Tribunal – Tenancy Tribunal....

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 003 Judgeford Environmental Society Incorporated v Wellington Regional Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Holder shall notify GWRC, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Inc, and Taranaki Whānui (PNBST) (only if relevant to Fill Site 2 works) and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (Heritage New Zealand) as soon as possible, but within twenty-four hours. If human remains are found, the New Zealand Police shall also be contacted. The Consent Holder shall allow the above parties to inspect the site and in consultation with them, identify what needs to occur before work can resume. Notification mu...

  4. [2010] NZEmpC 154 Villegas v Visypak (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 68 KB]

    ...load off the floor which was in a wet and dangerous state. Mr Jackson complained that if he had not taken evasive action and braked when he did, he was certain that a serious accident would have occurred. [6] When Mr Lloyd and Ms Tania Cotton, Human Resource Manager, met with Mr Villegas and his support person on 11 August 2008, Mr Villegas initially denied that the incident had taken place and then was emphatic that he had not been told by anyone that the floor scrubbing was goi...

  5. D-G Conservation - EiC - N R Dunn - Freshwater Ecology (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...consideration of physiological and behavioural effects on fish. 30. I disagree with Dr Allibone (his paragraph 45) that salmonids are the greatest threat to non-diadromous galaxiids. Rather I consider the alteration to the hydrological environment by human activities, in addition to natural flow variation, to be the greatest threat in those catchments containing non-diadromous galaxiids. 31. This is because fish are aquatic vertebrates, requiring aquatic habitat to complete thei...

  6. Ngati-Wehi-Wehi-CIA-19-October-2022-v2.pdf [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...serve as a foundation for action. A kaupapa is a set of shared beliefs, principles, and plans those individuals have agreed to use as a guide for their actions. The earth gave birth to all life after it emerged from the water. Trees, birds, and humans all grow and are nourished by the land. Māori are born from Papatuānuku's womb and to return there after death. The earth gives birth to people's emotional, intellectual, and spiritual lives daily, even thought is considere...

  7. 2021-04-11 - Evidence Summary - Christina Bright 12 April 2021 [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...Evidence in Chief (EIC) (EIC dated 5 February 2021), with the exception that my PhD was awarded in March 2021 and will be conferred in May 2021. My doctoral thesis was accepted with editorial changes only and has since been recognised on the Humanities Divisional List of Exceptional Doctoral Theses. Corrections 2. In reference to errors identified in Mr Leslie’s Evidence in Reply (EIR) (dated 19 February) I have reproduced Tables 1 to 5 from my EIC with corrections made. The...

  8. Tucker v Real Estate Agents Authority [2020] NZHRRT 50 [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...agent’s licence was cancelled. See Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 301) and The Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 403) v Tucker [2016] NZREADT 65. 1 [This decision is to be cited as Tucker v Real Estate Agents Authority [2020] NZHRRT 50.] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2020] NZHRRT 50 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 [2] On 25 October 2016, Mr Tucker appealed both the misconduct findings and the cancellation of his licence to the High Court. His appeal was unsuccessf...

  9. [2021] NZACC 23 - Muirhead v ACC (28 January 2021) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...[29] He was asked to provide comment on Dr Orr’s report and amongst other things, said: Firstly on the plausibility front, I am not convinced that Dr Orr’s levator scapulae insertion or trapezius insertion enthesopathies actually occur in human beings. Enthesopathies occur where tendons attach at the tips of long bones. The attachment are at sites of traction where there is either a bony pit or bony protuberance. Recognised enthesopathy sites are limited and generally rest...

  10. Social Wellbeing Commitee Paper COVID-19 options to amend Sale And Supply of Alcohol FINAL [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Options B and C are exempt on the basis that the proposals are intended to provide limited temporary modifications to existing legislative requirements, since the COVID-19 emergency has made compliance with the requirements unreasonably burdensome. Human Rights 51 Elements of the proposal for legislative change, such as requiring public notification, may engage section 14 of the Bill of Rights Act (freedom of expression). I consider this limitation is likely to be justified. Consult...