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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. E102 Nicola Broadbent - Planning - RE - Council [pdf, 882 KB]

    ...Auckland. 13.3. Andrew Brown (Mana Whenua in support) considers that this is the best method for ongoing consultation as it enables integration with other waterfront-based developments currently occurring and is seen as more efficient in terms of human resources35. 13.4. The proposed amendments to 5 - 5F would require a new Forum to be established for ongoing engagement between the Consent Holder and members of Nga Mana Whenua o Tamaki Makaurau who choose to participate....

  2. [2006] NZEmpC WC 15/06 OCS Ltd v Food Workers Union Inc [pdf, 108 KB]

    ...Some required the assistance of an interpreter to give their evidence. All have English as a second language, all are women. [12] On 25 May 2005, at the commencement of collective bargaining negotiations with the union, OCS’s general manager human resources, Mr Clive Menkin, advised John Ryall, then regional secretary of the union, that OCS was looking to implement the Panztel finger scanning system at Wellington Hospital. Although he was not called as a witness, Mr Ryall all...

  3. [2022] NZACC 134 — KL v ACC (14 July 2022) [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...section 20(2)(e) to (h)). Section 25(1)(a)(i) provides that “accident” means a specific event or a series of events, other than a gradual process, that involves the application of a force (including gravity), or resistance, external to the human body. Section 25(3) notes that the fact that a person has suffered a personal injury is not of itself to be construed as an indication or presumption that it was caused by an accident. [53] In Johnston,1 France J stated: [11] It is co...

  4. [2013] NZEmpC 200 Jonas v Menefy Trucking Ltd [pdf, 160 KB]

    ...meeting resumed, “Mr Menefy continued to bait Mr Jonas in a way to invoke aggression.” In evidence, Mr Menefy denied that, at the time of the meeting, he wanted to get rid of Mr Jonas. He explained that he was being advised throughout by a human resources adviser and that “the risks of pre-determination” had been soundly explained to him. [20] Mr Richardson further told the Court (in evidence which I accept) that at the end of the meeting Mr Menefy made it clear that he...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 104 Criffel Deer Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...vehicles are to enter or exit the site, and no machinery shall start up or operate earlier than 8.00am. All activity on the site is to cease by 6.00pm. Accidental Discovery Protocol 16 If the consent holder: 17 (r) discovers koiwi tangata (human skeleta l remains), waahi taoka (resources of importance), waahi tapu (places or features of special significance) or other Maori artefact materia l, the consent holder sha ll without delay: (i) notify Council, Tangata whenua and Herita...

  6. [2022] NZEmpC 233 Baillie v The Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...on throughout the hearing, was a video of the footage taken by Mr Peteru on his phone. The parties accepted that the video was sufficient to inform the Court. Preliminary decision [31] Mr Baillie met with Mr Peteru, and Oranga Tamariki’s Human Resources Adviser, on 31 May and 10 June 2021 to respond to the allegations. Mr Peteru’s preliminary decision was communicated to him by letter dated 28 July 2021. The conclusion was that the first, third, fourth and fifth allegatio...

  7. Brooks v Taekwondo Union of New Zealand Inc [2017] NZHRRT 20 [pdf, 333 KB]

    1 IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2017] NZHRRT 20 Reference No. HRRT 078/2015 UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT 1993 BETWEEN ANDREW BROOKS PLAINTIFF AND TAEKWONDO UNION OF NEW ZEALAND INC DEFENDANT AT WELLINGTON BEFORE: Mr RPG Haines QC, Chairperson Ms ST Scott, Member Mr RK Musuku, Member REPRESENTATION: Ms T Coleman, agent for plaintiff Mr R Gordon for defendant DATE OF HEARING: 6 and 7 March 2017 DATE...

  8. [2018] NZEmpC 19 Kumara Hotel Ltd v McSherry [pdf, 333 KB]

    ...dismissal in the event the employment is terminated. Such trial periods can be particularly important for small and medium sized businesses, as they often face higher recruitment and dismissal costs relative to larger employers who have dedicated human resources departments. Small and medium sized businesses, therefore, face higher risks in taking a chance on a new employee. This Bill will provide opportunities for those who might suffer disadvantage in the labour market, for exampl...

  9. A new adoption system for Aotearoa New Zealand - Summary Document [pdf, 272 KB]

    ...the child. The current law allows a person’s agreement to be dispensed because they have a mental or physical incapacity. We think this should not be included in a new adoption system as those grounds are discriminatory and don’t meet our human rights obligations, particularly towards people with disabilities. We want to hear your views on these options we are considering for enabling children to participate in the adoption process. 6 We think that birth parents s...

  10. [2019] NZEmpC 37 Derbie v Tranzurban Hutt Valley Ltd [pdf, 674 KB]

    ...coexist with the ERA provisions. Second issue: has Tranzurban met its obligations under Part 6D? [46] Evidence for the purpose of considering the question of compliance as to Part 6D of the ERA was given by Mr Derbie, and by Ms Renee Snelgrove, Human Resources and Legal Director for the Tranzit Group; that entity has oversight of employment issues as they affect employees of Tranzurban. [47] Mr Derbie also told the Court that his concerns related to shifts that operated between...