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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. [2007] NZEmpC WC 12B/07 Credit Consultants Debt Services NZ Ltd v Wilson & Anor [pdf, 108 KB]

    ...[36] Mr Wilson said that in his initial discussions with Mr Harrison he raised the issue of the restraint of trade clause in his contract with Credit Consultants. He told Mr Harrison that his role had been made redundant and that after talking to human resources practitioners the fact that he had been made redundant probably meant that the restraint of trade did not have any effect. He took no legal advice on this and did not show the HR practitioners his restraint clause. [37] It...

  2. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 9 - Crime scene and consequences [xlsx, 107 KB]

    ...included in the report. 4.    Count estimates have been rounded to the nearest thousands or hundreds. Percentages, means, margins or error and random sampling error have been rounded to the nearest two decimal places. 5. Unfortunately, due to a human error in data collection, these tables do not include over 200 interviews in Hawkes Bay area. Survey results were revised, amended and re-weighted to maintain accuracy and avoid bias. Purpose This document is 1 in a set of 8 data table...

  3. Safer Sooner: Strengthening New Zealand’s Family Violence Laws [pdf, 7.9 MB]

    ...3 times more likely to commit suicide. Family violence has a devastating impact on individuals, families and communities. The effects of violence build up and can have a profound impact over time and across generations. In addition to the human and social cost, family violence has a significant economic cost, particularly on our healthcare system. The need to improve how we respond to family violence was a key theme in the submissions we received on the discussion document S...

  4. [2015] NZEmpC 192 Lim v Meadow Mushrooms Ltd [pdf, 192 KB]

    ...the case. Injury or death to others who are loved ones does not usually result in humiliation which is an emotion relative to self-worth and self-esteem, whereas grief is a sense of loss quite unrelated to self worth. [29] The feelings of human beings are not intangible things. They are real and felt, but often not identified until the person stands back and looks inwards. They can encompass pleasant feelings (such as contentment, happiness, peacefulness and tranquillity) al...

  5. B Ltd v C Ltd & others [2024] NZDT 99 (21 February 2024) [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...all legislation that the term “person” includes incorporated and unincorporated bodies. Because the definition is inclusive, the term “person” in legislation will also retain its natural meaning, which is that a person is “…an individual human being: a man, woman or child…”1. For these reasons I am satisfied that XD and LD have been properly joined as parties in this claim. Did C Ltd breach the agreement for sale and purchase and if so what damages are payable? 9. I f...

  6. Justice Matters - issue 17 - December 2019 [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...want our criminal justice system to be safe and effective and if we want to change what it does for the better. These reports are not a blueprint. But they draw on community input and the message is clear: we need a different approach. We need humanity for victims and greater effectiveness for offenders. We cannot undo the mistakes of the past, but we can put in place safeguards to ensure mistakes do not happen again. The newly established Criminal Cases Review Commission, with its...

  7. Cochrane v Accident Compensation Corporation [2024] NZACC 76 [pdf, 239 KB]

    ...Accident (1) Accident means any of the following kinds of occurrences: (a) a specific event, or a series of events, other than a gradual process, that – (i) involves the application of a force (including gravity) or resistance, external to the human body; or (ii) involves the sudden movement of the body to avoid a force (including gravity), or resistance, external to the body; or (iii) involves a twisting movement of the body. [50] In Mehrtens1 Judge Ongley referred to the f...

  8. Electoral-Maori-Electoral-Option-Legislation-Bill-Supplementary-Order-Paper-proactive-release-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 567 KB]

    ...of Waitangi; 51.2 advice from the Treaty Provisions Officials Group on any Treaty of Waitangi provisions (include a summary of any concerns raised) (N/A); 51.3 the rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993; 51.4 the disclosure statement requirements (a supplementary disclosure statement prepared by the Ministry of Justice is attached); 51.5 the principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 2020; 51.6 relevant int...

  9. Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination - summary document - Niuean [pdf, 260 KB]

    ...Hafagi ke tuku mai ha mutolu a tau tohi kamata he Aho 25 he Mahina ha Iuni ke he Aho 6 he Mahina ha Aokuso 2021. Maeke ia koe ke fakafano mai e haau a tohi nei ke he kupega hila Citizen Space, ke he meli hila, poke fakahū he tohi ke he Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, SX10088, Wellington. Ka manako a koe ke he taha fakailoaaga fakalaulahi hagaao ia ke he puhala ke tuku ai e tau tohi nei, pihia mo e tau fakailoaaga...

  10. [2019] NZEnvC 109 Ngati Pukenga ki Pakikaikutu v Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga [pdf, 6.8 MB]

    ...with the application; • Condition 7: in addition to any protocols agreed to between the authority holder and Waitangi marae, a set of conditions regarding access for Ngatiwai to undertake tikanga maori protocols, steps to take if koiwi tangata (human remains) are encountered, informing Ngatiwai if any possible taonga or maori artefacts are identified, and providing Ngatiwai with a copy of any reports. The appeal [6] Mr Parata lodged an appeal in the name of Ngati Pukenga Ki Paki...