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3761 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 090 Pierau v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...lakes wetlands are in a land environment within which less than 10% indigenous vegetation cover remains). • National Priority 2: To protect indigenous vegetation associated with sand dunes and wetland; ecosystems that have become uncommon due to human activity. (The Tomarata dune lake and wetland systems are in that category, as less than 10% of wetland habitat remains). • National Priority 3: To protect the habitats of threatened and at risk indigenous species. (Lake Tomarata...

  2. [2008] NZEmpC CC 13/08 ANZ National Bank Ltd v Svensson [pdf, 64 KB]

    ...(that is, over the course of 5 rather than 4 days per week). However, later that day, she told Ms Carroll that she did not want to change her hours and would be taking advice. [26] Ms Carroll referred the matter to Natalie Henry, the bank’s human resources consultant. Mrs Svensson’s representative, Brent Climo, advised Ms Henry by telephone that: 1. Mrs Svensson considered that the bank could not change her hours because it had agreed in the 2005 IEA that it would...

  3. 2022-02-11 Statement of Evidence of Jana Davis dated 11 February 2022 [pdf, 784 KB]

    ...and awa (rivers) by undertaking catchment rehabilitation from a te ao māori perspective. 6 We take direction from the Murihiku Rūnaka to act as a tangible source of collaboration on the ground for catchment restoration projects that reduce human impacts on te taiao (the natural environment) and create employment pathways for rangatahi. Our vision is to connect mana whenua and the community through restoration projects and to increase awareness of the importance of a climate re...

  4. Evidence Brief: Transitional Housing [pdf, 319 KB]

    ... earch-and-analysis/moj O’Brien, P. (2001). “Just like baking a cake”: Women describe the necessary ingredients for successful reentry after incarceration. Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 82, 287–295. O’Leary, C. (2013). The role of stable accommodation in reducing recidivism: what does the evidence tell us? Safer Communities, 12 (1), 5-12. Popkin, S. J., Rich, M. J., Hendey, L., Hayes, C., Parilla,...

  5. [2018] NZEmpC 59 Nel v ASB Bank Ltd [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...attended a bar. [Then follows a passage which is the subject of a non-publication order, as issued in Nel v ASB Bank Ltd (No 4) [2018] NZEmpC 64]. Mr Reilly is an intended witness, and his brief of evidence refers to the same event. Ms Restall, a human resources (HR) professional, also comments on this evidence from an HR perspective. She will say that she was contacted by Ms B on 20 April 2018 about this matter, going on to refer to these and other circumstances for the purpose...

  6. LCRO 176/2022 SP v AQ (15 August 2023) [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...the requirements of r 3 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules,5 particularly r 3.1, which provides: A lawyer must at all times treat a client with respect and courtesy and must not act in a discriminatory manner in contravention of section 21 of the Human Rights Act 1993. [26] With regard to Ms AQ’s complaint that Ms SP had breached her privacy, Ms SP notes that Ms AQ was happy for Ms VR to remain in the room when signing her Will. [27] Ms SP concludes her response in the followi...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL expert Charles Waters [pdf, 95 KB]

    ...the total environment, 258: 5-19. Alzieu, C., (1991). Environmental problems caused by TBT in France: assessment, regulations, prospects. Marine Environmental Research, 32: 7-17. Antizar-Ladislao, B., (2008). Environmental levels, toxicity and human exposure to tributyltin (TBT)-contaminated marine environment. A review. Environment International, 34: 292- 308. Barranger, A., Akcha, F., Rouxel, J., Brizard, R., Maurouard, E., Pallud, M., et al., (2014). Study of genetic damage in t...

  8. [2016] NZSSAA 100 (24 November 2016) [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...records the objects of the charity as being: “to relieve those persons suffering from haemophilia, who as a result of receiving infected blood products in the United Kingdom and suffering from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome are infected with human immune deficiency virus and are in need of assistance, or the needy spouses, parents, children and other dependents of such persons and the needy spouses, parents, children or other dependents of such persons who have died.” [53] The...

  9. [2022 NZACC 76 – Sharma v ACC (4 May 2022) [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...section 20(2)(e) to (h)). Section 25(1)(a)(i) provides that “accident” means a specific event or a series of events, other than a gradual process, that involves the application of a force (including gravity), or resistance, external to the human body. Section 25(3) notes that the fact that a person has suffered a personal injury is not of itself to be construed as an indication or presumption that it was caused by an accident. [26] Section 67 of the Act provides: A claimant...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 016 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...definition of 'wetlands constructed by artificial means' also extends to the incidental wetlands created as a result of these waterbodies. These are not the same as induced wetlands, which are incidental wetlands created by any other human activity (see section 6). 5.4 No timeframe for consideration There is no timeframe in the NPS-FM definition for the consideration of wetlands constructed by artificial means. The exclusion applies no matter when the wetland was constructe...