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3763 items matching your search terms

  1. E11 Craig Fitzgerald - Noise and Vibration - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...variation in both reference pressure level and the properties of the medium (water), the numerical representation of underwater noise levels appear significantly higher than those typical in airborne noise. Furthermore, the characteristics of human hearing are largely irrelevant underwater, so frequency weighted sound descriptors such as dBA are inappropriate. In fact, any weighting system applied is only relevant to the hearing sensitivity of the receiver, which varies widely depen...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 116 Kumeu Property Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 8 MB]

    ...deposited dust beyond the subject site as a result of the earthworks activity that in the opinion of the Team Leader - Northern Monitoring, is noxious, offensive or objectionable. Mana Whenua 14. If, at any time during site works, potential koiwi (human remains), archaeology or artefacts are discovered, then the following discovery protocol is to be followed: (a) All earthworks will cease in the immediate vicinity (at least 10m from the site of the discovery) while a suitably qualifie...

  3. Youth Court - It’s all relative: the absolute importance of the family in youth justice [pdf, 444 KB]

    ...inexplicable without reference to their family background? Nor would most experts deny the importance of involving the family in any response. Whereas adult criminal justice systems assume that adults who offend are autonomous and individually responsible human beings, youth justice systems rest on different principles. While properly recognising that youth offenders must be held accountable for their offending, youth justice legislation does so by adopting a youth specific approach...

  4. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 551 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Vice Chancellor (chair)l; the Pro Vice- Chancellor’s (who provide academic and administrative leadership of each of the University’s five academic colleges – Business, Creative Arts, Health, Humanities & Social 15 Sciences, and Sciences); and Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s, whose portfolios provide core corporate functions to all operating units across the University The Academic Board has established a sub-committee...

  5. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 564 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Vice Chancellor (chair)l; the Pro Vice- Chancellor’s (who provide academic and administrative leadership of each of the University’s five academic colleges – Business, Creative Arts, Health, Humanities & Social 18 Sciences, and Sciences); and Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s, whose portfolios provide core corporate functions to all operating units across the University The Academic Board has established a sub-committee...

  6. [2019] NZEnvC 092 Beadle v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...ecologist (Dr Ruth Goldsmith) and she was not cross­ examined. 26 [94] Dr Goldsmith's47 relevant qualifications include a PhD (Zoology) (University of Otago). Her experience includes studies, throughout New Zealand, of the effects of human activities on freshwater ecosystems, including channel management works, gravel abstraction, hydro and wind generation, industrial discharges and water abstraction and augmentation. She authored the ecological assessment included in the...

  7. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 573 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Vice Chancellor (chair)l; the Pro Vice- Chancellor’s (who provide academic and administrative leadership of each of the University’s five academic colleges – Business, Creative Arts, Health, Humanities & Social 18 Sciences, and Sciences); and Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s, whose portfolios provide core corporate functions to all operating units across the University The Academic Board has established a sub-committee...

  8. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 585 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Vice Chancellor (chair)l; the Pro Vice- Chancellor’s (who provide academic and administrative leadership of each of the University’s five academic colleges – Business, Creative Arts, Health, Humanities & Social 15 Sciences, and Sciences); and Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s, whose portfolios provide core corporate functions to all operating units across the University The Academic Board has established a sub-committee...

  9. Advice on consistency of Bills with the Bill of Rights Act

    ...Redress Bill Sections 14, 19, 20, 27(2), 27 (3)  Government Bill  2023 Digital Services Tax Bill Section 14  Government Bill  2023 Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Claims Settle Bill  Sections 19, 27(2) and 27(3) Government Bill 2023 Human Rights (Prohibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Gender Identity or Expression and Variations of Sex Characteristics) Amendment Bill Sections 13, 14, 15 and 17 Member's Bill 2023 Victims of Family Violence (Strengthening Legal Prot...

  10. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 511 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Vice Chancellor (chair)l; the Pro Vice- Chancellor’s (who provide academic and administrative leadership of each of the University’s five academic colleges – Business, Creative Arts, Health, Humanities & Social 17 Sciences, and Sciences); and Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s, whose portfolios provide core corporate functions to all operating units across the University The Academic Board has established a sub-committee...