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  1. 20240924-Marine-and-Coastal-Area-Takutai-Moana-Customary-Marine-Title-Amendment-Bill.pdf [pdf, 372 KB]

    ...meaningful threshold requirement is reinforced by the White Paper commentary which explains that s 20 is concerned with “oppressive” state action, suggesting protection against state acts that reach a given level of severity.51 The United Nations Human Rights Committee has also said, in regard to Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: “not every interference can be regarded as a denial of rights”.52 46. Amending the test for recognition of CMT doe...

  2. OIA-113748.pdf [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...Increased financial grants for victims of serious crime .....................................................22 Reduction in operating costs – Criminal Cases Review Commission ...............................24 Reduction in operating costs – Human Rights Commission .............................................25 Reduction in operating costs – Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security ................26 Reduction in operating costs – Office of the Privacy Commissioner .........

  3. [2016] NZEnvC 051 Craddock Farms Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...ofthe odour Duration The length of a particular odour event Offensiveness/character The character relates to the 'hedonic tone' of the odour, which may be pleasant, neutral or unpleasant Location The type of land use and nature of human activities in the vicinity of an odour source. [76] The Guide states that different combinations of these factors can result in adverse effects. For example, odours may occur frequently in short bursts, or for longer, less-frequent pe...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 125 Schmuck v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...air, on the land, in the reserve and to the CMA can be mitigated to ensure the effects on the environment are low, less than minor. Restrictions on the volumes of paints, and in particular diisocyanate, will ensure limited potential for risks to human health and safety. (i) The planner, after considering the expert evidence and assessing the proposed discharges against the objectives, policies and rules of the relevant planning documents, has concluded that the discharges are consis...

  5. Dr Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...institution from another, and the piecemeal approach to problem and conflict resolution (Marsden, 2003). The responsibilities of their supernatural ancestry that made Maori guardian priest of the deities that controlled the relationships among the human, animal, vegetable, insect, fish, bird, mineral and spirit worlds. These ancestral and spiritual relationships determined that Maori fished, hunted, and cultivated only to the degree necessary to secure their well-being (Sinclair, 19...

  6. Ministry of Justice annual report 2019-20 [pdf, 9.3 MB]

    ...unique constitutional responsibilities are reflected in the wide-reaching and often complex scope of our Ministry’s mahi. We support the judiciary and maintain the integrity of the courts and tribunals. We provide policy advice on legislation, human rights and justice matters to the Executive branch of government and to Parliament. We also support the Electoral Commission in preparing for elections. It’s been a busy and challenging year for Aotearoa. I’m proud of how our people h...

  7. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Diane Lucas [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Objective 6.2.2 Maintain and enhance the amenity values associated with the character of the rural area 16. I address the key elements of rural character that are noted in the DCDP to include: (a) the predominance of natural features over human made features; (b) the high ratio of open space relative to the built environment; (c) significant areas of vegetation in pasture, crops, forestry and indigenous vegetation. (a) the predominance of natural features over human made f...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 096 Clevedon Protection Society 2017 Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 31 MB] daily rainfall figures for the quarry. A working day is defined as Monday through to Friday inclusive, plus those days outside this period when the quarry is operating. Archaeological 126. If, at any time during site works, potential koiwi (human remains) , archaeology or artefacts are discovered, then the following discovery protocol is to be followed: (a) All earthworks will cease in the immediate vicin ity (at least 10m from the site of the discovery) while a suitably qualified...

  9. 2020-10-09-ORC-PC7-s-149G3-Key-Issues-Report.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB] Otago Water Perspective. This chapter is proceeded by six chapters that set out issues, objectives and policies and, in some instances, anticipated environmental results. These six chapters are, respectively, concerned with: a. Natural and Human Use Values of Lakes and Rivers (Chapter 5); b. Water Quantity (Chapter 6); c. Water Quality (Chapter 7); d. The Beds and Margins of Lakes and Rivers (Chapter 8); e. Groundwater (Chapter 9); and f. Wetlands (Chapter 10). 3.4 Chapte...

  10. Moko Sayviah RANGITOHERIRI (CSU-2015-ROT-000302) [pdf, 2 MB] alive today". [8] In addition, Moko had multiple blunt force injuries all over his body and the pathologist listed them as: • Facial/neck contusions and abrasions including periorbital haematomas; • Patterned injury consistent with human bite mark on his left cheek, resolving; • Patterned injury suggestive of human bite mark on right cheek, resolving; • Lacerations to his chin, neck, ears, lower lip, mucosa including frenulum and gum; • Abrasions to his upper lip...