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  1. Proactive release - Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...These costs would be met from within existing baselines. Any future cost pressures may require additional funding which would be sourced by reprioritising other expenditure, through the annual Budget bid process, or by a request directly to Cabinet. Human rights implications 85. The proposals in this paper clearly engage the rights to justice affirmed in NZBORA. The right to justice includes observing the principles of natural justice (s 27(1)), the right to a judicial review of determ...

  2. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...managing pest problems within New Zealand have been widely adopted by many other countries world-wide. Orillion has been a global leader in the supply of products and delivery methods for the eradication of rodents to restore biodiversity, protect human health or improve primary production. Orillions rodenticides have been used on more than 200 islands across 20 countries. The company has a continued focus on diversification through sound science and product development. This focus inc...

  3. Te Manutukutuku 74 [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Tribunal and soon moved to Wellington to take up a position in the claims coordination team from 2007 to 2008. Following this, Nicola worked as a repatriation researcher at Te Papa, assisting with facilitating the return of Māori and Moriori human remains to their descendant communities. Nicola then returned to the Treaty sector and has worked for the past eight years at the Crown Forestry Rental Trust as a research facilitator and then as a fund­ ing and contracts manager. She w...

  4. [2006] NZEmpC CC 13/06 Angel & Anor v Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd [pdf, 99 KB]

    ...triggered by the metal detector so that the defective product does not go on to be loaded onto pallets for distribution. Bags are also rejected if they are under or over weight. [23] WPC is packed in three forms: • The bulk of the product is for human consumption and is packed in 25 kilogram bags. The packing machine is calibrated for this weight. • Reject WPC and any significant spillings which have not touched the floor is packaged and labelled as stock food. • Wa...

  5. Tom De Pelsemaeker - Evidence in reply to supplementary evidence of TA's (21 May 2021) [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...water quality effects that can be considered.16 16 The policy and rule framework for managing effects on water quality are set out in Chapters 7, 9, 10 and 12 of the RPW, while Chapter 5 allows decision-makers to consider effects on natural and human use values, some of which are reliant on good water quality. As is the case with the framework for managing water quantity, the provisions for managing water quality do not ensure that natural and physical resources are managed in a...

  6. Worker-Exploitation-in-NZ-Enforcement-and-Commentary-Paper.pdf [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...above n 7, at 18. 15 Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, above n 3, at 7. 16 At 8. 17 Sections 98 and 98AA. 18 Sections 98C and 98D. 19 Section 351. Page | 5 counts of using a person as a slave and 10 counts of human trafficking.20 In R v Ali, the defendant was imprisoned after having trafficked 15 victims.21 In R v Lata, the defendant was convicted of dealing with a person under 18 for sexual exploitation after she sold the sexual services of...

  7. [2011] NZEmpC 21 Maddern v Worldxchange Communications Ltd [pdf, 154 KB]

    ...cranes continued to go missing from his artwork and so approximately a week later he felt compelled to remove them from his workplace. The personal grievance [19] On 13 January 2009, Mr Maddern sent a rather lengthy email to Ms Carol Eddy, the Human Resources Manager for WorldxChange, about the fact that he had laid a formal complaint in September against Mr Moore, the operations‟ manager, “for an incident that resulted in personal humiliation and emotional distress” but...

  8. E82 Martin Te Moni - EIC - Ngaati Whanaunga [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Mauri; (b) Mana; (c) Tapu; (d) Raahui; (e) Kaitiakitanga; (f) Mātauranga; and (g) Taunahanaha. Mauri 44. Mauri is the vital energy force that gives being and form to all things in the universe, providing the interconnection between humankind and the natural environment. Decisions made and controls imposed were focused on sustaining the mauri to ensure that the balance was maintained between people and the natural and spiritual worlds.5 Respected Marutuuaahu kuia...

  9. [2019] NZEnvC 042 Alliance Group Limited v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 451 KB]

    ...i. Soil biological diversitv: ii. Biological activity in soils: iii. Soil function in the storage and cycling of water, nutrients, and other elements through the biosphere: iv. Soil function as a buffer or filter for contaminants resulting from human activities, including aguifers at risk of leachate contamination: v. Soil fertility where soil is used for primary production: b J Where a J is not practicable, minimise adverse effects: cJ Recognise that urban and infrastructure deve...

  10. BORA Border Security Bill [pdf, 72 KB]

    ...consider whether s 10 of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 (UK), which exempted the Crown from liability in tort for injury suffered by members of the armed forces in certain circumstances, was compatible with Article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights. [9] Their Lordships held that the Crown's exemption from liability in tort was a matter of substantive law, so that the claimant had no "civil right" to which Article 6(1) might apply. Their Lordships treated th...