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  1. 2021-10-27 ORC - PC8 - Common Bundle - Volume 3(a) [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...underpin that world view. We are of the Uruao, Arai-te-uru, Täkitimu waka, of the Käti Rapuwai, Waitaha, Käti Mämoe and Käi Tahu people. Our traditions reach back to the very beginning of time, to the creation of land and sea, to the emergence of humankind. In this sense, we are a people who define their right to Manawhenua status and represent the mana of the land. Through having a culture, language, traditions, resource use and management, place names and whakapapa to the land well...

  2. Common Bundle Volume 4 [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...Matua Te Kore and set about the business of creating the natural and physical world, including mankind. Te Atua lo Matua Te Kore Hineengaro Kete Aronui Agriculture Water Tikanga Kawa Ritenga Kete Tuatea Wānanga Hui Tinana Kete Tuauri Human Activity Taonga�/�Ngā Herenga Putaiao Wairua Figure 1: Understanding the Māori Resource Management and Conservation Ethic CB1069 26 Section One�Wāhi Tuatahi – He Kupu Whakataki�Introduction From the understanding of c...

  3. 2021-04-20 Transcript (up to end of day 17) [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2020-CHC-127 IN THE MATTER OF The Resource Management Act 1991 AND Of a notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (referred to the Environment Court by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the Act) OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant Hearing Commenced: 12 April 2021 held in Cromwell Court: Environme

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 201 Auckland Council v Noe [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...more expensive option for Mr Noe. Application for enforcement orders [6] On 24 August 2020 the Council filed a further application for enforcement orders due to the lack of compliance from Mr Noe, and the ongoing risk to the environment and human health if the property is left in an un-remediated state.3 [7] The Council submits that the enforcement orders now sought are necessary to compel Mr Noe to undertake the requisite remedial work without further delay. Evaluation [8]...

  5. David Bain appendices tabs A to E [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...six documentary sources, three of the authors being examined before the court. The court said, in paragraph 22 of the judgment: "The key question is whether the blood in which David Bain's fingerprint marks were found on the rifle was human blood. There was no suggestion at the trial that the blood was not human. Hence the jury will undoubtedly have proceeded on the basis that it was." 1 1 As a result of subsequent inquiries, tests and analyses there was now a sug...

  6. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 s274 evidence chief Janet Moore Appendix 3 Makgill [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...Transition” in Memon, P.A. & Perkins, H. (eds.) Environmental Planning & Management in New Zealand, Dunmore 2000, p. 216. 7 It is thought that about 30 per cent of the total marine environment experiences some degree of disturbance from human activities. This is sobering when the size of our population (i.e. measured by Statistics New Zealand as at December 2007 to be 4,291,900) is considered against the size of our coastal environment (i.e. at 4.4 million square kilometres it...

  7. [2013] NZEmpC 234 Gazeley v Oceania Group (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 320 KB]

    ...exposition is needed in this judgment it will be supplied in the following paragraphs under separate headings. The inquiry and disciplinary meetings [20] Disciplinary meetings between Mrs Gazeley and her lawyer on the one hand, and Mr Hipkins and a Human Resource Manager, Ms Kate Hoyle, on the other, were conducted on 11 August 2011 and 13 September 2011. Ms Sharma, who was representing Mrs Gazeley, prepared lengthy letters for those meetings, which were clearly to provide the...

  8. 2020-03-18-ORC-PC7-s-32-Report.pdf [pdf, 614 KB]

    ...number of objectives, polices and rules that apply to the taking and use of surface water, and the damming, diverting and discharging of water. The most relevant objectives in the Water Plan are: • 5.3.1: To maintain or enhance the natural and human use values, identified in Schedules 1A, 1B and 1C, that are supported by Otago’s lakes and rivers; • 5.3.2: To maintain or enhance the spiritual and cultural beliefs, values and uses of significance to Kāi Tahu, identified in Schedule...

  9. E77 CVA - Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust [pdf, 1.6 MB] Rereiao from Waikato, the grandparents of Paoa. Paoa is the eponymous ancestor of Ngāti Paoa. 14 Auckland Regional Council, (1996) Whakanewha Regional Park Management Plan, History of Human Occupation and Archaeology. Auckland, New Zealand: Murdoch, G. Retrieved from: occupation-and-archaeology-of-Whakenewha-Regional-Park2.pdf

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 039 CEP Services Matauwhi Limited v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.3 MB] marama (the world of light). (c) Maori have long maintained their genealogical connection to Te Taiao (the environment) since Tane created Hineahuone (earth formed maiden); breathed life into her; mated with her; and gave birth to the first human being Hinetitama (dawn maiden). ( d) Hence Maori cosmology see themselves as being a natural part of the land and waters since the beginning of mankind. (e) Within Maoridom are often heard aphorisms like "Ko au te awa, ko te awa k...