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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 185/2015 WD v KG (6 July 2017) [pdf, 87 KB]

    ...obligations. (c) Committee failed procedural fairness, and act as counsel on behalf of lawyers. (d) Committee failed procedural fairness and natural justice and perverted the course of natural justice. (e) Committee failed procedural [sic] of the Human Rights Act. And had based the decision on discrimination and racism. [13] He then repeated, and added to his complaints: (a) Lawyer failed to act competently. (b) Lawyer failed to act in a timely manner, in accordance with in...

  2. 02-Appendix-Two-Objectives-and-Policies.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...minimised (iv) the special values of rivers protected by water conservation orders are maintained. (b) Groundwater quality is managed to ensure that existing groundwater quality is maintained or where it is degraded/over allocated as a result of human activity, groundwater quality is enhanced. Objective 5-3 Water quantity and allocation, enables use of water to meet reasonable needs while ensuring that: (i) minimum flows and allocation regimes are set for the purpose of maintai...

  3. [2022] NZEmpC 97 Bowen v Bank of New Zealand [pdf, 201 KB]

    ...(a) made four unsuccessful applications in the Authority to remove the matter to the Employment Court;13 (b) been unsuccessful in respect of jurisdictional issues over whether her claim should proceed in the Employment Relations Authority or Human Rights Review Tribunal;14 (c) made unsuccessful interlocutory applications for preservation of evidence in the Employment Court;15 (d) unsuccessfully applied to the Employment Court for special leave to remove the matter;16 and (e)...

  4. LF & AS v NJ [2023] NZDT 36 (10 February 2023) [pdf, 141 KB]

    ...reminding LF to remain calm. (b) AS was within NJ’s view, and it ought to have been obvious to NJ that AS was using her camera to record the interactions. There was no covert filming that NJ was unaware of. (c) AS forwarded the video to the Human Rights Commission and an organisation established for citizens to complain about instances of racial abuse. These are organisations to which citizens have a right to approach with a complaint. Forwarding the video to these organisations...

  5. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Pita Rikys [pdf, 60 KB]

    ...North-eastern Bay Area (site of the Marina) is waahi tapu. Indeed some make this claim for the whole of Matiatia Bay. This claim is not supported by Ngati Paoa as Mana Whenua. It appears to be based on allegedly extensive discovery of koiwi (human bones) in the foreshore fringe, allegations that there are significant 'burials' in the seabed itself arising from battles with Ngapuhi in this location, and evidence that some warriors were slain in the foreshore area and left...

  6. BORA Public Finance (State Sector Management) Bill [pdf, 48 KB]

    ...referral to the Minister of Justice. A copy is also attached for referral to the Minister of State Services, if you agree. Allison Bennett Principal Legal Adviser Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Senior Legal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team CC: Minister of Justice Minister of State Services Copy for your information In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advice was prepared to assist the Attor...

  7. 2010 to 2013 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 498 KB]

    ...Negotiations. Constitutional independence and support to the judiciary A key role for the Ministry is supporting the work of the judiciary. The Ministry ensures that the judiciary is provided with adequate levels of administrative, technological and human resources support, and funding for judicial training and development. The Ministry seeks judicial input into its operations through joint Ministry–judicial governance and management committees and councils, for example, on impro...

  8. ENVC Matiatia expert witness ecology conditions 2014 [pdf, 243 KB] provisions, that provides for (as applicable) baseline monitoring prior to commencement of works, during construction and thereafter for the marina site of the following: (i) Measurement and analysis of bacteriological and viral indicators of human sewage in the water for comparison with Ministry for the Environment (MfE) guidelines for contact recreation including summer (peak period) monthly microbiological indicators (baseline and operational); Response Coastal Ecology an...

  9. CEO Position Profile [docx, 35 KB]

    ...ensuring legal and legislative obligations are met; · proactively managing risks, opportunities for innovation and information to best effect; · monitoring developments in other jurisdictions in relation to electoral matters; · implementing modern human resource policies and practices including Health and Safety; · providing leadership to a wide range of contractors, managers and staff including the up to 25,000 temporary staff who work for the Commission during a general election or an ele...

  10. ENVC Matiatia expert witness landscape recreation 2014 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...parking areas, c. prominent houses, d. the barren nature of the foreshore between the main car park and the beach, and Landscape, Natural Character, Amenity, Recreation and Open Space Joint Witness Statement 14 e. commercial vessels, vehicles and human activity. 5. The experts agree that moored vessels affect the natural character values of the water surface of the Bay, without agreeing on the degree of effect. 6. The experts agree that there are notable cultural (modified / man-...