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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. Transcript of speeches KG Smith [doc, 91 KB]

    ...he has long since grasped. He would never be described as intemperate or of taking an unreasonable point with anyone on any issue. Having been in partnership with Judge Smith for 20 years, what stands out for me is his decency, his kindness and his humanity in all that he has done. He has been a strong stabilising influence. One important contribution that he has made has been to support women in our firm, two of his team having progressed to partnership with his full support including from...

  2. [2022] NZEmpC 76 NZQA v Hickey [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...2021. He wrote to his manager, Russell Spencer, that day and asked if his employment end date could be amended by mutual agreement and confirmed by a “Letter of Variation”. Mr Spencer was asked to make any necessary arrangements with the human resources department of NZQA. [21] On 3 November 2021, Mr Hickey renewed his request for an extension of his employment in a further email to Mr Spencer. He sought confirmation about the extension and asked if it would be condi...

  3. FINAL-2021-Research-Memorandum-Witness-Familiarisation.pdf [pdf, 300 KB]

    ...questions. Witnesses may become nervous and frustrated. 8 L. Ellison and J.M Wheatcroft (2010): Exploring the Influence of Courtroom Questioning and Pre-trial Preparation on Adult Witness Accuracy Research Briefing Paper produced for the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Universities of Leeds and Liverpool. This study also compared complex and simple styles of cross examination questions. 9 Ellison and Wheatcroft (ibid). These findings came with some caveats due to the f...

  4. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...managing pest problems within New Zealand have been widely adopted by many other countries world-wide. Orillion has been a global leader in the supply of products and delivery methods for the eradication of rodents to restore biodiversity, protect human health or improve primary production. Orillions rodenticides have been used on more than 200 islands across 20 countries. The company has a continued focus on diversification through sound science and product development. This focus inc...

  5. IPT 2019-20 Annual Report [pdf, 477 KB]

    ...Pearson, Ms Roche and Ms Wakim attended training (via webinar) on the questioning of vulnerable witnesses, including children. − Mr Burson gave a presentation at an expert meeting organised by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the application of international human rights law outside the scope of the Refugee Convention. The United Nations Human Rights Committee gave a decision dismissing a complaint against New Zealand in which the Committee...

  6. Sale-and-Supply-of-Alcohol-Rugby-World-Cup-2023-Extended-Trading-Hours-Amendment-Act_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 588 KB]

    ...increase in risk as trading hours get later and the widespread public interest in the Rugby World Cup 2023, it is reasonable to assume the population impacts of these changes will reflect typical patterns of alcohol-related harm across New Zealand. Human Rights 42. The proposals are consistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993. Consultation 43. The following departments were consulted during the development of this paper: New Zealand P...

  7. Canterbury Westland Standards Committee 2 v Mr U [2024] NZLCDT 4 (9 February 2024) [pdf, 173 KB]

    ...personal nature and that it did not reach the threshold for personal misconduct. [35] It is well established that Parliament has set a deliberately higher threshold for conduct in a personal capacity to be considered misconduct. This recognises human frailties and the range of conduct which might fall for consideration. It would be unduly 12 oppressive for a lawyer in his or her personal life to have to maintain the sort of standards that are, at all times, expected of...

  8. [2022] NZEmpC 75 Tranzurban Hutt Valley Ltd v New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employees Union Wellington Inc [pdf, 314 KB]

    ...Passenger Service Vehicles 2019, cl 3. 7 New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employees Union v Tranzurban Hutt Valley Ltd, above n 2, at [9]. Evidence [19] Tranzurban called two witnesses. The first was Ms Renee Snelgrove, Human Resources and Legal Director for the Tranzit Group, of which Tranzurban is a part. She is responsible for incorporating the required rest and meal breaks into bus drivers’ shifts. After describing the background to which I h...

  9. Oslo speech for IUCNAEL Colloquium June 2016 [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...Maori; reasoning approaches centred on sustainability in decision-making which focus on the future and the obligation not to unfairly disadvantage future generations by over-exploitation of natural resources and irreversible environmental impacts from human activity; managing the challenges 2 Sustainable management [3] Essentially the approach of the RMA is to provide for a balance between environmental protection, and development and human use of land, air, water and soil. Th...

  10. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...managing pest problems within New Zealand have been widely adopted by many other countries world-wide. Orillion has been a global leader in the supply of products and delivery methods for the eradication of rodents to restore biodiversity, protect human health or improve primary production. Orillions rodenticides have been used on more than 200 islands across 20 countries. The company has a continued focus on diversification through sound science and product development. This focus inc...