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  1. [2011] NZEmpC 175 Maynard v Bay of Plenty DHB [pdf, 105 KB] constructive dismissal, she said: “… I 7 [2006] ERNZ 517. 8 At [36]-[37]. 9 Note: Other aspects of the Employment Court’s decision, unrelated to this commentary, were overturned on appeal: Commissioner of Police v Creedy [2007] NZCA 311, [2007] ERNZ 505 (CA); Creedy v Commissioner of Police [2008] NZSC 31, [2008] ERNZ 109, [2008] 3 NZLR 7. feel that you have sided with Faith right from the beginning of this whole inve...

  2. [2017] NZEmpC 161 Aslam v Transportation Auckland Corp Ltd [pdf, 284 KB]

    ...outcome. The Court or the Authority must do so objectively, that is ensuring that they do not substitute their own decisions for those of the fair and reasonable employer in all the circumstances. [50] In considering that assessment, the Court of Appeal in A Ltd v H said:3 [46] It is apparent that the effect of the statute is that there may be a variety of ways of achieving a fair and reasonable result in a particular case. As the Court in Angus observed, the requirement is for...

  3. Taueki v Trustees of Horowhenua 11 (Lake) Part Reservation Trust (2013) 306 Aotea MB 175 (306 AOT 175) [pdf, 114 KB]

    ...the resolution. This led to an altercation with Mr Taueki and some damage to the building. 1 Rudd Senior v Proctor – Horowhenua 11 (Lake) Trust (2012) 2012 Māori Appellate Court MB 107 (2012 APPEAL 107) 2 Six for, one against, one abstention, and one trustee did not vote due to a conflict. 306 Aotea MB 177 [8] By application dated 2 April 2013 Mr Taueki applied for an urgent interim injunction restraining the Trust from de...

  4. The Māori Trustee v Smith - Waipaoa 5A2 (2016) 62 Tairawhiti MB 122 (62 TRW 122) [pdf, 471 KB]

    ...[111] Counsel for the Māori Trustee (Mr Shaw) correctly points to case law which emphasises the limited basis upon which a court will intervene in the exercise of discretion by a trustee. As Mr Shaw puts it: The Court does not sit as a Court of Appeal on trustees’ decisions. It does not consider the issue for itself and substitute its own decision for that reached by the trustees. Rather the Court looks at how the trustees reach their decision. [112] Mr Shaw argued that the spr...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 258 Southland District Council v Chartres [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...does not award costs against decision- makers, such as councils, in the absence of special circumstances.17 However, costs’ awards against councils are made more readily in enforcement proceedings and in applications for declarations than in appeals.18 This is because respondents in proceedings may have little choice but to defend its position, and often there is usually a degree of urgency about such applications.19 [27] In Dunedin City v Ross, the court awarded costs against t...

  6. Mark Brown (filed 6 June 2017) [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    1 BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY ENV-2016-CHC-047 IN THE MATTER of an Appeal under Section 120 Resource Management Act 1991 BETWEEN Blueskin Energy Ltd Appellant AND Dunedin City Council Respondent BRIEF OF EVIDENCE of MARK NELSON BROWN Mark Brown 4, Erne Street Waitati 9085 Ph 482 2833 Email P.O. Box 63 Waitati 9069 2 Intro...

  7. ENVC Matiatia party corresp DMI amended applic out scope 20150130 [pdf, 680 KB]

    ...made: (a) The scope of permissible amendments to an application will depend upon the facts of a particular case, including such environmental impacts as may be rationally perceived by a consent authority;4 (b) Significant changes to a proposal on appeal, including changes which engage different parts of the relevant district plan, are likely to be beyond jurisdiction and involve a fundamentally different proposal;5 (c) Whether the activity for which resource consent is sought, a...

  8. CAC20002 v Lloyd [2013] NZREADT 20 [pdf, 54 KB]

    ...21 days thereafter. 3. Any response by the Real Estate Agents Authority to the submissions of Mr Waymouth (but strictly in reply) are to be filed within a further seven days. [25] The Tribunal draws to the parties’ attention the right of appeal to the High Court contained in s 116 of the Real Estate Agents Act. DATED at AUCKLAND this 11th day of March 2013 ______________________________ Ms K Davenport Chairperson _____________________________ Ms N Dange...

  9. Ministerial briefing: Implementation of the Investment Approach to Justice [pdf, 909 KB]

    ...fixed in legislation in the form of standard benefit payments. To understand the fiscal costs of crime requires understanding the way in which different crimes flow through to the activities in the Justice sector such as investigation, prosecution, appeal, and sentence management, and the costs of these activities. 50. Although this exercise may sound straightforward, it is fairly complex in practice. There are many decision points through the Justice pipeline, and the decisions tak...

  10. Reedy - Waitangi A1A1 (2003) 66 Ruatōria MB 48 (66 RUS 48) [pdf, 857 KB]

    ...section 18/93 are less obvious. What I do accept is that there was a will in this case where Tuterangi's intention has been clearly articulated, that there are succession orders giving effect to that intention and that the applicant could have appealed that decision, and or applied to contest the will in the High Court. He has chosen instead to file proceedings of this nature. But that is his right and nothing further can be made of that. The respondents seek to have the application...