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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Janet Stephenson [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...(2014) Correnso Underground Mine Social Impact Assessment – Final report. JRS-006 6 12. I have also been guided by the Fourth Schedule to the Resource Management Act, and in particular clause 7(1)(a) which states that an assessment of environmental effects should include “any effect on those in the neighbourhood and, where relevant, the wider community, including any social, economic, or cultural effects”. I also take into account the definition of ‘effect’ i...

  2. 11.-Dr-Matthew-Baber-Terrestrial-Ecology.pdf [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...since May 2019. I also hold the position of independent contractor for Tonkin + Taylor Ltd ("T+T"). 3. I prepared Technical Assessment F: Terrestrial Ecology ("Technical Assessment F") as part of Volume V of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), which accompanied the application for resource consents lodged with Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council ("Horizons") on 11 March 2020 in respect of Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū Tararua High...

  3. ORC - EIC - Dolina Lee - 15 October 2021 [pdf, 902 KB]

    ...prior to which I was (a) Policy Analyst Freshwater and Land at the Otago Regional Council (b) Reserves Policy and Planning Officer at the Dunedin City Council 3 In total I have 14 years’ experience as a Policy Analyst. 4 I have Diploma in Environmental Studies from the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. 5 I have been asked by the Otago Regional Council (ORC or Council) to prepare evidence for these proceedings. 6 Whilst I am an employee of the Council, I have prepared this s...

  4. 2020-10-12-Key-Issues-Report-9-October-2020-Appendices.pdf [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...G: Relevant sections of the Regional Plan: Waste for Otago Appendix H: Relevant provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 Appendix I: National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 Appendix J: Relevant provisions of the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020 Appendix K: Relevant provisions of the Resource Management (Stock Exclusion) Regulations 2020 Appendix L: Relevant provisions of Otago Regional Council Plans and Regional Policy Statements Appendix M...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 273 Meridian Energy Ltd v Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 437 KB]

    ...______________________________ J J M Hassan Environment Judge 5 List of appellants ENV-2021-CHC-092 Director-General of Conservation ENV-2021-CHC-093 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated ENV-2021-CHC-094 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated List of s274 parties Balmoral Station (Tekapo) Ltd Canterbury Regional Council Classic Properties Limited Federated Farms of NZ (Inc) Genesis Energy Limited Glen Lyon Ltd Glen...

  6. Environment Court annual report 2009 [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...E.49 5 Judge Bollard was appointed a Judge of the Planning Tribunal on 11 April 1988 and Principal Judge of the Environment Court on 3 May 2003. Under Judge Bollard’s leadership, the court introduced a number of initiatives designed to support the efficient and effective management and disposal of court business. Judge Bollard was highly regarded in both a personal and professional capacity. His dedicated service to New Zealand as a member of the Judiciary for ove...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 176 Waimarino Queenstown Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 942 KB]

    ...being detached buildings, generally one or two storeys in height, and separated from other buildings not just horizontally but vertically by open space and vegetation. [35] The Panel otherwise acknowledged the effort taken by the appellant to design the proposal to a high standard of visual design quality, noting that an activity of the sort proposed by the appellant is not something that is inherently unacceptable, including the various proposed ancillary functions. However, it wa...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 155 Save the Maitai Inc v Nelson City Council [pdf, 888 KB]

    ...interpretation of the interaction between the NPS-UD and the NPS-HPL, so that where they conflict, the NPS-UD should prevail. We understand the reference to a structured analysis to refer to the approach discussed by the Supreme Court in Port Otago Ltd v Environmental Defence Society Inc.17 For the reasons set out below we do not view the present case as bringing the NPS-UD and the NPS-HPL into conflict, so it is not necessary for us to conduct the structured analysis referred to...

  9. [2016] NZEnvC 140 South Epsom Planning Group Inc & Three Kings United Group Inc v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...regional policy statements. [30] The Environment Court has confirmed on a number of occasions that some provisions of the RPS are mandatory (Tramlease v Auckland CounciD. 6 Any doubt as to the effect of s 75 was addressed by the Supreme Court in Environmental Defence Society Inc v New Zealand King Salmon Co Ltd? where it was noted that policies (New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement) can be binding on decision makers. [31] Chapter 2 of the RPS, which deals with the regional overvie...

  10. ORC - EIC - Felicity Boyd - 15 October 2021 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...which have the potential to undermine the new land and water regional plan under development. 9 Part B is the largest part of PC8 and has been extensively amended. This reflects the highly technical nature of the provisions, which relate to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance requirements for animal effluent systems as well as practices for applying effluent to land (and associated regulation of the discharges). In many cases, the notified provisions were difficul...