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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 053 Peacocke South Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 7.4 MB]

    ...corridors that are well-connected and functional; (b) Are the most efficient and effective option as they: (i) Better align with PSL’s subdivision plans which will result in a more efficient future resource consent process; (ii) Reflect urban design and environmental constraints; (iii) Maintain ecological connectivity, protection and functionality; and (iv) Allow for land suitable for urban development to be rezoned Medium Density Residential Zone; (c) Do not give rise to ad...

  2. 03.-Evidence-of-Mr-Dean-Wilson-Muaupoko-Tribal-Authority.PDF [PDF, 402 KB]

    ...Punahau/Lake Horowhenua and associated land for the benefit of all Muaūpoko beneficial owners. I have been a trustee for three years and, since early 2023, I have also held the role of Deputy Chair of LHT. 4. I also hold the role of Kaiwhakahaere Taiao (environmental manager) for Muaūpoko Tribal Authority (MTA), the mandated iwi organisation for Muaūpoko Iwi. I have held this role since 2020. I have also, since 2020, represented MTA on the Manawatū River Accord along with Dianne Ru...

  3. 2023-10-17-Muaupoko-legal-subs-for-24-October-EC-hearing.pdf [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...(i) There is an Iwi Partner Steering Group that, among other matters, 'co-ordinates' the development of the iwi management plans (DTW1A), but does not determine their final content ie no veto. Page 3 (ii) There is a Cultural Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) – an audit of the CEDF forms part of the outline plan process (see DGA6(c)(ii)). The Project iwi Partners will be invited to complete the chapter on the cultural landscape (DTW5 (f)). 6. Muaūpoko...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 136 Quigley v Waikato District Council [pdf, 897 KB]

    ...rezoning the Property to RLZ with no precinct overlay and plan. The consideration of these options is embedded in the following evaluation. Effectiveness and Efficiency [13] The proposed precinct and associated provisions respond to the potential environmental, economic, social and cultural effects anticipated from the development of rural-residential land use. In particular the specific requirements for native planting, onsite generation of power and onsite management of three wate...

  5. Freedom Camping (Infringement Offences and Other Matters) Amendment Bill [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...prohibited and creates an infringement regime for prohibited behaviours. 5. The Act's purpose is to target the negative effects of freedom camping, such as littering, and the inappropriate disposal of human waste and effluent - which causes environmental degradation and poses risk to public health. The explanatory note states that the Bill's purpose is to make it easier to address these negative behaviours and to make the rules more consistent and easier for people to follow....

  6. E2 Fiona Knox Corporate Options Analysis and Engagement EIC Applicant [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...AC36 PANUKU MANA WHENUA ENGAGEMENT : 1 SEPTEMBER 2017 – 11 July 2018 Date Channel Background/Purpose Decision / Outcome / Comments  Need for advice around the broader location options so can identify issues around the options e.g. extent of environmental effects from dredging/piles  Collective and individual mana motuhake needs to be acknowledged by Panuku. Marine body occupation is a collective issue; want Panuku to understand the difference between those involved in the col...

  7. ORC - Statement of Evidence - Felicity Boyd - 3 September 2021 [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...National policy statements ............................................................................... 24 National planning standards ............................................................................ 30 Regulations (including national environmental standards) ............................... 30 Water conservation orders .............................................................................. 34 Regional policy statements .................................................

  8. [2020] NZEnvC 164 Trustees of the BA Freeman Family Trust v Waimakariri District Council.pdf [pdf, 581 KB]

    ...requirements set out in the District Plan. [6] A full copy of the subdivision application is not in evidence but attached to the affidavit of Mr M C Bacon is a copy of a conceptual plan for stormwater prepared by the Trustees' consultants, e2 Environmental ltd.4 I assume this report was part of the application's Assessment of Environmental Effects. The stormwater plan records that McIntosh Drain is "to be piped".5 [7] I come back to the salience of the piping of...

  9. 2023-09-26-Evidence-of-Siiri-Wilkening-Noise.PDF [PDF, 255 KB]

    ...condition DGA94 requires that SSNVMPs (and the CNVMP) be prepared by a SQP, I understand from Table 8 of Mr Smith’s evidence that the SSNVMPs will not necessarily be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person but by project staff or the Environmental Manager of the Project. Often, project staff are not suitably qualified for this work, particularly in relation to the prediction and measurement of construction vibration which is less well understood and for which surve...

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 010 David Mulholland Consulting Engineer Ltd v Whanganui District Council [pdf, 849 KB]

    ...racking/twisting to a sliding door. [5] Mr Mulholland was engaged in August 2016 by the property owner. He agreed with the 2015 Tonkin and Taylor report and the proposed remediation outlined in it. It was Mr Mulholland who prepared engineering designs that were submitted with an application for building consent to the Council, dated 10 March 3 2017. The building consent application has subsequently been approved. It is accepted that the proposed work also requires a resource con...