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Search results for Environmental Design.

1624 items matching your search terms

  1. 25.-Appendices-below-Evidence-of-Mr-Gavin-Lister-Landscape.-Visual-and-Natural-Character.PDF [PDF, 310 KB]

    .................................................................................... 23 Graeme McIndoe (Urban Design) ................................................................ 24 Tara-Ika connections ................................................................................... 24 Cultural and Environmental Framework (CEDF) .......................................... 26 Integrated Design .................................................................................................

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 260 Summerset Villages (Waikanae) Ltd v Wellington Regional Council [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...provided by the applicant, the most recent information applies. In addition, where there may be inconsistencies between information provided by the applicant and conditions of the consent, the conditions apply. Note: Any change from the location, design concepts and parameters, implementation and/or operation may require a new resource consent or a change of consent conditions pursuant to section 127 of the Resource Management Act 1991. 2. The Consent Holder shall surrender consent...

  3. Evidence Brief: Situational Crime Prevention [pdf, 419 KB]

    ...difficult, risky, or less rewarding or excusable.i • SCP is used in New Zealand by local authorities, businesses, NZ Police and others. • Examples of SCP in use in New Zealand include CCTV, property marking, alarm tags on clothing, and environmental design to improve lighting and visibility in public places. • Several types of SCP approaches have been sufficiently researched to be confident in their effectiveness, including CCTV and street lighting; Crime Preventi...

  4. 03-Appendix-Three-CEDF-Consent-Version.pdf [pdf, 27 MB]

    ...Manawatū Manawatū RiverRiver Rauoterangi Channel Ōtaki Ōtaki Beach Makorokio Makorokio Stream Stream Awa ItiAwa Iti LEVIN LEVIN ŌTAKIŌTAKI Kuku Stream Kuku Stream Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway Project Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (‘CEDF’). Volume II, Appendix Three Consent Version Land. People. Culture. October 2022 Consent Version WHAKATAUKĪ PLACEHOLDER to be confirmed with mana whenua partners 2.PLACEHOLDER Ō2NL PROJECT...

  5. ENV-2016-AKL-000277 Auckland Transport v KiwiRail Holdings Limited [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...ENV-2016-AKL- IN THE MATTER of the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010 (LGATPA) and the Resource Management Act AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal under section 157(1) of the LGATPA against a decision in relation to Designation 6303 BEnNEEN AUCKLAND AND TRANSPORT Appellant KIWIRAIL J-tOLDINGS LIMITED Respondent NOTICE OF APPEAL TO: The Registrar Environment Court AUCKLAND 1. Auckland Transport appeals against a decision of KiwiRail Holding...

  6. 2023-09-26-Evidence-of-Helen-Anderson-Planning.PDF [PDF, 760 KB]

    ...Draft Proposed Conditions and issues identified as outstanding by the District Council witnesses in evidence, I am of the view that the following issues remain outstanding: (a) Taylors Road Southern Interchange (b) Adequacy of the Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) condition DTW5 in respect of Urban Design and Landscape Design (c) The design review audit process as set out in condition DTW5 P a g e | 6 (d) Tangata Whenua Values conditions (e) Hydrology...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Richard Reinen-Hamill [pdf, 114 KB]

    ...technical group of IPENZ. I have completed the Making Good Decisions training assessment and certification programme for Resource Management Act Decision-Makers. 4. I am a Senior Coastal Engineer and Director of Tonkin & Taylor Ltd (T&T), Environmental and Engineering Consultants in Auckland. I have more than 21 years' experience in hydraulic and coastal engineering, including four years at the Dutch Hydraulic and Coastal Research Institute (Delft Hydraulics) wher...

  8. E97 Paul Kennedy - Coastal Environment - RE – Applicant [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority REBUTTAL EVIDENCE OF PAUL KENNEDY ON BEHALF OF PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND (COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL) 4 September 2018 3083 31088762_2.docx 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 My full name is Paul Cameron Kennedy. I have prepared a primary statement of evidence dated 7 August 20181, and confirm my qualifications and exper...

  9. [2024] NZEnvC 015 Caseley v Hastings District Council [pdf, 787 KB]

    ...Caseley’s appeal; vi) Various changes to the Parkhill Road/Raymond Road and Parkhill Road/East Road intersection improvements conditions, from Condition 52 - 54 are proposed to specifically address matters to be addressed in the intersection design upgrades, being matters that had been identified by engineering witnesses at the Council hearing. These amendments respond to the relief sought in Mr Caseley’s appeal in relation to what was previously condition 55 and is now con...

  10. 2023-10-10-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-J-McConchie-Hydrology-and-Flooding.pdf [pdf, 987 KB]

    ...purposes, but predominantly for dust suppression. Consequently, there is an optimum amount of water that needs to be applied. Applying too much water is problematic and since both the abstraction and use of water is expensive it 1 Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (Appendix Three to Volume II of the application). BF\HYDROLOGY AND FLOODING REBUTTAL E\IDENCE MCCONCHIE Page 6 adds to the cost of the Project. Therefore, there is considerable motivation to minimise...