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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 105 Capil Grove Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...increase in contaminant loads and concentrations in the catchment when compared to the baseline scenario; and (b) accordingly, it considered the Application did not meet the requirements of Regulation 24 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES-FM) or the proposed Southland Water and Land Plan (pSWLP). 4 Appeal [6] CGL appealed the decision to refuse the Application on 15 September 2023. The reasons for the appeal...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 225 The Olive Leaf Centre Trust v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 581 KB]

    ...confirmed by the Court of Appeal in R J Davidson Family Trust v Marlborough District Council,26 it may not be necessary to refer to Part 2 where the relevant plans have been prepared in accordance with that part and provide a coherent set of policies designed to achieve clear environmental outcomes.27 However, if a plan does not reflect Part 2, reference may be made to it.28 We agree with the Council’s submissions that reference to Part 2 in this case is not necessary because th...

  3. Evidence - Noise - Minister for Children - Rhys Hegley - Final [pdf, 424 KB]

    ...7am to 10pm L10 55dBA 10pm to 7am L10 45dBA 10pm to 7am Lmax 75dBA Noise (other than construction) shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustic Measurement of Environmental Sound” 7.2 Since the original designation, the Unitary Plan has become effective which, in terms of noise, has not only resulted in a fully revised suite of rules, but also an update in noise metric from the L10 of the designa...

  4. 20.-Evidence-of-Mr-Kathryn-Halder-Contaminated-Land.PDF [PDF, 437 KB]

    ...have 20 years of consulting experience in contaminated land, with most of this having been carried out in New Zealand. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment I: Contaminated Land (Technical Assessment I) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū- Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC)...

  5. ORC - Melanie Heather - Evidence in Reply - 11 March 2022 [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...discharge 11 Mr McIntyre in his evidence raises a number of concerns regarding the monitoring of conditions included in ORC earthwork and discharge consents. 12 At paragraph 13 of his evidence, Mr McIntyre notes that QLDC’s approach of having environmental management plan (EMP) details in a separate guidance document means that EMPs can be easily and quickly amended as required, whereas ORC’s approach can mean that a section 127 variation is required. In my experience, dep...

  6. [2020] NZEnvC 187 Haines House Haulage Northland Limited v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...and associated landscape planting as permitted activities as shown on the Landscape Plan. Prior to Commencement of onsite works 7. The consent holder must submit a detailed set of engineering plans prepared in accordance with Council's Environmental Engineering Standards 201 O Edition. The engineering plans are to be submitted to the Council's Development Engineer for approval. 8, It is to be noted that certain designs may only be carried out by an Independently Qual...

  7. [2023] NZEnvC 251 Shortbread Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...Indicative stormwater management device locations are shown on this map to display the likely location of such devices. These locations are broadly identified as per the Mangakootukutuku Integrated Catchment Management 4 Plan, but the location, design and size will be finalised during subsequent subdivision and development processes. Section 32AA evaluation [11] Section 32AA of the Act requires a further evaluation of any changes to a proposal since the initial section 32 eval...

  8. 8.-Dr-Jack-McConchie-Hydrology.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...McConchie. 2. I am currently employed as the Technical Principal (Hydrology & Geomorphology) by WSP. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment D: Hydrological Assessment ("Technical Assessment D") as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), to provide expert technical support in the areas of hydrology and hydraulics in relation to the Te Ahu a Turanga; Manawatū Tararua Highway Project (the “Project”). 4. My qualifications and e...

  9. E31 Second Planning JWS [pdf, 3 MB]

    ............................................... 9988 Management Plan Certification / Approval Process ................................................ 9988 Pre-construction Conditions ........................................................................ 1010910 Base Design - Buildings, Structures and Yard Area Design ............................. 1010910 Public Space Design .......................................................................................... 11111111 Roading Desi...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 013 Edens v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...encourage redevelopment, or change in land use, where that would reduce the risk of adverse effects from coastal hazards, including managed retreat by relocation or removal of existing structures or their abandonment in extreme circumstances, and designing for relocatability or recoverability from hazard events; (d) encourage the location of infrastructure away from areas of hazard risk where practicable; (e) discourage hard protection structures and promote the use of alternatives to...