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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. Memorandum of Counsel for Wellington International Airport Limited (dated 07 May 2018) [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...130-140 metres could be provided, should the Director General find 90 metre RESA lengths unacceptable. If required, this reconfiguration could be achieved utilising the current resource consent application before the Court, together with a minor redesign at the northern end of the runway within WIAL's current landholding as a permitted activity within the Airport and Golf Course Precinct. 6. The RESA recommendation focuses on the appropriate length of the RESA in the contex...

  2. E45 Glen Wright - Lighting - EIC - Council [pdf, 764 KB]

    ...of Engineering (Electrical), I am a Registered Engineering Associate, an Associate Member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand and a Member of Engineering New Zealand. 2.2 I have 28 years’ experience in lighting design, application and review. This includes exterior lighting for amenity, security and appearance, and also includes public spaces, carparks, walkways, sports fields and buildings in urban and rural environments. I am a recipient of five...

  3. 2021-08-02 ORC - MOC - in response to directions issued at PHC [pdf, 373 KB]

    ...controlled activity rule applies to the construction, use and maintenance of an animal effluent storage facility constructed after 25 March 2020. Some amendments to the conditions have been made, primarily to clarify technical aspects of their design and construction, and the rule now refers to a management plan prepared in accordance with Schedule 21. (e) Discretionary activity Rule some minor amendments to this rule have been made to reflect that it is a “drop dow...

  4. 2023-08-101114-O2NL-JWS-Planning.pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...along with any reservations relevant to the conditions set. 11. Except where recorded in Annexure A and B, the attendees agree that the primary data, methodologies and standards, and key facts and assumptions are as set out in the Assessment of Environmental Effects for the Project, and in particular the conditions set. 12. Annexure C records a revised condition set prepared by Ms McLeod in light of the amendments set out in Annexure A and B. Not all of the planning experts have...

  5. OWRUG - EiC - S H McKeague - Agriculture (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1022 KB]

    ...process. 3. Preparing for deemed permit replacement is an involved and complex process. 4. The applications that are lodged are comprehensive, address all aspects of the current plan, Plan change 7 and the RMA. 5. The farmers can not deliver the environmental gains they need to make for the rivers on 6 year permits. 6. Farmers can also not afford the costs or stress of doing this process again. 2 PP-1035600-2-216-V3 Introduction 7. My full name is Susa...

  6. [2021] NZEnvC 160 Auckland Council [pdf, 609 KB]

    ...2013) for the DSSP area. 4. Walkways / cycleways along riparian corridors and through buf fer planting should be designed to minimise any impacts on ecological function and give due consideration to personal safety and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. 5. Edge buf fer reserves should be located in accordance with the Drury South Industrial Precinct Plan, be a minimum of 30m in width and be planted in generally accordance with Diagram 5 below. Pl...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 160 Auckland Council [pdf, 609 KB]

    ...2013) for the DSSP area. 4. Walkways / cycleways along riparian corridors and through buf fer planting should be designed to minimise any impacts on ecological function and give due consideration to personal safety and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. 5. Edge buf fer reserves should be located in accordance with the Drury South Industrial Precinct Plan, be a minimum of 30m in width and be planted in generally accordance with Diagram 5 below. Pl...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 027 Director-General of Conservation v Taranaki Regional Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...been approved by an 81.6% majority of Nga.ti Tama members who voted. Turnout for the vote was over 60%.2 The Agency has asked that we finalise our decision. [3] The Agency seeks a minor amendment to the Notice of Requirement (NOR) to alter the designation and the resource consents to accommodate an additional constrnction yard at the southern end of the Project area. [4] We record that by memorandum dated 27 October 2020 Te Korowai Tiaki o Te Hauauru Incorporated withdrew its appe...

  9. Section 87F Report N Broadbent with Appendices A U [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...(Operative in part) Zoning and precinct: Business City Centre Zone General Coastal Marine Zone Wynyard Precinct (sub-precincts E, F, G and the CMA) Viaduct Harbour Precinct (sub-precincts A, B and the CMA) Overlays, controls, special features, designations, etc: Natural Heritage: Regionally Significant Volcanic Viewshafts and Height Sensitive Areas Overlay – E10, Mount Eden, Viewshafts Controls: Coastal Inundation 1 per cent AEP Plus 1m control – 1m sea level rise Cont...

  10. 08.-Evidence-of-Mr-Quentin-Parr-Ngati-Hikitanga.PDF [PDF, 263 KB]

    ...Kipihana). Ko Quentin Parr ahau. 2. I am authorised to give this evidence on behalf of Ngāti Hikitanga in relation to the application of Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) in respect of the Ōtaki to north of Levin highway Project (Ō2NL Project or Project). 3. Ngāti Hikitanga is one of the five hapū, within Ngāti Raukawa, that makes up the Ngāti Huia Collective. 4. Ngāti Rauk...