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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. E12 John Mckensey - Lighting - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 4.6 MB]

    ...Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) degree from the Queensland Institute of Technology; (b) Completed the Consulting Engineering Practice and Management programme at the University of Melbourne; (c) More than 35 years of experience in lighting design; (d) More than 15 years of experience in environmental effects of lighting; (e) Lighting expert representing the applicant for Kennedy Point Marina, Waiheke Island; (f) Lighting advisor to Auckland Council for the Auckland Unitary...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 245 The Adare Company Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 1.3 MB] undertaken, (where topography allows) to maximise access to sunlight for allotments.  Promote active street frontages that ensuring road frontages are not dominated by carparking, garaging and vehicle access.  Development should be well designed and provide a high level of on-site amenity for residents, including maximising access to sunlight private living spaces and a high-quality visual outlook.  Developments use quality building materials, variation in architectural fo...

  3. E26 Coastal Processes, Geotech and Engineering, Stormwater & ITAs JWS [pdf, 848 KB]

    ...the methodology contained within the email being adopted. This email is attached as Appendix A. The revised conditions are set out below: 135B. The following geotechnical requirements shall apply to the Project: a. Project Geotechnical Design Report (PGDR) shall be prepared and submitted for approval to the Team Leader Compliance Monitoring - Central no later than 20 working days before the Commencement of Construction. The PGDR shall include analysis and design to address spec...

  4. Kaupapa-inquiry-programme-App-B-updated-Jan-2024.pdf [pdf, 158 KB]

    ...- Stage 1: Primary healthcare system - Stage 2: Priority issues – mental health; disabilities; alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse Health system, hospitals, primary healthcare, funding equity, access to healthcare Rongoā, Māori healthcare design and provision Provision for the disabled, rehabilitation, elder care and rest homes Mental health, smoking, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, HIV/AIDS Public health, health promotion, occupational health Poor health status and outcomes...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 075 Otago Regional Council v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 27 MB] of the buildings and any signage on the road. BLA10855 10398665.4 20. The owner of the land being developed shall provide a letter to the Manager of Resource Management Engineering at Council advising who their representative is for the design and execution of the engineering works and construction works required in association with this development and shall confirm that this representative will be responsible for all aspects of the works covered under Sections 1.7...

  6. ORC-Proposed-Plan-Change-1-Dust-suppressants-ande-landfills-6-July-2020.pdf [pdf, 810 KB]

    ... Waste lubricating oil Waste lubricating oil accounts for possibly the largest quantity of low toxicity waste generated. All motor vehicle users generate waste oil and it is also produced wherever machinery is used. Oil has adverse environmental effects on any receiving waters or land. The toxicity of oil derives from heavy metal additives or combustion products. The Waste Lubricating Oil Survey of Otago (Otago Regional Council 1991) estimated that 700,000 lit...

  7. 29.-Evidence-of-Ms-Ainsley-McLeod-Conditions.pdf [pdf, 563 KB] possible to do so. Mr Lonnie Dalzell and other witnesses, including in their technical assessments, describe the process by which the Project has been developed and the manner in which the options assessment for the Project has responded to environmental and other constraints to avoid, in the first instance, and then reduce and minimise the Project’s actual and potential adverse effects on the environment. 18. A project of this scale and nature cannot be constructed without ha...

  8. 01.-Evidence-of-Mr-Lonnie-Dalzell-Waka-Kotahi-Project-Overview64017177.1.PDF [PDF, 855 KB]

    .................................................................................... 16 PROJECT ROUTE AND DESIGN ......................................................................... 18 Project development and options assessment ................................................... 18 Cultural and Environmental Framework ............................................................. 21 CONSULTATION AND ENGAGEMENT ............................................................... 22 Horowhenua...

  9. 2023-10-11-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-G-Eccles-Planning-Framework.pdf [pdf, 233 KB]

    ...considers it appropriate that the Prouse’s are informed of the timing of any tree felling activity.6 This can occur without the need for specific condition provisions given that the trees in question are on the Prouse’s land outside of the designation, meaning communication with the Prouse’s about granting access for any felling will need to take place regardless. 14. Ms Carter makes several references to a proposal to create a vehicle access on the western boundary of the...

  10. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 4 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...practicable, or remedy or mitigate adverse visual effects of earthworks on visually prominent slopes, natural landforms and ridgelines. Manage the scale and extent of earthworks to maintain the amenity values and quality of rural and urban areas. Design earthworks to recognise the constraints and opportunities of the site and environment. Ensure that earthworks are designed and undertaken in a manner that does not adversely affect infrastructure, buildings and the stabili...