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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-94638.pdf [pdf, 7 MB]

    ..."the true stigma arises from the perceived circumstances of the crime, not from the label attached to the crime". RE LE AS ED U ND ER T HE O FF IC IA L IN FO RM AT IO N AC T 19 82 3 circumstances, which the defence is designed to recognise, do not alter depending on the identity of the child killed. It also means that children in the home, the most vulnerable, have less protection because of the substantially lower maximum penalty for infanticide (3 years)....

  2. Ministerial group work programme update on family & sexual violence [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...of unreported violence, inconsistent assessment of risk and need for those who do report, and inadequate information about the distribution and effectiveness of our current interventions prevents us doing so. The Ministerial Group work programme is designed to overcome some of these difficulties. 10 Underpinning the Ministerial Group’s work programme is an acknowledgement of the need to collect more data and evidence to inform decision making; in particular, to help us better understan...

  3. Chittock v ACC [2014] NZACA 4 [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...activities and some maximum assistance and some activities he can manage with supervision.” [14] Ms Kenworthy did not summarise the Malpress and Finnis assessments, but said: “I have read the reports from Dr Malpress, Occupational and Environmental Health Physician, and Mr Finnis, Neurosurgeon, but rehabilitation of spinal injuries is not their particular field of expertise or specialisation and, while I have considered their reports, have placed less reliability on their obse...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 166 Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...provisions in section 7 RMA? 4.6 The National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 4.7 The Otago Regional Policy Statement and some conclusions 4.8 Sections 32 and 32AA identification of the options to be considered 4.9 Is a draft National Environmental Standard on Ecological Flows and Water Levels relevant? 5. Predicting the future hydrological characteristics of the Lindis River 5.1 Introduction to the scenarios exemplifying the options 5.2 The assumptions and the hydrogr...

  5. [2016] NZEmpC 48 Nelson v Katavich [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...the company. 7 See Strachan v Moodie t/a Moodie & Co [2012] NZEmpC 95, (2012) NZELR 216, at [129]. I am satisfied that the 'reference' was completely unsolicited. It was designed by Mr Katavich to cause Ms Nelson maximum hurt and humiliation in her new job. The allegations relating to the company's bank account had never been raised before. (b) The Disputes Tribunal claim: On 6 August 2012, Mr Katav...

  6. Victims of crime in the adult criminal justice system: a stocktake of the literature [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...needs of victims. Existing provisions are consistent with international best practice, with further reforms and improvements currently underway. It appears that the greatest gains now will derive from ensuring these provisions are fully implemented as designed and intended. Monitoring compliance of those responsible for delivering support and services is a crucial next step. The new dedicated Victims Centre is well placed to assist in this undertaking. Equally important will be increas...

  7. Ministry of Justice Annual Report 2023/24 [pdf, 5.6 MB]

    ...stewardship and much more. We are working with sector partners and other stakeholders to help victims by reducing the levels of crime and supporting families. We continued to embed Te Ao Mārama, the judicially- led vision for the District Court, designing services to meet local needs and finding local solutions in eight District Court communities. Through our membership of (and hosting responsibilities for) Te Puna Aonui, the Inter-Departmental Executive Board for the Elimination...

  8. Review of community-based sentences in New Zealand [pdf, 1.4 MB] for a period between 6 months and 2 years and the standard conditions of this sentence place an offender under the ‘supervision’ of a probation officer. One example of a standard condition is the requirement for the offender to report to the designated 9 officer as and when required. The court can also impose additional conditions designed to reduce the likelihood of further offending. The sentence does not require the offender’s consent, although consent is needed for an...

  9. [2015] NZEmpC 234 2015 AFT v BCM [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...employment by an unjustified act or omission by the respondent. It appears that the unjustified disadvantage alleged by the applicant was the employer’s decision to subject him and his employment to a performance inquiry process. He says that it was designed and used for educational institutions but not for individual staff members of them, and not a process that was provided for in his contract. [18] The applicant says that this quality assurance programme would have subjected...

  10. [2021] NZREADT 19 - Moseley v The Real Estate Agents Authority & Smith (29 April 2021) [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...areas from flooding. [20] The manager of the Agency, Mr Stevens, visited the property on 10 May 2016. In his statement in response to the complaint he told the Committee he noticed “the poor condition of the piles and the dampness”. [21] K2 Environmental Ltd undertook a “biological air quality assessment” on 15 June 2016 (“the K2 report”). This stated that: The presence of toxigenic, pathogenic and allergenic2 fungi suggest that the dwelling is suffering from...