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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Taueki - Horowhenua X1B41 North A3A and 3B1 (2008) 16 Aotea Appellate MB 30 (16 WGAP 30) [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...connection to the land as a member of Muaupoko, addressed the principles underpinning the Act, commented on common law principles relating to customary native title, traversed some of the historical legislation and case law relating to Muaupoko, raised environmental concerns over the use of the land for dairy farming and referred to an application filed by Richard Takuira pursuant to section 45 of the Act which, she maintained, related to this land (it subsequently transpired that it did...

  2. Richards - Karaka Huarua A and B (2004) 98 Whangārei 273 (98 WH 273) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...level of support for the application. The Land Karaka Huarua A was created by partition order on 11 December 1901 . It comprises 90.04 hectares with 220 beneficial owners holding 7.25 shares as at 16 December 2003. The block had previously been designated a Maori reservation by order dated 24 August 1976, 52 Whangarei MB 80. Evidence was given that the reservation status was sought to prevent the Land from being acquired by central and/or local government during the 19705. The Maori r...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - Te Paparahi o Te Raki - statement of issues for stage 2 [pdf, 595 KB]

    ...8. PUBLIC WORKS AND OTHER TAKINGS ...................................................................................................... 24  9. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RATING ......................................................................................................... 27  10. OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL, WATER AND OTHER NON‐LAND RESOURCES ... 29  11. TAKUTAI MOANA/FORESHORE AND SEABED .....................................................

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 160 Hawthenden Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...[2019) NZEnvC 160 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of appeals under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act concerning Topic 2: Sub-topic 1 of the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan HAWTHENDEN LIMITED (ENV-2018-CHC-55) UPPER CLUTHA ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY (INC) (ENV-2018-CHC-56) SEVEN ALBERT TOWN PROPERTY OWNERS (ENV-2018-CHC-95) JAMES WILSON COOPER (ENV-2018-CHC-144) ALLENBY FARMS LIMITED (ENV-2018-CHC-148) Appellants QUEENSTOWN LAKES DISTRICT COUNCIL...

  5. [2020] NZEnvC 121 Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...water from the catchment. The exceptions are listed below in 1.2. We attach as "X" a map2 showing the take points for the existing permits which are being replaced (shown as red dots). [2020] NZEnvC 104. 2 LCG's Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE") Figure 4 [Environment Court document 0.1 ]. 5 1.2 Other permits [3] Further decisions will deal with the supplementary allocations and with a number of rather more complex packages of both primary an...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 111 Schmuck v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...with antifouling paint. 84 Temporary signage shall be placed and maintained on the edge of the reserve and at the bottom of the slipway during painting activities notifying the public that painting of vessels is taking place. The signage shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Authority rules. 85 A temporary screen shall be erected between the blasting area and the walking track at all times during high pressure water blasting to mitigate t...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal - Interim report on the MV Rena and Motiti Island claims [pdf, 2.2 MB] the claimants, who are Māori living on or affiliating to Motiti Island . Motiti Māori are an isolated island community in an especially vulnerable position . They will bear the brunt of what seem likely to be significant adverse cultural and environmental effects if the wreck is allowed to remain on the reef . It is in this light that we consider that the Crown’s consultation with them has been neither robust nor meaningful . The consultation process has neither adequately informed...

  8. Directory of Official Information 2019 M-O [pdf, 513 KB]

    ...Security Act 2004 and is responsible for search and rescue operations under section 14C of the Civil Aviation Act 1990. Functions and responsibilities Maritime NZ is the national regulatory, compliance and response agency for the safety, security and environmental protection of coastal and inland waterways. Maritime NZ was established to promote a safe, secure and clean maritime environment for all commercial and recreational activities on the water, and to minimise the impact of mari...

  9. 2019 Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 417 KB]

    ...Act 2004 and is responsible for search and rescue operations under section 14C of the Civil Aviation Act 1990. Functions and Responsibilities Maritime NZ is the national regulatory, compliance and response agency for the safety, security and environmental protection of coastal and inland waterways. Maritime NZ was established to promote a safe, secure and clean maritime environment for all commercial and recreational activities on the water, and to minimise the impact of maritime...

  10. Proactive Release: Response to the third Universal Periodic Review recommendations [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Climate Change Commission. The public now have a chance to have their say on the Bill while it’s being considered by Parliament. New Zealand also intends to complete its first national climate change risk assessment in 2020 and is developing an Environmental Health Action Plan. w55f2if1v 2019-05-29 10:27:59 3 Accepted: 54-56 Businesses and human rights 20. New Zealand will adopt a national action plan to implement the UN Guiding Principles. We engage with businesses domestica...