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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    ...Forum (Te Arawa Takitai) PH Cooney and RC Zame for Bay of Plenty Regional Council as respondent (the Respondent) JM Pou, JA Hope and AM Neems for Maketu Taiapure Committee, Nga Tangata Ahikaroa 0 Maketu, Ngati Makino Heritage Trust, Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society and Ngati Tunohopu 1M Gordon for Te Kahui Kaumatua 0 Te Patuwai (the Korowai of Elders) K Barry-Piceno for Motiti Environment Management Incorporated JR Welsh for Mount Maunganui Underwater Club Incorporated VJ Hamm for...

  2. Glossary employment disputes, either in the first instance or, more commonly, as challenges to determinations of the Employment Relations Authority. Environment Court The Environment Court's work involves public interest questions relating to New Zealand's environmental matters, and other issues arising under the Resource Management Act 1991. evidence The various things presented in court to prove an alleged fact, including written or spoken testimony from witnesses, and other material such as docu...

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  3. 2023-10-12-Affidavit-of-Laila-Alkamil_Part1.pdf [pdf, 20 MB] of October 2023 Before me: ECS-479124-46-225-1:tw DINO MONTEPAR-6. Barrister & Solicitor Auckland • Please confirm how many and which existing access points would be upgraded and to what level. • Based on the preliminary design provided with the application, it is unclear whether there is one main access point to the site or if all access points will be used: please clarify. In addition, please provide information on the nature of the vehicles that would be using th...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 199 Kristin School Charitable Trust [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...applicant for the purpose of ensuring positive effects on the environment to offset or compensate for any adverse effects on the environment that will or may result from allowing the activity; and (b) any relevant provisions of- (i) a national environmental standard: (ii) other regulations: (iii) a national policy statement: (iv) a New Zealand coastal policy statement: (v) a regional policy statement or proposed regional policy statement: (vi) a plan or proposed plan; and ( c)...

  5. Water Services Bill [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...the protection against self- incrimination, we consider that this power is proportionate and reasonable in this context. Clause 110 – Power to enter without search warrant 14. Presently under the Health Act 1956,9 a drinking water assessor (or designated officer) may exercise warrantless powers of entry and inspection, provided that they comply with certain restrictions set out in exercising such powers; and that they must obtain a warrant if they enter a dwelling house. The Bill amend...

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 228 Auckland Council v Cable Bay Wines Limited [pdf, 430 KB]

    ...chairs, umbrellas, and open­ air dining and drinking on the lawn. [5] The unconsented facilities and activities were the subject of a retrospective resource consent application by the Appellants in April 2017. Examination of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ('AEE') showed us in the s 120 appeal hearing that consent was sought for the following activities: (a) The establishment of the additional enclosed restaurant space and pizza kitchen, collectively referred to...

  7. 2021-05-18 Appendix 1 to the Deemed permits and associated rights of priorities JWS file 18 May 2021 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...directly affected by this Deemed Permit. 4. Also appended is a diagram of the relative locations of the permits 5. The intake shall be screened so as to prevent the ingress of small fish. The screen should have a minimum mesh size of 3mm and design characteristics (approach velocity, sweep velocity) should be consistent with best practice guidelines. (see Jamieson et al 2007) 6. Other than exercising this permit for reasonable domestic and stock drinking water purposes. A r...

  8. ORC outline conditions for surface water takes [pdf, 176 KB]

    ...carried out in accordance with the plans and all information submitted with the application, detailed below, and all referenced by the Consent Authority as consent number [insert consent reference number/s]. a) Application form, and assessment of environmental effects dated [date]. b) [list plans provided with application: plan title, author, rev, date] c) [list other additional information dated XXX.] If there are any inconsistencies between the above information and the conditions...

  9. Memorandum of Counsel in response to Court Minute on conditions 24 August 2018 [pdf, 153 KB]

    ...considers that the Applicant’s Revised Conditions, read alongside the draft management plans (any updated versions are to be provided in rebuttal evidence), provide a comprehensive suite of controls and appropriately avoid, remedy and mitigate any environmental effects of the application. 7. FURTHER CHANGES TO CONDITIONS 7.1 As has been foreshadowed in the evidence on behalf of a number of section 274 parties, Panuku has been continuing its discussions with these parties i...

  10. Memorandum of Counsel for Wellington International Airport Limited (17 January 2018) [pdf, 386 KB]

    ...for signature 7 December 1944, entered into force 4 April 1947) [Chicago Convention]. 12 Article 38. international aerodromes, and Annex 14 to the Chicago Convention, which deals with standards and recommended practices relating to the design of aerodromes, was amended to this effect in 1999.13 The Annex explains the difference between standards and recommendations as follows:14 Standard: Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, matériel, performa...