Practice notes & procedures

Practice notes cover many topics. They can contain guidelines on how a case must be managed, from the filing of the first document that starts proceedings through to disposition (the end of the case). They can also outline how professional services must be managed.

Family Court caseflow management practice notes

Family Court Caseflow Management [PDF, 1.4 MB] (Currently under review)

Applications under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 [PDF, 172 KB]

Joint protocol Ministry of Justice and Department of Child, Youth and Family, 1 July 2000 [PDF, 79 KB]

Intellectual Disability Act 2003: Reviews, applications for orders and representation [PDF, 26 KB]

Hague Convention cases – New Zealand Family Court guidelines [PDF, 27 KB]

Hague Convention cases: Mediation process – removal, retention and access [PDF, 32 KB]

Restrictions on the Filing of Certain Documents [PDF, 96 KB]

Electronic filing in the Auckland Region [PDF, 104 KB]

Family Court professional services practice notes

Lawyer for Child practice note updated July 2024 [PDF, 253 KB]

Lawyer for Subject Person practice note updated November 2024 [PDF, 273 KB]

Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (Selection and review of 'Counsel for intended care recipient' list) [PDF, 33 KB]

Children's supervised contact [PDF, 110 KB]

Specialist report writers [PDF, 908 KB]

Best practice guidelines

Guidelines establish expected standards of practice in the Family Court. Guidelines may be issued in cases where it is not appropriate to issue a practice note

Lawyer for the Child – Best Practice Guidelines [PDF, 304 KB]

Guidelines relating to the appointment of psychologists and lawyer for the child in cases related to the Hague Convention [PDF, 34 KB]

Lawyer for Subject Person Best Practice Guidelines: Acting for a Subject Person under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 [PDF, 240 KB]

Guideline: Family Court counsellors [PDF, 302 KB]


A protocol is an agreement between the Family Court or Ministry of Justice and another government organisation or agency. It sets out what should be done in certain circumstances, perhaps in an unusual situation where there is no other precedent or existing process for particular agencies to work together. The protocol then provides a basis on which future similar issues must be managed.

Protocol: children's medical emergencies (guardianship applications to the Family Court) – this protocol allows the Family Court to act in the interests of a child by making them a ward of the Family Court for the purpose of authorising medical treatment, such as a blood transfusion.

Family Court Protocol for the Adoption by New Zealand-Based Intended Parents of Children Born by Surrogacy Overseas [PDF, 93 KB] - this protocol aims to provide a framework to secure legal parenthood, in a child focussed manner, and in a timely way.
The updated protocol enables a streamlined use of technology and resources in international surrogacy cases in which the intended parents are planning to reside in New Zealand with the surrogate-born child. It will enable intended parents who meet the conditions outlined below to make an application to the Family Court from outside New Zealand.

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