How to handle and protect Ministry information

If you're a third-party vendor, supplier or organisation providing services to the Ministry of Justice, you need to know how to handle and protect Ministry and/or court and judicial information.

The Ministry has an important role in safeguarding the information of people who engage with justice services. We work proactively to ensure all information held by the Ministry is managed according to best practice.

If you are a new vendor supplying the Ministry of Justice, or your contract is coming up for renewal, you may be asked to complete the Ministry’s Third-Party Provider and Supplier Assurance Framework. The purpose of the Framework is to better safeguard the information of the Ministry, courts and judiciary, our third-party vendors, and everyone who uses our services.

Best Practice Guide for Third-Party Vendors

This guide explains how to handle and protect Ministry and/or court and judicial information. It includes a checklist you can work through to make sure you’ve considered all risk areas covered in the guide.

Best Practice Guide for Third-Party Vendors [PDF, 462 KB]

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