Update your contact details
If you’re an existing legal aid lawyer, email legalaidprovider@justice.govt.nz if you want to do any of the following:
- update your contact or personal details
- increase your litigation experience level
- update your criminal case assignment list preference
- update your criminal case assignment availability
- take leave for more than 5 working days
- add or remove a supervisor from your supervised approval (you’ll need to provide us with an undertaking from your new supervisor)
- stop providing legal aid services or retire.
Please complete our change of details form if you are:
- changing practice
- setting up a new practice
- changing to a Barrister sole
- transferring from the Public Defence Service to a private practice
- returning to provide legal aid services after an absence of three years or less.
Legal Aid Provider change of details form [PDF, 2.6 MB]
Firm undertaking form [PDF, 954 KB]