The Tenancy Tribunal and Tenancy Services deal with disputes about residential tenancies (rented homes including boarding houses) and unit title disputes. The tribunal holds hearings to settle the disputes.
Before coming to the tribunal, you can try to settle your dispute through mediation. The mediation is run by Tenancy Services, which is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Contact the tribunal through Tenancy Services(external link)
Tribunal hearings are informal. The tribunal makes decisions about each dispute based on the general principles of the law and the merits and justice of the case. It doesn’t have to follow strict legal technicalities.
Hearings can be held:
The adjudicator hearing the case will decide if the hearing of the case will be in-person at a court location or whether the hearing will be held using audio visual services. This will be confirmed in the Notice of Hearing that is sent out prior to the hearing date.
If you intend on having a witness give evidence at the hearing you must fill in the witness summons [PDF, 94 KB] form and take it to the court the hearing will be heard in to be signed by the case officer.
Hearings are heard by unbiased and independent tenancy adjudicators. Most adjudicators are lawyers. They’re appointed by the Governor-General on the advice of the Ministers of Justice and Housing.
Find your nearest Tenancy Tribunal hearing court
Practice Note 1/2019: Requests for Tenancy Tribunal audio recordings [PDF, 87 KB]
While Tenancy Services is the main point of contact for the Tenancy Tribunal, its day-to-day work is supported by both Tenancy Services and District Court staff.
Contact information for Tenancy Services is available on their website here: link)
Applications that are scheduled for a hearing are transferred to the relevant District Court House, where your case is being heard, 5 days before the hearing. If you have a query about your case or want to withdraw the application within this timeframe, the District Court House, is best placed to assist you. Contact information is available here: link) otherwise you can call 0800 COURTS (0800 268 787)
After a Tenancy Tribunal hearing has happened, The Tribunal will generally issue an order.
These orders record what happened at the hearing, and explain the decision that has been made.
The Tribunal generally aims to provide orders to parties within 28 days of the hearing date. Please note the complexity of the case and some exceptional circumstances may influence the time taken for an order to be issued.
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