Make an appeal

If you want to appeal to the Social Security Appeal Authority, you must do so within 60 working days of the Benefits Review Committee’s decision. 

If you make an appeal after the 60 working days has passed, you must state in a letter with your application why your appeal is late and why you think it should be accepted.

How much does it cost to appeal?

There’s no fee to make an appeal to the Authority.

Present your case

You can present your own case or have a lawyer, or advocate, present it for you.

Appoint an advocate to represent you

You can appoint an advocate to act for you. They don’t need to be a lawyer ­– any person can be your advocate provided they have your written authority to do so. The Authority will communicate directly with your advocate.

Both you and your advocate need to sign this form:

Authority to act [PDF, 179 KB]

If you hire a lawyer, you may be able to get legal aid to help with legal costs.

A lawyer, your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Community Law Centre can tell you more about this.

Ways to Apply


(external link)1. Make sure you have all the evidence to support your claim in PDF or JPG formats.


Sign and date your application form and include all the required evidence. 

What you must send us
To make an appeal, fill in the Notice of Appeal form and send it to us, making sure you include a copy of the committee’s decision:
Notice of appeal [PDF, 303 KB]

Send the form to us.


Postal address:
Social Security Appeal Authority
Tribunals Unit
DX SX 11159

Overview — Filing an appeal [PDF, 178 KB]

Guidelines — How to make an appeal [PDF, 318 KB]

Glossary of terms [PDF, 188 KB]

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