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Search results

877 items matching your search terms

  1. [2025] NZREADT 08 - OQ v Knowles & Maclean (21 March 2025) [PDF, 327 KB]

    Compensation referral / Committee found licensee one failed to ensure property was sold as a going concern and include vendor’s GST registration in sale and purchase agreement (ASP) and licensee two failed to supervise / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s110, s1105 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r5.2, r8.3, r8.4, r9.8, r9.9 / KD v Donaldson [2023] NZREADT 12 / HELD / first compensation referral decision / Tribunal may have regard to principles from its compensation jurisdiction under s1102g / must apply, and must not overturn, Committee’s determination of any substantive matter in the case / no jurisdiction to award interest under Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / satisfied loss caused by licensee’s unsatisfactory conduct / commission repayment by licensee should be taken into account as it offset vendor’s losses / 15 per cent reduction for vendor’s failure to mitigate loss by signing ASP  and not seeking legal advice / licensees ordered to pay $35,1011.65

  2. [2025] NZREADT 7 Hi & FT v CAC 2205 (3 March 2025) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Appeal / purchasers of residential property later discovered building work was previously undertaken without CCCs being obtained / purchasers complained about licensee’s alleged lack of disclosure / Registrar took no further action due to lack of evidence that licensee failed to disclose absence of CCCs / Real Estate Agents 2008, s111 / HELD / not in dispute that at time of purchase there were no CCCs for two building consents including original dwelling / mutually agreed that licensee sent LIM report to purchasers prior to auction / however, purchaser contended licensee did not disclose absence of CCCs / licensee contended absence of CCCs verbally disclosed during inspection / Tribunal noted unreliability of purchaser and licensee’s memories given effluxion of time / on balance, purchasers failed to discharge burden of proving factual basis of complaint / appeal dismissed / Registrar’s decision to take no further action confirmed

  3. [2025] NZREADT 06 - UX v REAA (19 February 2025) [PDF, 292 KB]

    Interlocutory application for full disclosure of confidential information / unsuccessful tenderer alleged licensees’ tender process was not transparent, did not reasonably explain shift in tender date, had unreasonable time constraints, and lacked proper communication with tenderer’s agent / Registrar relied on information not fully disclosed to complainant in determining not to pursue complaint, concluding it disclosed inconsequential matters / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s743a, s105, s109, s112 / HELD / Tribunal considered unredacted documents to determine appropriateness of disclosure / failure to disclosure “secret” information prima facie breach of natural justice / however, complainant was provided sufficient description of documents to answer licensees’ defence / redactions appropriate in light of privacy interests / Registrar should have advised complainant its possession of confidential information but failure to do so not error of law / redacted information of insufficient p…

  4. [2025] NZREADT 03 - XS v REAA (10 February 2025) [PDF, 295 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination not to pursue complaint as it only disclosed inconsequential matters / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s74, s107A, s112 / Professional Conduct and Client Care Rules 2012, r5.1 and r6.4 / HELD / purchaser alleged licensee enticed consideration of property with lower price than in fact sought / Registrar overlooked licensee’s admission as to communicated price expectation / nonetheless, Registrar’s conclusion that licensee did not give incorrect or misleading advice justified / purchaser not misled as to price at critical time of making offer / purchaser also disputed licensee’s statements regarding leak / licensee assured purchaser that leak was historic / Registrar failed to consider evidence of licensee’s knowledge of ongoing leak and failure to disclose until after settlement / purchaser further alleged licensee unduly pressured her into purchase / frequency of phone communications reasonable / Registrar correct to find no evidence of undu…

  5. [2025] NZREADT 01 LQ v Registrar Substantive (9 January 2025) [PDF, 250 KB]

    Appeal / licensee conducted two visits to complainant tenant’s property / complainant alleged that licensee failed to attend one arranged outside-only viewing and later forcibly entered property without consent / Registrar took no further action / Real Estate Agents 2008, s743a and s111 / Professional Rules 2012 / HELD / evidence supported conclusion that second visit had been agreed upon and was not rescheduling of missed appointment / in any event, a licensee’s forgetfulness resulting in a missed appointment could not justify disciplinary response / no evidence that licensee misled complainant as to scope of two arrangements / only independent evidence supported licensee’s assertion of consented entry / appeal dismissed / Registrar’s decision to take no further action confirmed

  6. [2024] NZREADT 48 – CAC2105 v Chen, Stevenson & Buy West Realty (18 December 2024) [PDF, 565 KB]

    Liability / misconduct and incompetent or seriously negligent real estate work charges against licensee, managing director and agency arising from imbalances in VPA account balances / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s50, s72, s73b, s73c, s s85, s86, s110 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.1, r6.3, r8.3, r8.4, r9.13 and r10.6c / HELD / licensee’s practice of ticking “no refund” without confirmation reckless / licensee liable for reckless contravention per s73b / director and agency did not have appropriate checks and balances to control VPA funds / numerous failings seen as systemic failure to reconcile VPA / properly characterised as negligence / director and agency liable per s73b / license failed to adequately particularise marketing and advertising costs / unsatisfactory conduct per s72a / director and agency’s failure to supervise licensee’s handling of VPA inadequate / director and agency liable for misconduct per s73b / penalty decision to follow

  7. [2024] NZREADT 47 – Andrews & Grant v CAC 2205 & Ors (9 December 2024) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Appeal / licensees advertised cottage as having electricity connection linked to main house / following settlement, purchasers were required to pay for installation of separate connection / Committee found licensees’ misrepresentation, albeit made innocently, amounted to unsatisfactory conduct / Real Estate Agents 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.4 and r6.4 / Tribunal directed licensees to apply for leave to produce fresh evidence / fresh evidence not considered in absence of such application / in any event, licensees’ submissions supported Committee’s determination that licensees had misrepresented there was a separate electricity connection / appeal dismissed / Committee’s finding of unsatisfactory conduct confirmed

  8. [2024] NZREADT 46 - JX v CAC2201 Baker (22 November 2024) [PDF, 221 KB]

    Penalty / licensee misled purchaser as to status of builder and existence of transferable guarantee / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s50, s93, s108, s1104, s1115 / Professional Rules 2012, r6.4 / licensee’s misrepresentation was careless but unintentional / breach of Rules occurred more than 10 years ago / licensee was novice agent at time of misrepresentation and not subject to disciplinary complaints in intervening years / no need for personal deterrence against repetition / disciplinary orders not warranted / no clear claim for compensation from purchaser / reference to significant legal costs allegedly incurred by purchaser not supported by breakdown of costs or documentary evidence / causative link between misrepresentation and loss unproven / no penalty orders imposed / passage of time since unsatisfactory conduct insufficient to displace presumption of publication of licensee’s identity in interests of transparency

  9. [2024] NZREADT 45 – Parmar v REAA, KB & LB (20 November 2024) [PDF, 121 KB]

    Appeal / licensee provided purchaser with key to property prior to settlement without vendor’s permission / Committee found licensee guilty of unsatisfactory conduct / Committee ordered censure, $1,500 fine and refund of commission to sum of $3,000 / licensee appealed against penalty / Real Estates Agents Act 2008, s3, s4, s892b, s93 and s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r9.1 and r9.5 / Tribunal admitted licensee’s fresh evidence of commission statement / evidence relevant, cogent and credible / Committee did not refer to any evidential foundation when fixing sum of compensatory order at $3,000 / interests of natural justice supported admission of evidence / commission refund should identify and relate to particular aspect of work relating to disciplinary findings / unsatisfactory conduct did not pertain to entire range of work provided / Committee’s refund sum excessive / $1,500 refund and $1,500 fine appropriate / Committee’s decision modified / appeal partially upheld

  10. [2024] NZREADT 44 - Lemalu v CAC 2205 & KE (8 November 2024) [PDF, 253 KB]

    Appeal / licensee failed to disclose removal of gate and shower glass wall in sale agreement and during final inspection / Committee found licensee guilty of unsatisfactory conduct and ordered replacement of gate and shower / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s931f, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.2, r6.4 / HELD / licensee incorrectly applied “legalistic lens” to vendors’ query concerning removal of gate / should in fairness have disclosed to purchaser, irrespective of whether chattel or fixture, and despite intention to redevelop property / incorrectly advised vendors shower wall could be removed / no evidence of purchaser’s consent to shower wall removal / breaches of r5.1, r6.2 and r9.1 / properly assessed as low to middle gravity of offending / Committee lacked jurisdiction to order relief as consequences of licensee’s errors were no longer operative following demolition / Committee’s modified / liability decision and training order upheld / relief orders vacated

  11. [2024] NZREADT 43 - TL v CAC 2204 LS Ray White (5 November 2024) [PDF, 300 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee and agency mismanaged conflict of interest and agency failed to appropriately supervise licensee / licensee’s family member purchased property / Committee found licensee and agency guilty of unsatisfactory conduct for failure to follow s134 / fined agency $9,000 and published its name / vendor appealed against penalty / Real Estates Agents Act 2008, s3, s4, s72, s73, s93, s111, s134, s136 / Professional Rules 2012, r6.4 / HELD / Tribunal clarified Committee’s liability findings / found Committee erred in failing to consider refund under s134 / complainants in disciplinary proceedings need not commence civil proceedings to recover under s134 / nexus required between subject of upheld complaint and refund / s134 does not require licensee to act under agency agreement nor any loss to vendor / refund punitive, not compensatory / licensee and agency ordered to refund commission shares / Committee’s decision modified / appeal partially upheld   

  12. [2024] NZREADT 42 - KD v CAC 2204 & XZ (31 October 2024) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee failed to deduct GST from price of chattels included with property resulting in purchaser paying too much / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r5.2 / HELD /  Tribunal disagreed with Committee’s assessment that fundamental level of GST knowledge required expertise beyond what could be expected of licensee / licensee required to have basic understanding of GST or prompt purchaser to obtain professional advice / potential oversight from licensee / however, purchaser received legal advice and continued with transaction notwithstanding GST error which licensee declined to correct / purchaser waited more than four years to make complaint / delay in bringing complaint does not extinguish rights but is adverse factor / purchaser’s decision to continue with transaction notwithstanding error fatal to complaint / Committee’s decision confirmed / appeal dismissed

  13. [2024] NZREADT 41 – CAC 2103 v Jones Lang Laselle Ltd (29 October 2024) [PDF, 253 KB]

    Liability and penalty / real estate agency pleaded guilty to amended charge of unsatisfactory conduct for non-compliance with Audit Regulations over one year period / failure to appoint auditor, notify Authority of trust account transactions, provide monthly balances, and prepare statement or statutory declaration / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s72, s110 / Real Estate Agents (Audit) Regulations 2009, reg9, reg15, reg16 / HELD / Tribunal emphasised importance of trust account compliance for public protection / amount of monies transferred in and out of trust account were at times significant / accepted that breaches occurred inadvertently due to miscommunication and change in auditors / agency admitted liability and cooperated with Authority / no prior disciplinary history / company implemented changes to ensure future compliance / low to mid-level penalty appropriate / Tribunal ordered censure, required company officer to undergo training and imposed $5,000 fine

  14. [2024] NZREADT 40 - CAC v Tafilipepe (25 October 2024) [PDF, 367 KB]

    Liability and penalty / misconduct / licensee pleaded guilty to disgraceful conduct for non-compliance with Audit Regulations over period of nearly two years / failure to appoint auditor, notify Authority of trust account transactions, provide monthly balances, prepare statement or statutory declaration, and maintain adequate records / drew upon monies to pay personal and business expenses / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s73a, s110, s1102f, s122, s123, s125, / Real Estate Agents (Audit) Regulations 2009, reg5, reg6, reg7, reg8, reg9, reg14, reg15 / HELD / trust account compliance necessary for public protection / deliberate and intentional breaches / personally benefitted from trust monies despite no loss to any client / discrepancies between trust monies required and those held often significant / aggravated by disciplinary history / serious wrongdoing / public interest favoured publication / Tribunal ordered censure, $16,784.17 in costs, and 5 year prohibition from real estate work

  15. [2024] NZREADT 39 – Chen v REAA (22 October 2024) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as licensee failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018 / HELD / did not complete CPD by deadline / Registrar correctly followed statutory process / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54d / Registrar has no discretion to consider health or financial circumstances / no application for deferral or exemption made / licensees are responsible for ensuring they receive correspondence from Registrar / no error of fact or law / application dismissed / Registrar’s decision confirmed

  16. [2024] NZREADT 38 – TX v REAA (22 October 2024) [PDF, 161 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination not to pursue complaint as it only disclosed inconsequential matters / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s72, s73, s74, s112 / HELD / licensee’s property management was not real estate agency work and therefore could not be assessed as unsatisfactory conduct, only misconduct / misconduct requires conduct reasonably regarded by agents of good standing or reasonable members of the public as disgraceful / licensee’s communications to complainant were direct and could be perceived as abrupt and rude, but behaviour not “disgraceful” / communications relating to rent relief viewed in context of longstanding dispute as to alleged rent arrears which licensee and colleagues sought to resolve / no evidence of threatening behaviour / application dismissed / Registrar’s decision confirmed

  17. [2024] NZREADT 37 – QT v CAC 2205 & TP (3 October 2024) [PDF, 250 KB]

    Appeal / licensee advertised property as having “home automation” /  purchasers alleged that licensee had misrepresented that property featured a Control4 automation system / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r6.4 / HELD / licensee provided base package material specifications which did not reference Control4 / purchasers made no queries about whether Control4 included and had obtained legal advice on sale and purchase agreement / purchaser had purchased base package with central hub wiring for smart home system / not proven that the licensee failed to accurately represent what was included in property’s home automation system / vendor’s evidence corroborated licensee’s evidence / appeal dismissed / Committee’s decision to take no further action confirmed

  18. [2024] NZREADT 35 – CAC 2108 v Barfoot Thompson (20 September 2024) [PDF, 143 KB]

    Liability and penalty / real estate agency pleaded guilty to unsatisfactory conduct for its failure to appropriately supervise new agent / agent failed to read building report and identify potential weathertightness issues / agent did not bring report to attention of potential purchasers but recommended independent building report / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s50, s72b, s93, s110, s1102f / Professional Rules 2012, r8.3 / HELD / Tribunal satisfied agency’s conduct amounted to unsatisfactory conduct / no evidence of pattern of unsatisfactory conduct amongst inexperienced salespeople at agency / unsatisfactory conduct most likely arose from agent’s misunderstanding as to supervisory structure / agency has since taken steps to revise supervision policies to ensure situation not repeated / no previous disciplinary record / agency cooperated with disciplinary processes / Tribunal ordered censure and imposed $7,500 fine

  19. [2024] NZREADT 34 – MY v CAC 2301 & MA (19 September 2024) [PDF, 143 KB]

    Appeal / licensee facilitated sale following relationship property division agreement / property owner alleged that licensee enabled unauthorised entry of valuer into property, accepted ex-husband’s instructions without agreement, and improperly changed duration of agency agreement / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.1, r6.2, r6.4, r9.1 / HELD / no evidence of wrongdoing by licensee in allowing valuer to enter house / owner was informed prior to visit and did not object / owner did not inform licensee to deal only with her or correct understanding that ex-husband was fully active participant / however, licensee wrong to alter duration of signed agency contract without owner’s consent / breach of r5.1, r6.2 and r9.1 / licensee acted on another beneficial owner’s instructions and immediately took steps to rectify / threshold for disciplinary response not met / Committee’s decision confirmed / appeal dismissed

  20. [2024] NZREADT 33 – Wilson v REAA (15 September 2024) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as licensee failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018 / HELD / did not complete CPD by deadline / Registrar correctly followed statutory process / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54d / licensees are responsible for ensuring they receive correspondence from Registrar / no error of fact or law / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed   

  21. [2024] NZREADT 32 – JX v CAC2201 & Baker (13 September 2024) [PDF, 265 KB]

    Appeal / complaint that licensee failed to disclose defective and non-consented work & misrepresented multi-offer situation / complaint licensee misled purchaser as to status of builder and existence of transferable guarantee / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.2, r6.4, r10.7 / HELD / no evidence licensee withheld building report, was aware of defects or unauthorised building works, misled purchaser about multi-offer situation, or improperly responded to purchaser’s legal claims / extent of defects not evidence of licensee’s knowledge / licensee entitled to rely on council certification and engaged building professionals / finding that licensee made significant albeit innocent misrepresentation about builder’s status and building work having transferrable master builder guarantee / finding of unsatisfactory conduct warranted / Committee’s decision modified to reflect adverse findings / decision otherwise confirmed

  22. [2024] NZREADT 31 - HH v CAC 2201 SL (12 September 2024) [PDF, 261 KB]

    Appeal / complaint that licensee placed unauthorised bid at auction and misrepresented bid to induce further bid / licensee disclosed identity of other bidder to purchaser / Committee took no further action / Real Estates Agents Act 2008, s3, s4, s111 / Privacy Act 2020 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.2, r6.4 / HELD / purchaser did not establish that licensee made bid without instruction or falsely informed purchaser that bid was made by other known bidder / purchaser’s evidence as to bidding instructions contradicted bidding history at auction / suggestion that licensee misled purchaser as to leading bid implausible / purchaser may have forgotten or become confused as to instructions / licensee breached bidder’s privacy by disclosing identity and bidding number / breach of r5.1 and r6.2 but no disciplinary response required due to agency’s (barely adequate) corrective actions / threshold for unsatisfactory conduct not met / appeal dismissed / Committee’s decision confirmed

  23. [2024] NZREADT 30 - Bhatt v Registrar of the REAA (9 September 2024) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as licensee failed to pay annual fee for keeping licence suspended / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54h, s55, s112 / HELD / licensee does not dispute he failed to pay annual suspension fee but submits he did not receive reminder communications / Tribunal accepts Registrar followed correct process / licensees are responsible for updating their contact details / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54h / no error of fact or law / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed

  24. [2024] NZREADT 29 - CS v REAA (3 September 2024) [PDF, 256 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination not to pursue complaint as it only disclosed inconsequential matters / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s74, s112 / HELD / second complaint / Registrar’s decision on first complaint was not reviewed / Tribunal’s task is to determine whether Registrar appropriately exercised discretion under s74 / no evidence supporting allegations against licensee / not shown that Registrar’s findings were wrong / application dismissed / Registrar’s decision confirmed

  25. [2024] NZREADT 28 – CT v CAC 2106 & Ors (27 August 2024) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Appeal / complaint that licensees failed to fully disclose information relating to property’s weathertightness and defects / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111, s 133 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r9.3 / HELD / no breach of r9.3 / vendor’s evidence of knowledge of initial inspections incorrect / initial inspections’ recommendation to engage further expert not passed on, but immaterial as expert engaged per licensees’ advice / internal disclosures form updated and not passed on to vendors, but immaterial as vendors knew new information / breaches of r5.1 (and s133), but no disciplinary action warranted / expert not advised of initial findings, but identified same issues / offer presentation not signed in accordance with s133 but remedied quickly and purchaser was a licensee familiar with guide / Tribunal observed licensees in a team can be individually responsible for same failures / Committee’s decision reversed / appeal allowed