Compensation referral / Committee found licensee one failed to ensure property was sold as a going concern and include vendor’s GST registration in sale and purchase agreement (ASP) and licensee two failed to supervise / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s110, s1105 / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r5.2, r8.3, r8.4, r9.8, r9.9 / KD v Donaldson [2023] NZREADT 12 / HELD / first compensation referral decision / Tribunal may have regard to principles from its compensation jurisdiction under s1102g / must apply, and must not overturn, Committee’s determination of any substantive matter in the case / no jurisdiction to award interest under Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / satisfied loss caused by licensee’s unsatisfactory conduct / commission repayment by licensee should be taken into account as it offset vendor’s losses / 15 per cent reduction for vendor’s failure to mitigate loss by signing ASP and not seeking legal advice / licensees ordered to pay $35,1011.65