
There are two ways you can renew – online or by mail.

It’s faster and cheaper to renew online.

No refunds

If your renewal application is turned down or you make a mistake and have to reapply, you won’t get your fee back. This is because the fee covers what it costs us to process the application.

For more information about the rare cases we may give a refund, you can contact us.

Contact us

Temporary certificate to work while training not needed for renewals

You don’t need to apply for a temporary certificate when applying for renewal. This is because your current licence or certificate stays active while we process the application – even if it passes the expiry date on the badge. We’ll show this information in the public register so people know your licence or certificate is still active.


If you already have a licence, it must currently be 'active' in order to renew. 

If your licence has expired, go to the Apply Online page. 

If your licence is active, follow the steps below. 

To check if your licence has expired, search your details in the Public register of licence and certificate holders

Make sure you:

  1. find your licence or certificate number (this is on your badge)
  2. fill in the form
  3. confirm your payment method
  4. give a suitable passport style photograph
  5. give details of your identification (ID)
  6. give proof of training and skills

Got these ready?

Renew online(external link)

You can send us the form (below) with your proof of payment to this address:

Postal address:
Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority


You can only pay with Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards when you apply online. Refer to our payment methods.

Important tip: Remember what your fee should be when you apply. If you’re charged a different fee, you’ve made a mistake and you should contact us.

Application for: Form Fee

Company licence

Each company officer must also complete their own form

Company licence form [PDF, 819 KB]

Company officer form [PDF, 282 KB]


Individual licence

Individual licence form [PDF, 642 KB]


Certificate of approval

Certificate of approval form [PDF, 209 KB]


If you apply for a company licence online, make sure every officer of the company (director or CEO) completes a company officer form.

Withdraw application

You can withdraw your application at any time by using the withdrawal form. You won’t get your fee back.

Withdraw an application form [PDF, 139 KB]

Contact us for help with your application

 If you're having trouble with your application, you can contact us.

Contact us

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