Date of Decision: 29 November 2017
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Date of Decision: 29 November 2017
Date of Decision: 28 November 2017
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct for respondent / respondent acted for applicant in litigation / excessive fees / fee agreement / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 9.1 / HELD / fees excessive / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / respondent acted for applicant in litigation / complaint litigation conducted incompetently / complaint applicant treated discourteously / complaint applicant ignored Judge’s order / excessive fees / HELD / representation was competent / applicant treated courteously / discovery issues not sufficiently grave to merit sanction / fees fair and reasonable / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / applicant acted for respondents / summary judgment sought for fees / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 13.1 / rule 13.5 / rule 13.5.3 / rule 11 / rule 4.4.1 / rule 2.3 / independence in litigation / lien over files / misleading conduct to court and costs assessor / HELD / breach of rule 13.5 and 13.5.3 / applicant mistaken in view of lien / breach of rule 4.4.1 reversed / cost assessor not mislead / court not mislead / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / delay by respondent resulting in bankruptcy of applicant / respondent fined / applicant sought compensation / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 5.11 / HELD / respondent accepts breach of rule 5.11 / respondent voluntarily paid compensation / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee referred matter to the NZLCDT / failure to terminate retainer / failure to account for trust money / acting without instructions / Zhao v The Legal Complaints Review Officer [2016] NZHC 2622 / Orlov v New Zealand Law Society [2013] NZCA 230, [2013] 3 NZLR 562 / HELD / Standards Committee not required to give reasons for referral / no concern over process followed / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / dispute over estate / respondent acted for executor / advice of respondent led to dispute / duties owed to inform others of entitlement / HELD / respondent owed duties to executor / respondent transferred shares in land when requested / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / dispute over insurance remediation / respondent acted for insurers / experts conference held / complaint alleges fraud / Zhao v The Legal Complaints Review Officer [2017] NZHC 1561 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 2.4 / alleged fraud of respondent / HELD / respondent advancing clients’ interests / no evidence of fraud / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / dispute between directors / respondent filed proceedings in district court / District Court Rules 2014 rule 5.38 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 2.3 / rule 3 / authorisation to file / improper purpose / HELD / no authority to file proceedings / incorrect filing was improper purpose / failure to act competently / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a) and (b)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / dispute over taxation advice / respondent emailed applicant on behalf of respondent’s clients / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 2.7 / rule 6 / threats / improper purpose / refusal to continue corresponding / HELD / email not capable of threat / duty of respondent not to correspond further / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / fee dispute / decision sent to another partner of firm / applicants disputed personal responsibility / HELD / applicants had duties as partners in firm / lawyers have personal responsibility towards obligations / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / complaint over handling of estate / HELD / no merit to complaints / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / fee complaint / complaint that respondent did not follow instructions / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 9.1 / HELD / fees fair and reasonable / respondent acting under instruction / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Dated 01 November 2017
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / relationship property division / respondent acted for both parties prior / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2008 rule 6.1 / conflict of interest / applicant unaware of undertaking / HELD / not acting for applicant / no conflict of interest / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaint / HELD / complaint raises no conduct issues / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaint / complaint over respondents conduct as trustee / fees charged as trustee / HELD / respondent not providing regulated services / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2008 rule 2 / rule 2.1 / rule 2.2 / rule 2.3 / respondent acted for applicants neighbours / letter sent to applicants / applicants considered letter a threat / applicant sought disclosure from respondent / HELD / no improper threat / respondent acting under instruction / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / applicants sought immigration assistance / visa application not filed / applicants sought misconduct finding, damages / section 156 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 / HELD / applicants vulnerable / anxiety and distress compensation / letter not improper threat / Committee’s decision modified and confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / complaint arose from administration of estates / complaint over costs / section 110 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 / conflict of interest / HELD / no breach of s 110 / fees inadequately reported / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaint / fees / costs assessor not appointed / HELD / Committee’s directed to reconsider complaint / section 209
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaint / property transfer / delay in transfer / acting without instruction Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2008 rule 6.1 / rule 7 / rule 7.1 / failure to act / conflict of interest / existence of retainer / HELD / instructions not carried out / conflict of interest / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)
Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaint / alleged copyright infringement / threat made by respondent / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2008 rule 2.7 / improper purpose / HELD / threat made for improper purpose / respondent had apologised / fine / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)
Own motion enquiry / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / relationship property division / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2008 rule 10.3 / breach of undertaking / failure to respond to correspondence / HELD / undertaking breached / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)