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Search results

1326 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 178-2016 KO v RT [PDF, 262 KB]

    Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / failure to respond to enquiry / complaint estimate exceeded / refusal to accept service / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 10.1 / rule 12 / R v D LCRO 56/2009 (19 June 2009) / IO v SJ LCRO 54/2010 (1 February 2012) / duties owed to third parties / respect and courtesy / HELD / no evidence that initial enquiry not responded to / lack of other responses unsatisfactory conduct / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a) 

  2. LCRO 176/2016+193/2016 RQ and TS v VU [PDF, 220 KB]

    Review / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / complaint about administration of estate / misleading information / failure to respond to emails / Taylor v Schofield Peterson [1993] 3 NZLR 641 (PC) / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 10 / independent advice when complaint raised / management of file / HELD / lawyer misled complainants / no independent advice to complainants / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)

  3. LCRO 217/2017 PY v SD [PDF, 395 KB]

    Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / complaint over enduring power of attorney / capacity to create power of attorney / lack of independent witness / Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 section 94A / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 3 / rule 6 / conflict of interest / HELD / lawyer not independent witness / unsatisfactory conduct / acted competently regarding capacity / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a)

  4. LCRO 264/2016 YQ v VG [PDF, 174 KB]

    Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 section 6 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 2.3 / rule 2.7 / rule 13.5 / lawyer conducting investigations for client / HELD / lawyer providing legal work / limited obligation to third party / no improper purpose or threats / lawyer independent in litigation / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)  DT

  5. LCRO 138/2015 AZ, VY and CX v DW and EV [PDF, 260 KB]

    Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / complaint lawyer inadequately supervised / fee complaint / failure to advise / complaint about conduct of litigation / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 4.4.2 / rule 4.4.4 / rule 9 / rule 11.3 / rule 13.4 / rule 14.13 / rule 14.15.3 / failure to transfer files / failure to carry out work on files / alternatives to litigation / HELD / no failure to supervise lawyer / work ceased due to non-payment of fees / no undertaking to pay firms fees / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)  DT(OV)

  6. LCRO 57/2014 IW v PP [PDF, 279 KB]

    Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / fee complaint / Committee ordered fee reduction / review only of unsatisfactory conduct / both parties support reversing of unsatisfactory conduct / Chapman v Legal Complaints Review Officer [2015] NZHC 1500 / Maguire v Manawatu Standards Committee [2016] NZHC 1052 / HELD / fees already refunded / views of complainant relevant / no broader issues arise / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)  RM (RH)

  7. LCRO 164/2014 WN and JM v SG [PDF, 352 KB]

    Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / complaint about will / probate need to be granted in UK / exceeded quoted fees / service not timely or competent / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 3 / rule 7.1 / rule 7.2 / scope of retainer / duty to keep client informed / HELD / scope of retainer did not cover UK probate / fees reasonable and in line with estimate / service not timely / client not kept informed of progress / no conduct issues in regards to junior lawyer / senior lawyer censured / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a)  RM

  8. LCRO 174/2017 DN v CI [PDF, 328 KB]

    Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / purchase of business / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 3 / rule 7 / rule 7.1 / rule 6 / Z v Dental Complaints Assessment Committee  [2008] NZSC 55, [2009] 1 NZLR 1 / act competently / following instructions / protecting client’s interests / HELD / insufficient evidence respondent incompetent / failure to follow instructions / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a) 

  9. LCRO 57/2017 SD v WP [PDF, 182 KB]

    Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / Property (Relationships) Act 1976, section 21J / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 3 / rule 7 / rule 7.1 / rule 6 / Z v Dental Complaints Assessment Committee [2008] NZSC 55, [2009] 1 NZLR 1 / duty to act competently / duty to follow instructions / duty to inform / duty to ensure client understands risks / HELD / insufficient evidence / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a) 

  10. LCRO 21-2017 AJ v AK [PDF, 298 KB]

    Complaint / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / respondent acted for applicant in relationship property dispute / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 section 110 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 3 / rule 4.2 / rule 10.3.2 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Trust Account) Regulation 2008 regulation 9 / Gilbert v Shannahan [1998] 3 NZLR 528 (CA) / fixed fee retainer / failure to seek clarifying orders / stakeholder of funds in trust account / obligation to pay money / HELD / no breach of section 110 / retainer not terminated / retainer covered clarifying orders / Committee’s decision modified / section 211(1)(a) 

  11. LCRO 38-2015 PF v MF [PDF, 222 KB]

    Complaint / Committee declined to take further action on complaints / complaint lawyer made threats / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 rule 2.3 / rule 10.1 / rule 14.13 / rule 14.15.3 / method of serving documents / respect and courtesy barrister’s intervention rule / refusal to accept service / discovery undertaking / HELD / no undertaking provided to court /  no issues with personal service / breach of rule 2.3 / lawyer required to accept service / Committee’s decision reversed / section 211(1)(a)