Complaint / Committee declined to take further action / easement litigation and appeal / complaint lawyer charged fees that were not fair and reasonable, did not treat complainant with respect and courtesy, and refused to release file / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 3.1 / rule 3.4A / rule 3.7 / HELD / costs assessor appropriately disclosed personal connection to retainer, no evidence of bias / reasonable fee factor for risk disregarded / rule 9.1(e) does not encompass risk client may terminate retainer / barrister not required to provide terms of engagement in advance, but it would have been prudent to do so / effect of non-provision not as extensive as alleged / errors identified in time records do not establish fees not fair and reasonable / fees fair and reasonable / delay in making file available does not warrant disciplinary response / Committee’s decision confirmed / section 211(1)(a)