Make an appeal

Appeals to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal can now be submitted online.

There are several different types of appeal you can lodge with the tribunal depending on your circumstances. Each appeal has its own form to fill out and usually a fee to pay.

Appeals can only be accepted if the correct appeal form and fee are received within the allowed timeframe.

Make sure you:

  • fill in the correct form for the type of appeal you are making
  • read the form carefully and ensure it is completed correctly (some forms require you to sign twice)
  • include the fee, if applicable
  • submit the form and fee promptly.

If your appeal is not accepted, we will write to you and explain why.

If your appeal is not accepted, you will not be charged the fee.

Appeal forms are available online or can be collected in person at our offices between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

You can submit your appeal online, in person, by email, by courier, or by post. 

For more information on different ways to lodge your appeal and pay the fee, click here(external link)

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