There are several different types of appeal you can lodge with the tribunal. Each has its own form to fill out and usually a fee to pay.
Appeals can only be accepted if the form is properly completed, the payment is included and it has been received in time.
Make sure you:
If your appeal has not been accepted we will write to you and explain why.
The tribunal cannot accept an appeal if the person has no right of appeal.
Appeal forms can be downloaded or you can pick one up between 8:30am and 4:30pm on Monday to Friday at our offices.
Street address:
Immigration & Protection Tribunal
Specialist Courts and Tribunals Centre
Level 1, 41 Federal Street
Auckland 1010
If your appeal has not been accepted you will not be charged the appeal fee.
You can send your form and payment details by email or fax. The tribunal must receive 2 copies of the form and any other documents. You can post these to:
New Zealand
Or you can courier your forms and documents to:
Level 1, 41 Federal Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
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