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  1. NE v Accident Compensation Corporation (Late filing to the District Court) [2024] NZACC 200 (2 December 2024) [PDF, 149 KB]

    Late filing of an appeal to the District Court – s 151, Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether appellant's late filing of appeal against Corporation’s decision to decline cover for PTSD should be accepted. Appellant's delay arose out of error due to significant mental and physical injuries. Corporation did not oppose application and no significant prejudice or hardship to others. Interests of justice required exercise of discretion to sustain Appellant's application for leave to file appeal out of time. Outcome: application granted.

  2. Guthrie v Accident Compensation Corporation (Late filing to the District Court) [2025] NZACC 033 (26 February 2025) [PDF, 158 KB]

    Late filing of an appeal to the District Court – s 151, Accident Compensation Act 2001. Delay in filing Notice of Appeal in complete form was nearly six months, which was not insignificant. However, responsibility for delay lay not with appellant but with his counsel. No history of non-cooperation or delay be Appellant himself. Corporation did not oppose leave being granted. Interests of justice required exercise of Court’s discretion to sustain application for leave to file appeal out of time. Outcome: application granted.

  3. Hunter v Accident Compensation Corporation (Late filing to the District Court) [2025] NZACC 28 (18 February 2025) [PDF, 170 KB]

    Late filing of an appeal to the District Court - s 151 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether interests of justice required the exercise of discretion to sustain his application for leave to file his appeal out of time. Interests of justice not established for appeal. Length of delay was significant. Adequate reasons not provided for delay. Grounds of appeal not strongly arguable. Outcome: appeal dismissed.  

  4. Derham v Accident Compensation Corporation (Gradual Process Injury; Suspension of Entitlements) [2025] NZACC 026 (17 February 2025) [PDF, 246 KB]

    Personal Injury, s 26; Work Related Gradual Process Injury, s 30; Suspension of Entitlements, s 117 – Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether Appellant’s back pathology was coverable either as a personal injury by accident or a work-related gradual process injury (WRGPI). Weight of medical opinion supported Appellant’s symptoms being caused by multi-level degenerative disc disease, not the accident. Section 30 criteria for WRGPI not fulfilled. Corporation’s decisions declining cover and suspending entitlements correct. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  5. KN v Accident Compensation Corporation (Cover and Suspension of Entitlements) [2025] NZACC 24 (12 February 2025) [PDF, 318 KB]

    Cover and Suspension - ss 20, 25, 26, 27 and 11(7)(1) Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeal against decision declining cover for SSD and PCS. Appeal against decision suspending entitlements for head injury. Evidence did not support claim for cover for SSD and PCS. Decision to suspend entitlements arising from head injury was incorrect. Evidence to support ongoing symptoms causally related to head injury. Entitlements reinstated. Outcome: appeal allowed in substantial part.

  6. Gardiner v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal Injury) [2025] NZACC 022 (4 February 2025) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Claim for personal injury – ss 20, 25, 26 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether Corporation correctly declined cover and surgery and suspended existing entitlements on basis Appellant’s covered right shoulder sprain had resolved. Whether Appellant’s accident caused a physical injury that caused or contributed to his post-accident incapacity. Held: Corporation’s decision was incorrect. Sufficient factual and medical evidence to draw robust inference that Appellant’s injury was causally linked to his accident rather than wholly or substantially caused by a degenerative condition. Appellant entitled to cover and entitlements including surgery funding. Outcome: appeal allowed, review decision set aside.

  7. Lewis v Accident Compensation Corporation (Impairment Assessment) [2025] NZACC 16 (28 January 2025) [PDF, 287 KB]

    Impairment assessment – Schedule 1(4) of Accident Insurance Act 1998, and Schedule 1(3) of Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether Corporation’s decisions regarding Appellant’s whole person impairment (WPI) for independence allowance and lump sum purposes were correct. Whether Appellant had demonstrated a material flaw in the WPI assessment such that the assessment could not be relied upon. On available evidence, Corporation’s decisions were correct. Appellant had not demonstrated a material flaw in the WPI assessments. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  8. Ryan v Accident Compensation Corporation (Impairment Assessment) [2025] NZACC 015 (28 January 2025) [PDF, 260 KB]

    Impairment Assessment – Part 3 Schedule 1 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether the 20% whole person impairment (WPI) assessment was correct. Appellant failed to establish on a balance of probabilities, the assessment was incorrect. There was no clear, credible, cogent expert evidence to establish a flaw in the assessment or a failure to take relevant considerations into account. The 20% WPI assessment was correct. Appeal dismissed.

  9. Hopps v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2025] NZACC 014 (28 January 2025) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Claim for treatment injury - ss 32-33 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether the Corporation correctly declined the appellant’s claim for cover for a treatment injury arising out of a delay in treatment for sensorineural hearing loss. Appellant failed to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that an alternative treatment that would have prevented the injury she suffered could and should have been given, having regard to the clinical indications at the time of the alleged failure/delay in treatment. The Corporation correctly declined cover for the appellant’s sensorineural hearing loss as a treatment injury. Review decision upheld. Appeal dismissed.

  10. RN v Accident Compensation Corporation (Claims process – application for recall of judgment and reinstatement of appeal) [2025] NZACC 009 (21 January 2025) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Claims process: applications for recall of judgment and reinstatement of appeal. Whether Court’s Minute dismissing the Appellant’s appeal due to Appellant’s failures to prosecute the appeal should be recalled and the appeal reinstated. Justice did not require recall of the Minute. Grounds provided by Appellant to support reinstatement of her appeal were far outweighed by the lost opportunities to hear the Appellant’s appeal, the overall procedural history of the appeal, the requirements of the ACC Practice Guidelines, the lack if any identified merits in the appeal, and the interests of the Corporation and the public. Outcome: applications for recall of the Minute and for reinstatement of the appeal dismissed. 

  11. Brownlee v Accident Compensation Corporation (Cover and Suspension of entitlements) [2025] NZACC 008 (14 January 2025) [PDF, 253 KB]

    Appeal challenging the Corporation's decision to decline cover and suspend entitlements - ss 20, 26, and 117(1) of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether the evidence supported that the appellant suffered a personal injury. Held: The appellant suffered a personal injury (lumbar disc injury with radiculopathy). Consequently, the Corporation's decision to decline cover was incorrect, and the suspension decision falls away. Outcome: The appeal is dismissed. The appellant is entitled to reasonable costs and disbursements.

  12. Fong v Accident Compensation Corporation (Suspension of entitlements) [2025] NZACC 004 (13 January 2025) [PDF, 239 KB]

    Suspension of entitlements - s 117 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. Wether the Corporation's decision to suspend appellant's entitlement was correct, based on the determination that his condition was no longer the result of his covered injuries. Held: Corporation had sufficient basis to suspend appellant's entitlements, as medical evidence supported that his incapacity was due to degenerative changes. Covered injuries from the 2021 accident had resolved and appellant's ongoing symptoms were not related to those injuries. Outcome: Appeal dismissed.

  13. Howell v Accident Compensation Corporation [2025] NZACC 6 (Jurisdiction) (13 January 2025) [PDF, 168 KB]

    Preliminary Decision as to Jurisdiction - Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appellant had several discrete claims, past and current reviews, and appeals. Whether the Court has jurisdiction has jurisdiction to hear appeal. Found Court had jurisdiction to hear appeal. No reason for the Appellant to be limited in the appeal to arguments raised in the review or in her notice of appeal. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  14. Foubister v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal injury/causation) [2025] NZACC 003 (6 January 2025) [PDF, 372 KB]

    Personal injury/causation – s 26 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether Employer’s decisions revoking cover and suspending entitlements, and subsequent Review Decision declining Appellant’s application for review, were correct. Whether Appellant’s injury was caused by accident or by a pre-existing degenerative condition. On balance of probabilities Appellant’s accident caused the injury. Employer’s decisions revoking cover and declining entitlements for the injury and the subsequent Review Decision were incorrect. Outcome: appeal allowed. Orders made quashing Employer’s decisions and directing Employer to reinstate entitlements from date of suspension, including weekly compensation, the provision of aids and appliances and surgery.