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Search results for no licence.

7533 items matching your search terms

  1. Pole v Tangilanu [2015] NZIACDT 14 (03 March 2015) [pdf, 120 KB]

    ...failure to deliver services at an acceptable standard. They relate $2,000 of the claim to compensation in the nature of general damages for the harm caused to them. [6.3] A financial penalty. [6.4] An order preventing Ms Tangilanu from applying for a licence for two years. Ms Tangilanu [7] Ms Tangilanu did not provide submissions on sanctions. Discussion Absence of significant mitigating factors [8] There is little or no mitigation for this or any of the complaints Ms Tangilanu...

  2. Ram v Aasa [2016] NZIACDT 48 (6 September 2016) [pdf, 162 KB]

    ...and paid only $299. No information was available regarding compliance with other orders the Tribunal made in favour of complainants of a compensatory nature. [7] Ms Aasa was also subject to an order arising in another complaint that cancelled her licence and prohibited any further applications for the maximum statutory period. [8] The Registrar took the view that given Ms Aasa’s apparent lack of capacity to meet existing financial orders, compensation should take priority, censure or...

  3. IACDT annual report 2023 [pdf, 272 KB]

    ...and the Minister of Immigration 1 Hon Dr Deborah Russell, Associate Minister of Justice, on behalf of the Minister of Justice Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Immigration Pursuant to s 86(1) of the Immigration Advisers Licencing Act 2007, I have pleasure in presenting the annual report of the Immigration Advisers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal for the 12 months ended 30 June 2023. David Plunkett Chair Immigration Advisers Complaints and Disc...

  4. CAC 10047 v Whiteford - Penalty [2011] NZREADT 16 [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...instructions. [4] Section 110 of the Act contains the penalties that can be imposed, the relevant parts of which in this case are:- 2 110 Determination of charges and orders that may be made if charge proved (b) an order cancelling the licence of the licensee and, in the case of a licensee that is a company, also cancelling the licence of any officer of the company: (c) an order suspending the licence of the licensee for a period not exceeding 24 months and, in the...

  5. Paraire v Paraire – Part Mangatawa 10 (2015) 105 Waikato Maniapoto MB 67 (105 WMN 67) [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...termination of the trust. Despite being invited, Mr Paraire and Merle Brightwell did not attend. 4 The order for possession was made pursuant to s 65 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986. That section permits the Tenancy Tribunal to make an order for possession that a person is in possession of the premises as a squatter, trespasser or otherwise than pursuant to a right of occupation granted to that person by any person having lawf...

  6. OWRUG - Supplementary - S Dicey - Planning - 19 March 2021 [pdf, 573 KB]

    ...order to effectively incentivise applicants to pursue the 6 year option, that pathway needs to be as simple, cost effective and risk free for the applicant as possible. 8. The background context of PC7 is: (a) all applications to replace deemed permits will have already been lodged before a decision on these proceedings is issued; and (b) Many of these applications have been made under the non-complying activity rule as well as the restricted discretionary or discretionary rule...

  7. Casas v Navarette-Scholes [2017] NZIACDT 16 (20 September 2017) [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...respective orders in each complaint. The Registrar and the Complainant’s positions in relation to this complaint [5] The Registrar took the view that in all the circumstances, the order should be that Ms Navarette-Scholes cannot apply for another licence unless she completes the full qualifications for a licence, and has paid all outstanding monetary orders imposed by the Tribunal under section 51 of the Act. She took the view that priority should be given to orders for repayment of...

  8. Baker v Mikaere - Manaia 1B and 2B Section D2C3B6 (2001) 103 Hauraki MB 52 (103 H 52) [pdf, 164 KB]

    ...application by the Trustees was dated 28th of February 2001 and was filed in the Court on the 1 st of March 2001. ~. Hauraki Minute Book Volume 103 Folio 54 wording of the minutes is said to be: Page 3 11 There have been two requests for licence to occupy total shares which have been agreed upon by the Trust. They are Aida Mikaere (back corner boundary of 02C3B6 and Manaia No 6 Block) and Amelia Russell along the back of 02B2 and Makuini boundary. 11 A dispute over the lo...

  9. Kho v Navarette-Scholes [2017] NZIACDT 15 (20 September 2017) [pdf, 202 KB]

    ...respective orders in each complaint. The Registrar and the Complainant’s positions in relation to the Casas complaint [5] The Registrar took the view that in all the circumstances, the order should be that Ms Navarette-Scholes cannot apply for another licence unless she completes the full qualifications for a licence, and has paid all outstanding monetary orders imposed by the Tribunal under section 51 of the Act. She took the view that priority should be given to orders for repayme...

  10. Vikashwarjeet v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 6 (30 January 2014) [pdf, 56 KB]

    ...adviser’s practice carried out the professional work for the complainants and they had no contact with the adviser after she signed the agreement. 3 [8.6] This Tribunal, with effect from 12 September 2011, cancelled the adviser’s licence. The Tribunal gave her an opportunity to arrange for continuing professional representation for clients before the cancellation took effect. [8.7] The adviser had not lodged the application before she lost her licence. The adviser did...