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Search results for appeal.

13697 items matching your search terms

  1. Appeal an Inland Revenue decision, you can ask the Family Court for a Departure Order. You can apply for a Departure Order at any time after an administrative review. If someone else asked for a review and Inland Revenue changed the child support you receive, you can appeal the decision in the Family Court. You need to appeal within two months of the decision. On this page: Departure Orders and how to apply Appeal Inland Revenue's decision in Family Court and how to apply Departure Orders A Departur...

  2. Charities Appeals Decision Finder

    Recent Decisions  If you are looking for a specific decision with a forward slash in the title (eg, 123/2014), you will need to replace the forward slash with a space (eg, 123 2014), as the website cannot pick up on forward slashes (/) or any other characters. If you are doing a keyword search (eg, sanction), please note that this search will only produce decisions where the keyword appears in the title or decision description. If you want to search the entire decision document for certain

  3. 2.2 Court of Appeal

    The Court of Appeal is New Zealand’s intermediate appellate court. Located in Wellington (the Court also regularly conducts hearings in Auckland and Christchurch), the Court of Appeal hears: civil and criminal appeals from proceedings heard in the High Court criminal appeals from jury trial proceedings in District Courts (see 2.4) appeals on questions of law from the Employment Court. The Court of Appeal has a critical role in developing legal principle, error correction and maintaining cons...

  4. High Court

    ...High Court can hear, either in terms of the kind of criminal offences it can hear or the amount of money being claimed in a civil case. The High Court is the highest court in New Zealand that is able to hear cases at ‘first instance’, before any appeals. The High Court also hears appeals from a number of other courts and tribunals, such as the District Court and Family Court. Find out more about the history, role and structure of the High Court on the Courts of New Zealand website Contact t...

    Located in:
  5. Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry

    The Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry hears appeals about decisions made under the Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeals are heard by a District Court judge. Find out how to apply to the Registry Relevant legislation Accident Compensation Act 2001 District Court Rules 2014

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  6. Make an appeal against a District Licensing Committee decision

    If you were a party in an application before a District Licensing Committee and you were unhappy with the decision, you can appeal. How do I appeal? You can appeal by completing: Notice of appeal against a decision of a District Licensing Committee (DLC) form You will need to include the fee of $672.00 (including GST) when sending us the Notice of Appeal. Please refer to our section on ways to pay the fee. What happens after I appeal? We will set your appeal down to be heard in the next availabl...