Youth Justice Indicators

These indicators measure volumes and patterns across key stages in the youth justice system. They include information about when children and young people that offend enter the system, how they interact with the system, and if they reoffend. Data for the indicators was provided by the New Zealand Police, Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry of Justice. 

The Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report contains information on each indicator in the form of an infographic. These infographics summarise data by ethnic group, offence type and Police District. 

Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report June 2024 [PDF, 4.1 MB]

More detailed information on all indicators is available in the Youth Justice Indicators Workbook. This includes information by age and offence seriousness, as well as data on all dimensions over time.

Youth Justice Indicators June 2024 Workbook [XLSX, 3.1 MB]

The following document provides the counting rules and limitations for each youth justice indicator shown in the Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report, and EXCEL workbook Youth Justice Indicators Workbook.

Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations June 2024 [PDF, 252 KB]

Previous Youth Justice Indicators reports are available through the Publication Finder. Some data may not be comparable between indicator reports due to counting rules or other changes which are outlined in the ‘Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations’ documents.


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