In 2024, the Government set nine targets to improve the lives of New Zealanders. These targets cover health, education, law and order, work, housing and the environment. Government Target 4 – Reduced Violent Crime aims to reduce the annual number of victims by 20,000 people, so that by December 2029 no more than 165,000 New Zealanders fall victim to assault, robbery, or sexual assault annually compared to the baseline number of 185,000 victims in October 2023. The Target 4 factsheet contains information on the target: Factsheet - Target 4 - Reduced violent crime(external link).All other target factsheets can be viewed at: Government Targets Factsheets.(external link)
Target 4: Reduced Violent Crime Delivery Plan
To reach the target, three key focus areas have been identified:
increasing the chance that violent offenders are caught and held to account
targeting resources to where they are needed
breaking the cycle of violence.
There are actions and initiatives under each focus area, and all are underpinned by a regional focus and social investment approach.
Each of these focus areas has key initiatives that drive progress toward our target. We are always open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. If you have something to share, whether an idea or research, please email us at:
Quarterly reports
The quarterly report summary gives an update on the progress made in each target area.