The Proceeds of Crime Fund is not currently accepting new applications. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. For any queries regarding funding, please contact the team at
This page provides information on the Proceeds of Crime Fund (the Fund). All Information is correct as at 14 October 2024.
For any questions, please contact the Fund Secretariat at
On this page:
The purpose of the Fund is to:
Initiatives for funding must align with at least one of the following four criteria set by Cabinet:
In each funding round, one third of the funds available for allocation are prioritised for initiatives to fight organised criminal groups dealing in methamphetamine and other drugs.
Initiatives must be submitted by one of the public service or non-public service organisations as defined by Te Kawa Mataaho. You can find these listed below.
If your organisation isn’t on this list, you can partner with an eligible agency to submit your proposal. Note that eligible agencies may have an internal approval process at national office to endorse an initiative. These need to be completed ahead of time for this process. Please consult with the agency directly on their internal timeframes.
For information on agency contacts, please email
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) - Hīkina Whakatutuki | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children |
Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai | Ministry for Pacific Peoples (MPP) - Te Manatū mō ngā Iwi ō te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa - Department of Corrections | Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) - Manatū Ahu Matua |
Crown Law Office - Te Tari Ture o te Karauna | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) - Te Tari o te Pirimia me te Komiti Matua |
Manatū Taonga - Ministry for Culture and Heritage | Serious Fraud Office (SFO) - Te Tari Hara Tāware |
Manatū Kaupapa Waonga - Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Social Development (MSD) - Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora |
Ministry of Education - Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Te Kawa Mataaho - Public Service Commission |
Education Review Office (ERO) - Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga | Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ) - Tatauranga Aotearoa |
Ministry for the Environment - Manatū Mo Te Taiao | Ministry of Transport - Te Manatū Waka |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) - Manatū Aorere | Te Tai Ōhanga - The Treasury |
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) - Te Tira Tiaki | Te Kāhui Whakamana Rua Tekau mā Iwa - Pike River Recovery Agency |
Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora | Ministry for Women - Manatū Wāhine |
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | Social Wellbeing Agency - Toi Hau Tāngata |
Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake | Te Arawhiti — Māori Crown Relations |
Te Tari Taiwhenua - Department of Internal Affairs | New Zealand Defence Force - Te Ope Kātua O Aotearoa |
Ministry of Justice - Te Tāhū o te Ture | New Zealand Police - Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa |
Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) | Parliamentary Counsel Office - Te Tari Tohutohu Pāremata |
Te Puni Kōkiri - Ministry of Māori Development | Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives - Te Tari o Te Manahautū o Te Whare Māngai |
New Zealand Customs Service - Te Mana Ārai O Aotearoa | Parliamentary Service - Te Ratonga Whare Pāremata |
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) - Te Pā Whakamarumaru | Ministry for Ethnic Communities - Te Tari Mātāwaka |
Eligible agencies can apply to the Fund by using the Proceeds of Crime Fund initial proposal template and submitting it to by the closing date.
Proceeds of Crime Fund initial proposal template [DOCX, 31 KB]
If a proposal is shortlisted, the agency will be given the opportunity to submit a detailed funding proposal. This covers all aspects of the proposed initiative from the case for change through to delivery, goverance and evaluation.
Evaluation is a key component of testing innovative programmes. Please check out the good practice guide below to support evaluation planning.
Detailed funding proposal template [DOCX, 282 KB]
Evaluation- good practice guide [PDF, 127 KB]
A Panel considers all eligible proposals submitted in each funding round. The Panel is made up of senior representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections), Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, New Zealand Police, The Treasury, Oranga Tamariki and the Chief Science Advisor.
Initial proposals provide a short, high level snapshot of each initiative. The Panel considers each proposal’s alignment with the Fund’s settings, its design, intended outcomes and the likelihood of success.
If an agency is successful in getting its proposal shortlisted, it will be invited to submit a more detailed funding proposal for the Panel to consider. Each agency and any partnering organisation are also invited to meet with the panel through an online video conference to discuss the proposal.
The Panel considers a range of factors when assessing detailed proposals, including:
The Panel will then provide recommendations to the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice, who determine which proposals should be approved and funded.
If an initiative is approved for funding, the relevant agency must provide six-monthly performance reporting to the Secretariat for transparency and accountability. This information may be incorporated into a report for the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Justice.
The Fund was established in 2009 and has been administered by the Proceeds of Crime Fund Secretariat within the Ministry of Justice since April 2019.
The Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 allows Police to seize cash and assets that have been obtained directly or indirectly from the proceeds of crime. Once all legal matters are addressed, the recovered money is placed in the contestable Proceeds of Crime Fund.
Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009(external link)
Read copies of the Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute under which the Fund operates
Terms of Reference for the Proceeds of Crime Fund [PDF, 216 KB]
Many initiatives have been successfully delivered across Aotearoa New Zealand since the Fund was established. Three such examples are:
This initiative supports the reintegration needs of women aged 18 years and over who have spent time in prison and are considered medium to high risk of reoffending on release. It provides safe and secure transitional accommodation and intensive wraparound support to help them successfully return to their communities and reduce the incidence of reoffending.
This initiative was developed in response to an increasing number of aggravated robberies in 2017. Fog cannons can be installed in small businesses across Aotearoa. The fog cannon emits a cloud of sight-obscuring vapour, together with a high-pitched sound. Staff can activate the fog cannon during a robbery, which allows them to escape to safety and potentially prevent the robbery from taking place.
This programme takes a whānau-centred approach to repeated cases of harm within a family/whānau. It addresses the underlying factors contributing to the behaviour, including alcohol and drug addiction and mental health issues.
Read the full list of initiatives funded by the Proceeds of Crime Fund
There are two funding rounds each year.
Key Dates for the Fund TBC.
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
Reintegration Services for Women |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) |
$4.943m |
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and neurodevelopmental issues response prototype service |
Ministry of Health
$7.600m |
New Zealand Police initiative |
New Zealand Police |
$1.400m |
Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Services Eastern Police District |
Ministry of Health |
$3.150m |
Initiative name |
Amount funded |
Waikato Alcohol and Drug Treatment Court– Project Team Set-Up |
$3.605m |
Waikato Alcohol and Drug Treatment Court – Tagged Operating Contingency |
$5.156m |
Auckland and Waitākere Alcohol and Other Drugs Treatment Courts |
$9.75m |
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
He Kete Oranga o te Mana Wahine |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) |
$2.720m |
Recovery House |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) |
$1.640m |
Intergenerational Change for Child and Community Wellbeing Through Parenting Programmes: Storytime Foundation & Brainwave |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) |
$2.123m |
Te Ira Tangata Under the Framework of Te Ira Oranga |
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) |
$2.037m |
Manaaki Wāhine: Trauma Informed Intervention for Women Experiencing Homelessness |
Ministry of Health |
$1.784m |
New Zealand People P-Pull |
Ministry of Health |
$0.666m |
Enhance Border Detection Capability to Detect Novel Masked Illicit Drugs |
New Zealand Customs Service |
$0.150m |
Aggravated Robbery
New Zealand Police |
$1.908m |
Cross-Sector Coordination to Combat Organised Crime |
New Zealand Police |
$1.529m |
Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Support Whānau Support Workers (Ōtepoti/Dunedin) |
New Zealand Police |
$1.433m |
Rotorua Whānau Harm and Drug Harm Reduction Programme |
New Zealand Police |
$2.729m |
Anti-Corruption Work Programme (Phase 2) |
Serious Fraud Office |
$1.334m |
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
Enhanced wastewater analysis |
New Zealand Police |
$0.263m |
Hurihanga |
Oranga Tamariki |
$1.354m |
Kahukura |
Ministry of Health |
$2.750m |
Matau mō te huringa Hooks For Change |
New Zealand Police |
$0.750m |
Upgrade of Focus Paihia CCTV system |
New Zealand Police |
$0.154m |
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
Acquisition of an Agilent QuickProbe |
New Zealand Customs Service |
$0.319m |
Pou oranga whaiora |
Ministry of Health |
$4.817m |
Te huringa ō te tai ō ngā wāhine |
New Zealand Police |
$1.850m |
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
Matapuna Youth |
Oranga Tamariki |
$2.525m |
The Christchurch City Mission- Enhanced services |
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development |
$2.600m |
Whangarei CitySafe CCTV Network upgrade |
New Zealand Police |
$0.765m |
Live for More Surf Therapy Programme |
New Zealand Police |
$1.100m |
Youthline Helpline System overhaul and upgrade |
Ministry of Health |
$1.677m |
Te Puna Hāpori |
Ministry of Justice |
$1.350m |
Mana Motuhake- After care/continuing care, Moana House |
Ministry of Health |
$1.657m |
Te Whare Haumanu and Te Whare Hauora |
Ministry of Health |
$2.730m |
ReWired |
Ministry of Health |
$1.600m |
Te Pa Maru: The Ex-Wellington Men's Night Shelter |
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development |
$1.000m |
Supporting Tangata Whaiora in Mental Health crisis through co-response |
Ministry of Health |
$3.528m |
Open the Doors to Change lives |
Ministry of Education |
$1.683m |
Initiative name
Eligible agency | Amount funded |
Small retail Crime Prevention (Police) | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | $ 6.000 m |
Youth Engagement (MSD) and Crime Prevention Programmes | Ministry of Social Development | $6.000 m |
Disbursement of Recovered Criminal Proceeds to China (MFAT/ Police/ Crown Law) | Ministry of Justice | $38.712m |
Initiative name
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
Funding for ReFrame | Police | $25.600m |
Safety Hubs | Police | $0.10m |
Initiative name |
Eligible agency |
Amount funded |
The Victims of Crime Ministry Advisory Group |
Ministry of Justice |
$3.6m |
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